blob: ec049c166e1509afcc439cbffb899545d56fa667 [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- mode: ObjC -*-
// This file is part of class-dump, a utility for examining the Objective-C segment of Mach-O files.
// Copyright (C) 1997-2019 Steve Nygard.
#import "CDStructureTable.h"
#import "CDClassDump.h"
#import "CDType.h"
#import "CDTypeController.h"
#import "CDTypeFormatter.h"
#import "CDTypeName.h"
#import "CDStructureInfo.h"
// Phase 0 - This is driven by CDClassDump, registering types from all of the classes, categories, and protocols.
// - This collects all the top level types (or struct/unions?), keeps a reference count, and flags any that were used in a method.
// - If a top level struct was used in a method, then the type MUST be declared at the top.
// - At the end of phase 0, these types are recursively visited, renaming structs whose name starts with $ (like $_12345) to ?, so
// that we'll treat them as anonymous structures.
// - Those names must be generated by the compiler. It can end up with different numbers for the same type.
// Phase 1 - This goes through all the types collected in phase 0, and recursively registers each structure and union with the type controller.
// - We are not concerned about reference counts or the isUsedInMethod flags.
// - Since structures and unions can be nested in each other, we need to process each table before doing the end-of-phase work.
// - We record the maximum structure depth.
// - Since the deepest union may be buriend in a structure instead of referenced at the top level, we can't calculate the max depth from phase 0.
// - On the other hand, since we're only interested in the max combined depth of structures and unions, the end result would be the same.
// - The result of phase 1 is phase1_groupedByDepth: a dictionary keyed by the structure depth, containing arrays of CDStructureInfo.
// Phase 2 - This is driven by CDTypeController.
// - The goal of phase 2 is to gather member names and types (@"NSObject" vs just @).
// - It goes through all of the phase1 groups, shallowest to deepest.
// - For each level group:
// - First it merges the results of all previous groups with the types at this depth.
// - Then we group the CDStructureInfos, named structures by name, anon structures by reallyBareTypeString
// - If they could be combined, the combined CDStructureInfo is to phase2_namedStructureInfo or phase2_anonStructureInfo.
// - If they couldn't be combined, the uncombined CDStructureInfos are added to phase2_nameExceptions or phase2_anonExceptions.
// Phase 3 - Using all of the information available from the merged types from phase 2, we merge these types with the types from phase 0
// to fill in missing member names, and the occasional object type.
// After all the phases are done, typedef names are generated for all anonymous structures, and then field names are added for missing fields.
// - bitfields don't need to have a name, so they can be blank.
// - the typedef name is calculated from a hash of the typeString.
// - Doing it before adding missing fields means we could change the field names without changing the typedef name.
// - Makes the name independant of the order they were encountered (like the previous indexes were). You can get meaningful diffs between
// framework changes now.
static BOOL debug = NO;
static BOOL debugNamedStructures = NO;
static BOOL debugAnonStructures = NO;
@interface CDStructureTable ()
#pragma mark -
@implementation CDStructureTable
__weak CDTypeController *_typeController;
NSString *_identifier;
NSString *_anonymousBaseName;
// Phase 0 - top level
NSMutableDictionary *_phase0_structureInfo; // key: NSString (typeString), value: CDStructureInfo
// Phase 1 - all substructures
NSMutableDictionary *_phase1_structureInfo; // key: NSString (typeString), value: CDStructureInfo
NSUInteger _phase1_maxDepth;
NSMutableDictionary *_phase1_groupedByDepth; // key: NSNumber (structureDepth), value: NSMutableArray of CDStructureInfo
// Phase 2 - merging all structure bottom up
NSMutableDictionary *_phase2_namedStructureInfo; // key: NSString (name), value: CDStructureInfo
NSMutableDictionary *_phase2_anonStructureInfo; // key: NSString (reallyBareTypeString), value: CDStructureInfo
NSMutableArray *_phase2_nameExceptions; // Of CDStructureInfo
NSMutableArray *_phase2_anonExceptions; // Of CDStructureInfo
// Phase 3 - merged reference counts from updated phase0 types
