blob: cda3870d9a7bc1a28da22ee109583eb604796014 [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- mode: ObjC -*-
// This file is part of class-dump, a utility for examining the Objective-C segment of Mach-O files.
// Copyright (C) 1997-2019 Steve Nygard.
#import "CDSymbol.h"
#import <mach-o/nlist.h>
#import <mach-o/loader.h>
#import "CDMachOFile.h"
#import "CDLCDylib.h"
#import "CDLCSegment.h"
#import "CDSection.h"
NSString *const ObjCClassSymbolPrefix = @"_OBJC_CLASS_$_";
@interface CDSymbol ()
@property (weak, readonly) CDMachOFile *machOFile;
#pragma mark -
@implementation CDSymbol
struct nlist_64 _nlist;
BOOL _is32Bit;
NSString *_name;
__weak CDMachOFile *_machOFile;
- (id)initWithName:(NSString *)name machOFile:(CDMachOFile *)machOFile nlist32:(struct nlist)nlist32;
if ((self = [super init])) {
_is32Bit = YES;
_name = name;
_machOFile = machOFile;
_nlist.n_un.n_strx = 0; // We don't use it.
_nlist.n_type = nlist32.n_type;
_nlist.n_sect = nlist32.n_sect;
_nlist.n_desc = nlist32.n_desc;
_nlist.n_value = nlist32.n_value;
return self;
- (id)initWithName:(NSString *)name machOFile:(CDMachOFile *)machOFile nlist64:(struct nlist_64)nlist64;
if ((self = [super init])) {
_is32Bit = NO;
_name = name;
_machOFile = machOFile;
_nlist.n_un.n_strx = 0; // We don't use it.
_nlist.n_type = nlist64.n_type;
_nlist.n_sect = nlist64.n_sect;
_nlist.n_desc = nlist64.n_desc;
_nlist.n_value = nlist64.n_value;
return self;
#pragma mark - Debugging
- (NSString *)description;
NSString *valueString;
if (self.isDefined) {
valueString = [NSString stringWithFormat:(_is32Bit ? @"%08llx" : @"%016llx"), self.value];
} else {
valueString = [@" " stringByPaddingToLength:(_is32Bit ? 8 : 16) withString:@" " startingAtIndex:0];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@ %@", valueString, [self shortTypeDescription],];
#pragma mark -
+ (NSString *)classNameFromSymbolName:(NSString *)symbolName;
if ([symbolName hasPrefix:ObjCClassSymbolPrefix])
return [symbolName substringFromIndex:[ObjCClassSymbolPrefix length]];
return nil;
- (uint64_t)value;
return _nlist.n_value;
- (CDSection *)section;
// We might be tempted to do [[self.machOFile segmentContainingAddress:nlist.n_value] sectionContainingAddress:nlist.n_value]
// but this does not work for __mh_dylib_header for example (n_value == 0, but it is in the __TEXT,__text section)
NSMutableArray *sections = [NSMutableArray array];
for (CDLCSegment *segment in self.machOFile.segments) {
for (CDSection *section in [segment sections])
[sections addObject:section];
// n_sect is 1-indexed (NO_SECT == 0)
NSUInteger sectionIndex = _nlist.n_sect - 1;
if (sectionIndex < [sections count])
return sections[sectionIndex];
return nil;
- (CDLCDylib *)dylibLoadCommand;
NSUInteger libraryOrdinal = GET_LIBRARY_ORDINAL(_nlist.n_desc);
return [self.machOFile dylibLoadCommandForLibraryOrdinal:libraryOrdinal];
- (BOOL)isExternal;
return (_nlist.n_type & N_EXT) == N_EXT;
- (BOOL)isPrivateExternal;
return (_nlist.n_type & N_PEXT) == N_PEXT;
- (NSUInteger)stab;
return _nlist.n_type & N_STAB;
- (NSUInteger)type;
return _nlist.n_type & N_TYPE;
- (BOOL)isDefined;
return self.type != N_UNDF;
- (BOOL)isAbsolute;
return self.type == N_ABS;
- (BOOL)isInSection;
return self.type == N_SECT;
- (BOOL)isPrebound;
return self.type == N_PBUD;
- (BOOL)isIndirect;
return self.type == N_INDR;
- (BOOL)isCommon;
return !self.isDefined && self.isExternal && _nlist.n_value != 0;
- (BOOL)isInTextSection;
CDSection *section = self.section;
return [section.segmentName isEqualToString:@"__TEXT"] && [section.sectionName isEqualToString:@"__text"];
- (BOOL)isInDataSection;
CDSection *section = self.section;
return [section.segmentName isEqualToString:@"__DATA"] && [section.sectionName isEqualToString:@"__data"];
- (BOOL)isInBssSection;
CDSection *section = self.section;
return [section.segmentName isEqualToString:@"__DATA"] && [section.sectionName isEqualToString:@"__bss"];
- (NSUInteger)referenceType;
return (_nlist.n_desc & REFERENCE_TYPE);
- (NSString *)referenceTypeName
switch (self.referenceType) {
case REFERENCE_FLAG_UNDEFINED_NON_LAZY: return @"undefined non lazy";
case REFERENCE_FLAG_UNDEFINED_LAZY: return @"undefined lazy";
case REFERENCE_FLAG_DEFINED: return @"defined";
case REFERENCE_FLAG_PRIVATE_DEFINED: return @"private defined";
case REFERENCE_FLAG_PRIVATE_UNDEFINED_NON_LAZY: return @"private undefined non lazy";
case REFERENCE_FLAG_PRIVATE_UNDEFINED_LAZY: return @"private undefined lazy";
return nil;
- (NSComparisonResult)compare:(CDSymbol *)other;
if (other.value > self.value) return NSOrderedAscending;
if (other.value < self.value) return NSOrderedDescending;
return NSOrderedSame;
- (NSComparisonResult)compareByName:(CDSymbol *)other;
return [];
- (NSString *)shortTypeDescription;
NSString *c;
if (self.stab) c = @"-";
else if (self.isCommon) c = @"c";
else if (!self.isDefined || self.isPrebound) c = @"u";
else if (self.isAbsolute) c = @"a";
else if (self.isInSection) {
if (self.isInTextSection) c = @"t";
else if (self.isInDataSection) c = @"d";
else if (self.isInBssSection) c = @"b";
else c = @"s";
else if (self.isIndirect) c = @"i";
else c = @"?";
return self.isExternal ? [c uppercaseString] : c;
- (NSString *)longTypeDescription;
NSString *c;
if (self.isCommon) c = @"common";
else if (!self.isDefined) c = @"undefined";
else if (self.isPrebound) c = @"prebound";
else if (self.isAbsolute) c = @"absolute";
else if (self.isInSection) {
CDSection *section = self.section;
if (section) c = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@,%@", section.segmentName, section.sectionName];
else c = @"?,?";
else if (self.isIndirect) c = @"indirect";
else c = @"?";
return c;