blob: 238dbb3ae8fe7fd5d5380ff61c496c0f8c862db8 [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- mode: ObjC -*-
// This file is part of class-dump, a utility for examining the Objective-C segment of Mach-O files.
// Copyright (C) 1997-2019 Steve Nygard.
#import "CDTypeParser.h"
#import "CDMethodType.h"
#import "CDType.h"
#import "CDTypeName.h"
#import "CDTypeLexer.h"
NSString *CDExceptionName_SyntaxError = @"CDExceptionName_SyntaxError";
NSString *CDErrorDomain_TypeParser = @"CDErrorDomain_TypeParser";
NSString *CDErrorKey_Type = @"CDErrorKey_Type";
NSString *CDErrorKey_RemainingString = @"CDErrorKey_RemainingString";
NSString *CDErrorKey_MethodOrVariable = @"CDErrorKey_MethodOrVariable";
NSString *CDErrorKey_LocalizedLongDescription = @"CDErrorKey_LocalizedLongDescription";
static BOOL debug = NO;
static NSString *CDTokenDescription(int token)
if (token < 128)
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d(%c)", token, token];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", token];
@interface CDTypeParser ()
#pragma mark -
@implementation CDTypeParser
CDTypeLexer *_lexer;
int _lookahead;
- (id)initWithString:(NSString *)string;
if ((self = [super init])) {
// Do some preprocessing first: Replace "<unnamed>::" with just "unnamed::".
NSMutableString *str = [string mutableCopy];
[str replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"<unnamed>::" withString:@"unnamed::" options:(NSStringCompareOptions)0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [string length])];
_lexer = [[CDTypeLexer alloc] initWithString:str];
_lookahead = 0;
return self;
#pragma mark -
- (NSArray *)parseMethodType:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error;
NSArray *result;
@try {
_lookahead = [self.lexer scanNextToken];
result = [self _parseMethodType];
@catch (NSException *exception) {
if (error != NULL) {
NSMutableDictionary *userInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSString *localDesc = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:\n\t type: %@\n\tremaining: %@", [exception reason], self.lexer.string, self.lexer.remainingString];
userInfo[CDErrorKey_Type] = self.lexer.string;
userInfo[CDErrorKey_RemainingString] = self.lexer.remainingString;
userInfo[CDErrorKey_MethodOrVariable] = @"method";
userInfo[CDErrorKey_LocalizedLongDescription] = localDesc;
NSInteger code;
if ([exception name] == CDExceptionName_SyntaxError) {
code = CDTypeParserCode_SyntaxError;
userInfo[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey] = @"Syntax Error";
userInfo[NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey] = [exception reason];
} else {
code = CDTypeParserCode_Default;
userInfo[NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey] = [exception reason];
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:CDErrorDomain_TypeParser code:code userInfo:userInfo];
result = nil;
return result;
- (CDType *)parseType:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error;
CDType *result;
@try {
_lookahead = [self.lexer scanNextToken];
result = [self _parseType];
@catch (NSException *exception) {
if (error != NULL) {
NSMutableDictionary *userInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSString *localDesc = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:\n\t type: %@\n\tremaining: %@", [exception reason], self.lexer.string, self.lexer.remainingString];
userInfo[CDErrorKey_Type] = self.lexer.string;
userInfo[CDErrorKey_RemainingString] = self.lexer.remainingString;
userInfo[CDErrorKey_MethodOrVariable] = @"variable";
userInfo[CDErrorKey_LocalizedLongDescription] = localDesc;
NSInteger code;
if ([exception name] == CDExceptionName_SyntaxError) {
code = CDTypeParserCode_SyntaxError;
userInfo[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey] = @"Syntax Error";
userInfo[NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey] = [exception reason];
} else {
code = CDTypeParserCode_Default;
userInfo[NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey] = [exception reason];
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:CDErrorDomain_TypeParser code:code userInfo:userInfo];
result = nil;
return result;
#pragma mark - Private methods
- (void)match:(int)token;
[self match:token enterState:self.lexer.state];
- (void)match:(int)token enterState:(CDTypeLexerState)newState;
if (_lookahead == token) {
if (debug) NSLog(@"matched %@", CDTokenDescription(token));
self.lexer.state = newState;
_lookahead = [self.lexer scanNextToken];
} else {
[NSException raise:CDExceptionName_SyntaxError format:@"expected token %@, got %@",
- (void)error:(NSString *)errorString;
[NSException raise:CDExceptionName_SyntaxError format:@"%@", errorString];
- (NSArray *)_parseMethodType;
NSMutableArray *methodTypes = [NSMutableArray array];
// Has to have at least one pair for the return type;
// Probably needs at least two more, for object and selector
// So it must be <type><number><type><number><type><number>. Three pairs at a minimum.