NSMutableDictionary *_phase3_namedStructureInfo; // key: NSString (name), value: CDStructureInfo
NSMutableDictionary *_phase3_anonStructureInfo; // key: NSString (reallyBareTypeString), value: CDStructureInfo
NSMutableDictionary *_phase3_nameExceptions; // key: NSString (typeString), value: CDStructureInfo
NSMutableDictionary *_phase3_anonExceptions; // key: NSString (typeString), value: CDStructureInfo
NSMutableSet *_phase3_exceptionalNames; // Of NSString
NSMutableSet *_phase3_inMethodNameExceptions; // Of NSString
BOOL _shouldDebug;
NSMutableSet *_debugNames; // NSString (name)
NSMutableSet *_debugAnon; // NSString (reallyBareTypeString)
- (id)init;
if ((self = [super init])) {
_identifier = nil;
_anonymousBaseName = nil;
_phase0_structureInfo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_phase1_structureInfo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_phase1_maxDepth = 0;
_phase1_groupedByDepth = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_phase2_namedStructureInfo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_phase2_anonStructureInfo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_phase2_nameExceptions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
_phase2_anonExceptions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
_phase3_namedStructureInfo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_phase3_anonStructureInfo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_phase3_nameExceptions = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_phase3_anonExceptions = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_phase3_exceptionalNames = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
_phase3_inMethodNameExceptions = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
_shouldDebug = NO;
_debugNames = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
_debugAnon = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
return self;
#pragma mark - Phase 0
- (void)phase0RegisterStructure:(CDType *)structure usedInMethod:(BOOL)isUsedInMethod;
NSString *key = structure.typeString;
CDStructureInfo *info = _phase0_structureInfo[key];
if (info == nil) {
info = [[CDStructureInfo alloc] initWithType:structure];
if (isUsedInMethod)
info.isUsedInMethod = YES;
_phase0_structureInfo[key] = info;
} else {
[info addReferenceCount:1];
if (isUsedInMethod)
info.isUsedInMethod = YES;
- (void)finishPhase0;
if (debug) NSLog(@"[%@] %s, changing struct names that start with $", self.identifier, __cmd);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [_phase0_structureInfo allValues]) {
[info.type phase0RecursivelyFixStructureNames:debug];
if ([_debugNames count] > 0) {
NSLog(@"[%@] %s", self.identifier, __cmd);
NSLog(@"debug names: %@", [[_debugNames allObjects] componentsJoinedByString:@", "]);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [[_phase0_structureInfo allValues] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)]) {
if ([_debugNames containsObject:[info.type.typeName description]])
NSLog(@"%@", [info shortDescription]);
if ([_debugAnon count] > 0) {
NSLog(@"[%@] %s", self.identifier, __cmd);
NSLog(@"debug anon: %@", [[_debugAnon allObjects] componentsJoinedByString:@", "]);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [[_phase0_structureInfo allValues] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)]) {
if ([_debugAnon containsObject:info.type.reallyBareTypeString])
NSLog(@"%@", [info shortDescription]);
#pragma mark - Phase 1
- (void)runPhase1;
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [_phase0_structureInfo allValues]) {
[info.type phase1RegisterStructuresWithObject:self.typeController];
// Need to gather all of the structures, since some substructures may have member names we'd otherwise miss.
- (void)phase1RegisterStructure:(CDType *)structure;
NSString *key = structure.typeString;
CDStructureInfo *info = _phase1_structureInfo[key];
if (info == nil) {
info = [[CDStructureInfo alloc] initWithType:structure];
_phase1_structureInfo[key] = info;
// Need to merge names bottom-up to catch cases like: {?=@@iiffff{_NSRect={_NSPoint=ff}{_NSSize=ff}}{?=b1b1b1b1b1b27}}
- (void)finishPhase1;
if (debug) {
NSLog(@"[%@] %s", self.identifier, __cmd);
// The deepest union may not be at the top level (buried in a structure instead), so need to get the depth here.
// But we'll take the max of structure and union depths in the CDTypeController anyway.
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [_phase1_structureInfo allValues]) {
NSUInteger depth = info.type.structureDepth;
if (_phase1_maxDepth < depth)
_phase1_maxDepth = depth;
if (debug) NSLog(@"[%@] Maximum structure depth is: %lu", self.identifier, _phase1_maxDepth);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [_phase1_structureInfo allValues]) {
NSNumber *key = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:info.type.structureDepth];
NSMutableArray *group = _phase1_groupedByDepth[key];
if (group == nil) {
group = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[group addObject:info];
_phase1_groupedByDepth[key] = group;
} else {
[group addObject:info];
if (debug) NSLog(@"depth groups: %@", [[_phase1_groupedByDepth allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]);
- (NSUInteger)phase1_maxDepth;
return _phase1_maxDepth;
#pragma mark - Phase 2
// From lowest to highest depths:
// - Go through all infos at that level
// - recursively (bottom up) try to merge substructures into that type, to get names/full types
// - merge all mergeable infos at that level
- (void)runPhase2AtDepth:(NSUInteger)depth;
//NSLog(@"[%@] %s, depth: %u", identifier, __cmd, depth);
NSNumber *depthKey = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:depth];
NSArray *infos = _phase1_groupedByDepth[depthKey];
for (CDStructureInfo *info in infos) {
// recursively (bottom up) try to merge substructures into that type, to get names/full types
//NSLog(@"Trying phase2Merge with on %@", [[info type] typeString]);
[info.type phase2MergeWithTypeController:self.typeController debug:debug];
// merge all mergeable infos at that level
NSMutableDictionary *nameDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSMutableDictionary *anonDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
// Group named structures by name.
// Group anon structures by reallyBareTypeString.
for (CDStructureInfo *info in infos) {
NSString *name = [info.type.typeName description];
if ([@"?" isEqualToString:name]) {
NSString *key = info.type.reallyBareTypeString;
NSMutableArray *group = anonDict[key];
if (group == nil) {
group = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[group addObject:info];
anonDict[key] = group;
} else {
[group addObject:info];
} else {
NSMutableArray *group = nameDict[name];
if (group == nil) {
group = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[group addObject:info];
nameDict[name] = group;
} else {
[group addObject:info];
// Now... for each group, make sure we can combine them all together.
// If not, this means that either the types or the member names conflicted, and we save the entire group as an exception.
for (NSString *key in [nameDict allKeys]) {
CDStructureInfo *combined = nil;
//NSLog(@"key... %@", key);
NSMutableArray *group = nameDict[key];
for (CDStructureInfo *info in group) {
if (combined == nil) {
combined = [info copy];
} else {
//NSLog(@"old: %@", [[combined type] typeString]);
//NSLog(@"new: %@", [[info type] typeString]);
if ([combined.type canMergeWithType:info.type]) {
[combined.type mergeWithType:info.type];
[combined addReferenceCount:info.referenceCount];
#if 0
if (info.isUsedInMethod)
combined.isUsedInMethod = YES;
} else {
combined = nil;
if (combined != nil) {
CDStructureInfo *previousInfo = _phase2_namedStructureInfo[key];
if (previousInfo != nil) {
// struct _Vector_impl in HALLab.
[_phase2_nameExceptions addObject:previousInfo];
//[phase2_nameExceptions addObjectsFromArray:group]; // Or just add the combined?
[_phase2_nameExceptions addObject:combined];
[_phase2_namedStructureInfo removeObjectForKey:key];
if (debugNamedStructures) {
NSLog(@"[%@] %s, WARNING: depth %lu name %@ has conflict(?) at lower level", self.identifier, __cmd, depth, key);
NSLog(@"previous: %@", [_phase2_namedStructureInfo[key] shortDescription]);
NSLog(@" current: %@", [combined shortDescription]);
} else {
_phase2_namedStructureInfo[key] = combined;
} else {
if (debugNamedStructures) {
NSLog(@"Can't be combined: %@", key);
NSLog(@"group: %@", group);
[_phase2_nameExceptions addObjectsFromArray:group];
for (NSString *key in [anonDict allKeys]) {
CDStructureInfo *combined = nil;
//NSLog(@"key... %@", key);
NSMutableArray *group = anonDict[key];
for (CDStructureInfo *info in group) {
if (combined == nil) {
combined = [info copy];
//NSLog(@"info: %@", [info shortDescription]);
//NSLog(@"combined: %@", [combined shortDescription]);
} else {
//NSLog(@"old: %@", [combined shortDescription]);
//NSLog(@"new: %@", [info shortDescription]);
if ([combined.type canMergeWithType:info.type]) {
[combined.type mergeWithType:info.type];
[combined addReferenceCount:info.referenceCount];
#if 0
if (info.isUsedInMethod)
combined.isUsedInMethod = YES;
} else {
if (debugAnonStructures) {
NSLog(@"previous: %@", combined.type.typeString);
NSLog(@" This: %@", info.type.typeString);
combined = nil;
if (combined != nil) {
if (_phase2_anonStructureInfo[key] != nil) {
// This shouldn't happen, but the named case might.