do {
CDType *type = [self _parseType];
NSString *number = [self parseNumber];
CDMethodType *methodType = [[CDMethodType alloc] initWithType:type offset:number];
[methodTypes addObject:methodType];
} while ([self isTokenInTypeStartSet:_lookahead]);
return methodTypes;
// Plain object types can be:
// @ - plain id type
// @"NSObject" - NSObject *
// @"<MyProtocol>" - id <MyProtocol>
// But these can also be part of a structure, with the field name in quotes before the type:
// "foo"i"bar"i - int foo, int bar
// "foo"@"bar"i - id foo, int bar
// "foo"@"Foo""bar"i - Foo *foo, int bar
// So this is where we need to be careful.
// I'm going to make a simplifying assumption: Either the structure/union has member names,
// or is doesn't, it can't have some names and be missing others.
// The two key tests are:
// {my_struct3="field1"@"field2"i}
// {my_struct4="field1"@"NSObject""field2"i}
- (CDType *)_parseType;
return [self _parseTypeInStruct:NO];
- (CDType *)_parseTypeInStruct:(BOOL)isInStruct;
CDType *result;
if (_lookahead == 'j'
|| _lookahead == 'r'
|| _lookahead == 'n'
|| _lookahead == 'N'
|| _lookahead == 'o'
|| _lookahead == 'O'
|| _lookahead == 'R'
|| _lookahead == 'V'
|| _lookahead == 'A') { // modifiers
int modifier = _lookahead;
[self match:modifier];
CDType *unmodifiedType;
if ([self isTokenInTypeStartSet:_lookahead])
unmodifiedType = [self _parseTypeInStruct:isInStruct];
unmodifiedType = nil;
result = [[CDType alloc] initModifier:modifier type:unmodifiedType];
} else if (_lookahead == '^') { // pointer
CDType *type;
[self match:'^'];
if (_lookahead == TK_QUOTED_STRING || _lookahead == '}' || _lookahead == ')') {
type = [[CDType alloc] initSimpleType:'v'];
// Safari on 10.5 has: "m_function"{?="__pfn"^"__delta"i}
result = [[CDType alloc] initPointerType:type];
} else if (_lookahead == '?') {
[self match:'?'];
result = [[CDType alloc] initFunctionPointerType];
} else {
type = [self _parseTypeInStruct:isInStruct];
result = [[CDType alloc] initPointerType:type];
} else if (_lookahead == 'b') { // bitfield
[self match:'b'];
NSString *number = [self parseNumber];
result = [[CDType alloc] initBitfieldType:number];
} else if (_lookahead == '@') { // id
[self match:'@'];
#if 0
if (lookahead == TK_QUOTED_STRING) {
NSLog(@"%s, quoted string ahead, shouldCheckFieldNames: %d, end: %d",
__cmd, shouldCheckFieldNames, [lexer.scanner isAtEnd]);
if ([lexer.scanner isAtEnd] == NO)
NSLog(@"next character: %d (%c), isInTypeStartSet: %d", lexer.peekChar, lexer.peekChar, [self isTokenInTypeStartSet:lexer.peekChar]);
if (_lookahead == TK_QUOTED_STRING && (isInStruct == NO || [self.lexer.lexText isFirstLetterUppercase] || [self isTokenInTypeStartSet:self.lexer.peekChar] == NO)) {
NSString *str = self.lexer.lexText;
NSUInteger protocolOpenIdx = NSMaxRange([str rangeOfString:@"<"]);
NSUInteger protocolCloseIdx = [str rangeOfString:@">" options:NSBackwardsSearch].location;
if (protocolOpenIdx != NSNotFound && protocolCloseIdx != NSNotFound) {
NSRange protocolRange = NSMakeRange(protocolOpenIdx, protocolCloseIdx - protocolOpenIdx);
NSArray *protocols = [[str substringWithRange:protocolRange] componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
NSString *typeNameStr = [[str substringToIndex:(protocolOpenIdx - 1)] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