NSLog(@"[%@] %s, WARNING: depth %lu type %@ has conflict(?) at lower level", self.identifier, __cmd, depth, key);
NSLog(@"previous: %@", [_phase2_anonStructureInfo[key] shortDescription]);
NSLog(@" current: %@", [combined shortDescription]);
_phase2_anonStructureInfo[key] = combined;
} else {
if (debugAnonStructures) {
NSLog(@"Can't be combined: %@", key);
NSLog(@"group: %@", group);
[_phase2_anonExceptions addObjectsFromArray:group];
- (CDType *)phase2ReplacementForType:(CDType *)type;
NSString *name = [type.typeName description];
CDStructureInfo *info;
if ([@"?" isEqualToString:name]) {
info = _phase2_anonStructureInfo[type.reallyBareTypeString];
} else {
info = _phase2_namedStructureInfo[name];
return info.type;
- (void)finishPhase2;
if ([_debugNames count] > 0) {
NSLog(@"[%@] %s", self.identifier, __cmd);
NSLog(@"debug names: %@", [[_debugNames allObjects] componentsJoinedByString:@", "]);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [[_phase2_namedStructureInfo allValues] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)]) {
if ([_debugNames containsObject:[info.type.typeName description]])
NSLog(@"%@", [info shortDescription]);
if ([_debugAnon count] > 0) {
NSLog(@"[%@] %s", self.identifier, __cmd);
NSLog(@"debug anon: %@", [[_debugAnon allObjects] componentsJoinedByString:@", "]);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [[_phase2_anonStructureInfo allValues] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)]) {
if ([_debugAnon containsObject:info.type.reallyBareTypeString])
NSLog(@"%@", [info shortDescription]);
//[self logPhase2Info];
#pragma mark - Phase 3
- (void)phase2ReplacementOnPhase0;
if (debug) {
NSLog(@"[%@] > %s", self.identifier, __cmd);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [_phase0_structureInfo allValues]) {
[info.type phase2MergeWithTypeController:self.typeController debug:debug];
if (debug) NSLog(@"[%@] < %s", self.identifier, __cmd);
// Go through all updated phase0_structureInfo types
// - start merging these into a new table
// - If this is the first time a structure has been added:
// - add one reference for each subtype
// - otherwise just merge them.
// - end result should be CDStructureInfos with counts and method reference flags
- (void)buildPhase3Exceptions;
for (CDStructureInfo *info in _phase2_nameExceptions) {
CDStructureInfo *newInfo = [info copy];
newInfo.referenceCount = 0;
newInfo.isUsedInMethod = NO;
_phase3_nameExceptions[newInfo.type.typeString] = newInfo;
for (CDStructureInfo *info in _phase2_anonExceptions) {
CDStructureInfo *newInfo = [info copy];
newInfo.referenceCount = 0;
newInfo.isUsedInMethod = NO;
_phase3_anonExceptions[newInfo.type.typeString] = newInfo;
//NSLog(@"phase3 name exceptions: %@", [[phase3_nameExceptions allKeys] componentsJoinedByString:@", "]);
//NSLog(@"phase3 anon exceptions: %@", [[phase3_anonExceptions allKeys] componentsJoinedByString:@"\n"]);
- (void)runPhase3;
//NSLog(@"[%@] > %s", identifier, __cmd);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [[_phase0_structureInfo allValues] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)]) {
[self phase3RegisterStructure:info.type count:info.referenceCount usedInMethod:info.isUsedInMethod];
//NSLog(@"[%@] < %s", identifier, __cmd);
- (void)phase3RegisterStructure:(CDType *)structure
//NSLog(@"[%@] > %s", identifier, __cmd);
NSString *name = [structure.typeName description];
if ([@"?" isEqualToString:name]) {
NSString *key = structure.reallyBareTypeString;
//NSLog(@"key: %@, isUsedInMethod: %u", key, isUsedInMethod);
CDStructureInfo *info = _phase3_anonExceptions[structure.typeString];
if (info != nil) {
if (debugAnonStructures) NSLog(@"%s, anon key %@ has exception from phase 2", __cmd, structure.typeString);
[info addReferenceCount:referenceCount];
if (isUsedInMethod)
info.isUsedInMethod = YES;
if (info.referenceCount == referenceCount) { // i.e. the first time we've encounter this struct
// And then... add 1 reference for each substructure, stopping recursion when we've encountered a previous structure
[structure phase3RegisterMembersWithTypeController:self.typeController];
} else {
info = _phase3_anonStructureInfo[key];
if (info == nil) {
info = [[CDStructureInfo alloc] initWithType:structure];
[info setReferenceCount:referenceCount];
if (isUsedInMethod)
info.isUsedInMethod = YES;
_phase3_anonStructureInfo[key] = info;
// And then... add 1 reference for each substructure, stopping recursion when we've encountered a previous structure
[structure phase3RegisterMembersWithTypeController:self.typeController];
} else {
[info addReferenceCount:referenceCount];
if (isUsedInMethod)
info.isUsedInMethod = YES;
} else {
if ([_debugNames containsObject:name]) NSLog(@"[%@] %s, type= %@", self.identifier, __cmd, structure.typeString);
//NSLog(@"[%@] %s, name: %@", identifier, __cmd, name);
if ([_phase3_exceptionalNames containsObject:name]) {
if (debugNamedStructures) NSLog(@"%s, name %@ has exception from phase 2", __cmd, name);
CDStructureInfo *info = _phase3_nameExceptions[structure.typeString];
// Info can be nil. For example, from {_CommandStackEntry}
if (info != nil) {
[info addReferenceCount:referenceCount];
if (isUsedInMethod)
[_phase3_inMethodNameExceptions addObject:name];
if (info.referenceCount == referenceCount) { // i.e. the first time we've encounter this struct
// And then... add 1 reference for each substructure, stopping recursion when we've encountered a previous structure
[structure phase3RegisterMembersWithTypeController:self.typeController];
} else {
CDStructureInfo *info = _phase3_namedStructureInfo[name];
if (info == nil) {
if ([_debugNames containsObject:name]) NSLog(@"[%@] %s, info was nil for %@", self.identifier, __cmd, name);
info = [[CDStructureInfo alloc] initWithType:structure];
[info setReferenceCount:referenceCount];
if (isUsedInMethod)
info.isUsedInMethod = YES;
_phase3_namedStructureInfo[name] = info;
// And then... add 1 reference for each substructure, stopping recursion when we've encountered a previous structure
[structure phase3RegisterMembersWithTypeController:self.typeController];
} else {
if ([_debugNames containsObject:name]) NSLog(@"[%@] %s, info before: %@", self.identifier, __cmd, [info shortDescription]);
// Handle the case where {foo} occurs before {foo=iii}
if ([info.type.members count] == 0) {
[info.type mergeWithType:structure];
// And then... add 1 reference for each substructure, stopping recursion when we've encountered a previous structure
[structure phase3RegisterMembersWithTypeController:self.typeController];
[info addReferenceCount:referenceCount];
if (isUsedInMethod)
info.isUsedInMethod = YES;
if ([_debugNames containsObject:name]) {
NSLog(@"[%@] %s, added ref count: %lu, isUsedInMethod: %u", self.identifier, __cmd, referenceCount, isUsedInMethod);