CDTypeName *typeName = nil;
if ([typeNameStr length] && ![typeNameStr isEqualToString:@"id"]) {
typeName = [[CDTypeName alloc] init]; = typeNameStr;
result = [[CDType alloc] initIDType:typeName withProtocols:protocols];
} else {
CDTypeName *typeName = [[CDTypeName alloc] init]; = str;
result = [[CDType alloc] initIDType:typeName];
[self match:TK_QUOTED_STRING];
} else if (_lookahead == '?') {
[self match:'?'];
NSArray *blockTypes = nil;
if (_lookahead == '<') {
[self match:'<'];
blockTypes = [[self _parseMethodType] valueForKeyPath:@"type"];
[self match:'>'];
result = [[CDType alloc] initBlockTypeWithTypes:blockTypes];
} else {
result = [[CDType alloc] initIDType:nil];
} else if (_lookahead == '{') { // structure
CDTypeLexerState savedState = self.lexer.state;
[self match:'{' enterState:CDTypeLexerState_Identifier];
CDTypeName *typeName = [self parseTypeName];
NSArray *optionalMembers = [self parseOptionalMembers];
[self match:'}' enterState:savedState];
result = [[CDType alloc] initStructType:typeName members:optionalMembers];
} else if (_lookahead == '(') { // union
CDTypeLexerState savedState = self.lexer.state;
[self match:'(' enterState:CDTypeLexerState_Identifier];
if (_lookahead == TK_IDENTIFIER) {
CDTypeName *typeName = [self parseTypeName];
NSArray *optionalMembers = [self parseOptionalMembers];
[self match:')' enterState:savedState];
result = [[CDType alloc] initUnionType:typeName members:optionalMembers];
} else {
NSArray *unionTypes = [self parseUnionTypes];
[self match:')' enterState:savedState];
result = [[CDType alloc] initUnionType:nil members:unionTypes];
} else if (_lookahead == '[') { // array
[self match:'['];
NSString *number = [self parseNumber];
CDType *type = [self _parseType];
[self match:']'];
result = [[CDType alloc] initArrayType:type count:number];
} else if ([self isTokenInSimpleTypeSet:_lookahead]) { // simple type
int simpleType = _lookahead;
[self match:simpleType];
result = [[CDType alloc] initSimpleType:simpleType];
} else {
CDTypeName *typeName = [[CDTypeName alloc] init]; = @"MISSING_TYPE";
result = [[CDType alloc] initIDType:typeName];
// result = nil;
// [NSException raise:CDExceptionName_SyntaxError format:@"expected (many things), got %@", CDTokenDescription(_lookahead)];
return result;
// This seems to be used in method types -- no names
- (NSArray *)parseUnionTypes;
NSMutableArray *members = [NSMutableArray array];
while ([self isTokenInTypeSet:_lookahead]) {
CDType *type = [self _parseType];
//type.variableName = @"___";
[members addObject:type];
return members;
- (NSArray *)parseOptionalMembers;
NSArray *result;
if (_lookahead == '=') {
[self match:'='];
result = [self parseMemberList];
} else
result = nil;
return result;
- (NSArray *)parseMemberList;
//NSLog(@" > %s", __cmd);
NSMutableArray *result = [NSMutableArray array];
while (_lookahead == TK_QUOTED_STRING || [self isTokenInTypeSet:_lookahead])
[result addObject:[self parseMember]];
//NSLog(@"< %s", __cmd);
return result;
- (CDType *)parseMember;
CDType *result;
//NSLog(@" > %s", __cmd);
if (_lookahead == TK_QUOTED_STRING) {
NSString *identifier = nil;
while (_lookahead == TK_QUOTED_STRING) {
if (identifier == nil)
identifier = self.lexer.lexText;
else {
// TextMate 1.5.4 has structures like... "storage""stack"{etc} -- two quoted strings next to each other.