NSLog(@"[%@] %s, info after: %@", self.identifier, __cmd, [info shortDescription]);
//NSLog(@"[%@] < %s", identifier, __cmd);
- (void)finishPhase3;
if ([_debugNames count] > 0) {
NSLog(@"[%@] %s", self.identifier, __cmd);
NSLog(@"names: %@", [[_debugNames allObjects] componentsJoinedByString:@", "]);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [[_phase3_namedStructureInfo allValues] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)]) {
if ([_debugNames containsObject:[info.type.typeName description]])
NSLog(@"%@", [info shortDescription]);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [_phase3_nameExceptions allValues]) {
if ([_debugNames containsObject:[info name]])
NSLog(@"%@ is in the name exceptions",;
if ([_debugAnon count] > 0) {
NSLog(@"[%@] %s", self.identifier, __cmd);
NSLog(@"debug anon: %@", [[_debugAnon allObjects] componentsJoinedByString:@", "]);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [[_phase3_anonStructureInfo allValues] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)]) {
if ([_debugAnon containsObject:info.type.reallyBareTypeString])
NSLog(@"%@", [info shortDescription]);
for (NSString *str in _debugAnon)
if (_phase3_anonExceptions[str] != nil)
NSLog(@"%@ is in the anon exceptions", str);
//[self logPhase3Info];
- (CDType *)phase3ReplacementForType:(CDType *)type;
NSString *name = [type.typeName description];
CDStructureInfo *info;
if ([@"?" isEqualToString:name]) {
info = _phase3_anonStructureInfo[type.reallyBareTypeString];
} else {
info = _phase3_namedStructureInfo[name];
return info.type;
#pragma mark - Other
- (void)generateTypedefNames;
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [_phase3_anonStructureInfo allValues]) {
[info generateTypedefName:self.anonymousBaseName];
// And do the same for each of the anon exceptions
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [_phase3_anonExceptions allValues]) {
[info generateTypedefName:self.anonymousBaseName];
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [_phase3_nameExceptions allValues]) {
[info generateTypedefName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_",]]; = @"?";
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [_phase3_namedStructureInfo allValues]) {
if (info.type.isTemplateType && info.isUsedInMethod) {
[info generateTypedefName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_",]];
- (void)generateMemberNames;
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [_phase3_namedStructureInfo allValues]) {
[info.type generateMemberNames];
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [_phase3_anonStructureInfo allValues]) {
[info.type generateMemberNames];
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [_phase3_nameExceptions allValues]) {
[info.type generateMemberNames];
// And do the same for each of the anon exceptions
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [_phase3_anonExceptions allValues]) {
[info.type generateMemberNames];
// TODO: (2003-12-23) Add option to show/hide this section
// TODO: (2003-12-23) sort by name or by dependency
// TODO: (2003-12-23) declare in modules where they were first used
- (void)appendNamedStructuresToString:(NSMutableString *)resultString
formatter:(CDTypeFormatter *)typeFormatter
markName:(NSString *)markName;
BOOL hasAddedMark = NO;
BOOL hasShownExceptions = NO;
for (NSString *key in [[_phase3_namedStructureInfo allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]) {
CDStructureInfo *info = _phase3_namedStructureInfo[key];
BOOL shouldShow = ![self shouldExpandStructureInfo:info];
if (shouldShow || debugNamedStructures) {
if (hasAddedMark == NO) {
[resultString appendFormat:@"#pragma mark %@\n\n", markName];
hasAddedMark = YES;
CDType *type = info.type;
if ([typeFormatter.typeController shouldShowName:[type.typeName description]]) {
if (debugNamedStructures) {
[resultString appendFormat:@"// would normally show? %u\n", shouldShow];
[resultString appendFormat:@"// depth: %lu, ref count: %lu, used in method? %u\n", info.type.structureDepth, info.referenceCount, info.isUsedInMethod];
NSString *formattedString = [typeFormatter formatVariable:nil type:type];
if (formattedString != nil) {
[resultString appendString:formattedString];
[resultString appendString:@";\n\n"];
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [[_phase3_nameExceptions allValues] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)]) {
BOOL shouldShow = ![self shouldExpandStructureInfo:info];
if (shouldShow || debugNamedStructures) {
if (hasAddedMark == NO) {
[resultString appendFormat:@"#pragma mark %@\n\n", markName];
hasAddedMark = YES;
if (hasShownExceptions == NO) {
[resultString appendString:@"#if 0\n"];
[resultString appendString:@"// Names with conflicting types:\n"];
hasShownExceptions = YES;
CDType *type = info.type;
if ([typeFormatter.typeController shouldShowName:[type.typeName description]]) {
if (debugNamedStructures) {
[resultString appendFormat:@"// depth: %lu, ref count: %lu, used in method? %u\n", info.type.structureDepth, info.referenceCount, info.isUsedInMethod];
//[resultString appendFormat:@"// typedefName: %@\n", [info typedefName]];
NSString *formattedString = [typeFormatter formatVariable:nil type:type];
if (formattedString != nil) {
[resultString appendFormat:@"typedef %@ %@;\n\n", formattedString, info.typedefName];
if (hasShownExceptions)
[resultString appendString:@"#endif\n\n"];
if (debugNamedStructures) {
[resultString appendString:@"\n// Name exceptions:\n"];
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [[_phase3_nameExceptions allValues] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)])
[resultString appendFormat:@"// %@\n", [info shortDescription]];
[resultString appendString:@"\n"];
- (void)appendTypedefsToString:(NSMutableString *)resultString
formatter:(CDTypeFormatter *)typeFormatter
markName:(NSString *)markName;
BOOL hasAddedMark = NO;
BOOL hasShownExceptions = NO;
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [[_phase3_anonStructureInfo allValues] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)]) {
BOOL shouldShow = ![self shouldExpandStructureInfo:info];
if (shouldShow || debugAnonStructures) {
if (hasAddedMark == NO) {
[resultString appendFormat:@"#pragma mark %@\n\n", markName];
hasAddedMark = YES;
if (debugAnonStructures) {
[resultString appendFormat:@"// would normally show? %u\n", shouldShow];
[resultString appendFormat:@"// %@\n", info.type.reallyBareTypeString];
[resultString appendFormat:@"// depth: %lu, ref: %lu, used in method? %u\n", info.type.structureDepth, info.referenceCount, info.isUsedInMethod];
NSString *formattedString = [typeFormatter formatVariable:nil type:info.type];
if (formattedString != nil) {
[resultString appendFormat:@"typedef %@ %@;\n\n", formattedString, info.typedefName];
// TODO: (2009-08-25) Need same ref count rules for anon exceptions.
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [[_phase3_anonExceptions allValues] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)]) {
BOOL shouldShow = ![self shouldExpandStructureInfo:info];
if (shouldShow || debugAnonStructures) {
if (hasAddedMark == NO) {
[resultString appendFormat:@"#pragma mark %@\n\n", markName];
hasAddedMark = YES;
if (hasShownExceptions == NO) {
[resultString appendString:@"// Ambiguous groups\n"];
hasShownExceptions = YES;
if (debugAnonStructures) {
[resultString appendFormat:@"// %@\n", info.type.reallyBareTypeString];
[resultString appendFormat:@"// depth: %lu, ref: %lu, used in method? %u\n", info.type.structureDepth, info.referenceCount, info.isUsedInMethod];
NSString *formattedString = [typeFormatter formatVariable:nil type:info.type];
if (formattedString != nil) {
//[resultString appendFormat:@"%@;\n\n", formattedString];
[resultString appendFormat:@"typedef %@ %@;\n\n", formattedString, info.typedefName];
for (NSString *key in [[_phase3_namedStructureInfo allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]) {
CDStructureInfo *info = _phase3_namedStructureInfo[key];
BOOL shouldShow = info.type.isTemplateType && info.isUsedInMethod;
if (shouldShow || debugAnonStructures) {
if (hasAddedMark == NO) {
[resultString appendFormat:@"#pragma mark %@\n\n", markName];
hasAddedMark = YES;
if (hasShownExceptions == NO) {
[resultString appendString:@"// Template types\n"];
hasShownExceptions = YES;
if (debugAnonStructures) {
[resultString appendFormat:@"// %@\n", info.type.reallyBareTypeString];
[resultString appendFormat:@"// depth: %lu, ref: %lu, used in method? %u\n", info.type.structureDepth, info.referenceCount, info.isUsedInMethod];
NSString *formattedString = [typeFormatter formatVariable:nil type:info.type];
if (formattedString != nil) {
//[resultString appendFormat:@"%@;\n\n", formattedString];
[resultString appendFormat:@"typedef %@ %@;\n\n", formattedString, info.typedefName];
- (BOOL)shouldExpandStructureInfo:(CDStructureInfo *)info;
return (info == nil)
|| (info.isUsedInMethod == NO
&& (info.type.isTemplateType == NO || info.isUsedInMethod == NO)
&& info.referenceCount < 2
&& (([ hasPrefix:@"_"] && [ hasUnderscoreCapitalPrefix] == NO) // TODO: Don't need the first hasPrefix check now.