identifier = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@__%@", identifier, self.lexer.lexText];
[self match:TK_QUOTED_STRING];
//NSLog(@"got identifier: %@", identifier);
result = [self _parseTypeInStruct:YES];
result.variableName = identifier;
//NSLog(@"And parsed struct type.");
} else {
result = [self _parseTypeInStruct:YES];
//NSLog(@"< %s", __cmd);
return result;
- (CDTypeName *)parseTypeName;
CDTypeName *typeName = [[CDTypeName alloc] init];
[typeName setName:[self parseIdentifier]];
if (_lookahead == '<') {
CDTypeLexerState savedState = self.lexer.state;
[self match:'<' enterState:CDTypeLexerState_TemplateTypes];
[typeName.templateTypes addObject:[self parseTypeName]];
while (_lookahead == ',') {
[self match:','];
[typeName.templateTypes addObject:[self parseTypeName]];
[self match:'>' enterState:savedState];
if (self.lexer.state == CDTypeLexerState_TemplateTypes) {
if (_lookahead == TK_IDENTIFIER) {
NSString *suffix = self.lexer.lexText;
[self match:TK_IDENTIFIER];
[typeName setSuffix:suffix];
#if 0
// This breaks a bunch of the unit tests... need to figure out what's up with that first.
// We'll treat "?" as no name, returning nil here instead of testing the type name for this later.
if ([[typeName name] isEqualToString:@"?"] && [typeName isTemplateType] == NO)
typeName = nil;
return typeName;
- (NSString *)parseIdentifier;
NSString *result = nil;
if (_lookahead == TK_IDENTIFIER) {
result = self.lexer.lexText;
[self match:TK_IDENTIFIER];
return result;
- (NSString *)parseNumber;
if (_lookahead == TK_NUMBER) {
NSString *result = self.lexer.lexText;
[self match:TK_NUMBER];
return result;
return nil;
- (BOOL)isTokenInModifierSet:(int)token;
if (token == 'j'
|| token == 'r'
|| token == 'n'
|| token == 'N'
|| token == 'o'
|| token == 'O'
|| token == 'R'
|| token == 'V'
|| token == 'A')
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)isTokenInSimpleTypeSet:(int)token;
if (token == 'c'
|| token == 'i'
|| token == 's'
|| token == 'l'
|| token == 'q'
|| token == 'C'
|| token == 'I'
|| token == 'S'
|| token == 'L'
|| token == 'Q'
|| token == 'f'
|| token == 'd'
|| token == 'D'
|| token == 'B'
|| token == 'v'
|| token == '*'
|| token == '#'
|| token == ':'
|| token == '%'
|| token == '?')
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)isTokenInTypeSet:(int)token;
if ([self isTokenInModifierSet:token]
|| [self isTokenInSimpleTypeSet:token]
|| token == '^'
|| token == 'b'
|| token == '@'
|| token == '{'
|| token == '('
|| token == '[')
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)isTokenInTypeStartSet:(int)token;
if (token == 'r'
|| token == 'n'
|| token == 'N'
|| token == 'o'
|| token == 'O'
|| token == 'R'
|| token == 'V'
|| token == 'A'
|| token == '^'
|| token == 'b'
|| token == '@'
|| token == '{'
|| token == '('
|| token == '['
|| [self isTokenInSimpleTypeSet:token])
return YES;
return NO;