|| [@"?"]));
// For automatic expansion?
- (BOOL)shouldExpandType:(CDType *)type;
CDStructureInfo *info;
NSString *name = [type.typeName description];
if ([@"?" isEqualToString:name]) {
NSString *key = type.reallyBareTypeString;
info = _phase3_anonStructureInfo[key];
if (info == nil) {
// Look for an exception
info = _phase3_anonExceptions[type.typeString];
} else {
info = _phase3_namedStructureInfo[name];
if (info == nil) {
info = _phase3_nameExceptions[type.typeString];
if (info != nil) {
//NSLog(@"[%@] %s, found phase3 name exception... %@", identifier, __cmd, [info shortDescription]);
//return NO;
return [self shouldExpandStructureInfo:info];
- (NSString *)typedefNameForType:(CDType *)type;
CDStructureInfo *info = _phase3_anonStructureInfo[type.reallyBareTypeString];
if (info == nil) {
info = _phase3_anonExceptions[type.typeString];
//NSLog(@"fallback typedef info? %@ -- %@", [info shortDescription], info.typedefName);
if (info == nil) {
// Check name exceptions
info = _phase3_nameExceptions[type.typeString];
#if 0
if (info != nil)
NSLog(@"Got typedef name for phase3 name exception: %@", info.typedefName);
if (info == nil) {
info = _phase3_namedStructureInfo[[type.typeName description]];
#if 0
if (type.isTemplateType && info.typedefName == nil) {
NSLog(@"Warning: no typedef name for type: %@", type.typeString);
return info.typedefName;
#pragma mark -
- (void)debugName:(NSString *)name;
[_debugNames addObject:name];
- (void)debugAnon:(NSString *)str;
[_debugAnon addObject:str];
- (void)logPhase0Info;
NSLog(@"[%@] %s", self.identifier, __cmd);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [[_phase0_structureInfo allValues] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)]) {
NSLog(@"%@", [info shortDescription]);
- (void)logPhase2Info;
#if 0
NSLog(@"[%@] %s, named:", identifier, __cmd);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [[phase2_namedStructureInfo allValues] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)]) {
NSLog(@"%@", [info shortDescription]);
#if 0
NSLog(@"[%@] %s, anon:", identifier, __cmd);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [[phase2_anonStructureInfo allValues] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)]) {
NSLog(@"%@", [info shortDescription]);
#if 1
NSLog(@"[%@] %s, named exceptions:", self.identifier, __cmd);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [_phase2_nameExceptions sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)]) {
NSLog(@"%@", [info shortDescription]);
#if 0
NSLog(@"[%@] %s, anon exceptions:", identifier, __cmd);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [phase2_anonExceptions sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)]) {
NSLog(@"%@", [info shortDescription]);
- (void)logPhase3Info;
NSLog(@"[%@] > %s", self.identifier, __cmd);
#if 0
for (NSString *name in [[phase3_namedStructureInfo allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]) {
CDStructureInfo *info = phase3_namedStructureInfo[name];
NSLog(@"%@", [info shortDescription]);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [[phase3_anonStructureInfo allValues] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)]) {
NSLog(@"%@", [info shortDescription]);
NSLog(@"[%@] %s, anon exceptions:", self.identifier, __cmd);
for (CDStructureInfo *info in [[_phase3_anonExceptions allValues] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(ascendingCompareByStructureDepth:)]) {
NSLog(@"%@", [info shortDescription]);
NSLog(@"[%@] < %s", self.identifier, __cmd);