blob: 2d6275330a330883e7e5cc6d32ca4158a4b17493 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of class-dump, a utility for examining the Objective-C segment of Mach-O files.
// Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2010 Steve Nygard.
#import "CDStructHandlingUnitTest.h"
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "NSError-CDExtensions.h"
#import "CDClassDump.h"
#import "CDType.h"
#import "CDTypeFormatter.h"
#import "CDTypeParser.h"
@implementation CDStructHandlingUnitTest
- (void)dealloc;
[classDump release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)setUp;
classDump = [[CDClassDump alloc] init];
- (void)tearDown;
[classDump release];
classDump = nil;
- (void)testVariableName:(NSString *)aVariableName type:(NSString *)aType expectedResult:(NSString *)expectedResult;
NSString *result;
result = [[classDump ivarTypeFormatter] formatVariable:aVariableName type:aType symbolReferences:nil];
STAssertEqualObjects(expectedResult, result, @"");
- (void)registerStructsFromType:(NSString *)aTypeString phase:(int)phase;
CDTypeParser *parser;
CDType *type;
NSError *error;
parser = [[CDTypeParser alloc] initWithType:aTypeString];
type = [parser parseType:&error];
STAssertNotNil(type, @"-[CDTypeParser parseType:] error: %@", [error myExplanation]);
[type phase:phase registerStructuresWithObject:classDump usedInMethod:NO];
[parser release];
// TODO (2004-01-05): Move this somewhere that we can share it with the main app.
- (void)testFilename:(NSString *)testFilename;
NSString *inputFilename, *outputFilename;
NSMutableString *resultString;
NSString *inputContents, *expectedOutputContents;
NSArray *inputLines, *inputFields;
int phase;
int count, index;
NSBundle *bundle;
//NSLog(@"***** %@", testFilename);
resultString = [NSMutableString string];
bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];
inputFilename = [bundle pathForResource:[testFilename stringByAppendingString:@"-in"] ofType:@"txt"];
outputFilename = [bundle pathForResource:[testFilename stringByAppendingString:@"-out"] ofType:@"txt"];
inputContents = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:inputFilename];
expectedOutputContents = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:outputFilename];
inputLines = [inputContents componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"];
count = [inputLines count];
// First register structs/unions
for (phase = 1; phase <= 2; phase++) {
//NSLog(@"Phase %d ========================================", phase);
for (index = 0; index < count; index++) {
NSString *line;
line = [inputLines objectAtIndex:index];
if ([line length] > 0 && [line hasPrefix:@"//"] == NO) {
inputFields = [line componentsSeparatedByString:@"\t"];
[self registerStructsFromType:[inputFields objectAtIndex:0] phase:phase];
[classDump endPhase:phase];
// Then generate output
[classDump appendStructuresToString:resultString symbolReferences:nil];
for (index = 0; index < count; index++) {
NSString *line;
NSString *type, *variableName;
line = [inputLines objectAtIndex:index];
if ([line length] > 0 && [line hasPrefix:@"//"] == NO) {
int fieldCount, level;
NSString *formattedString;
inputFields = [line componentsSeparatedByString:@"\t"];
fieldCount = [inputFields count];
type = [inputFields objectAtIndex:0];
if (fieldCount > 1)
variableName = [inputFields objectAtIndex:1];
variableName = @"var";
if (fieldCount > 2)
level = [[inputFields objectAtIndex:2] intValue];
level = 0;
formattedString = [[classDump ivarTypeFormatter] formatVariable:variableName type:type symbolReferences:nil];
if (formattedString != nil) {
[resultString appendString:formattedString];
[resultString appendString:@";\n"];
} else {
[resultString appendString:@"Parse failed.\n"];
STAssertEqualObjects(expectedOutputContents, resultString, @"test file: %@", testFilename);
#if 1
- (void)test01;
NSString *first = @"{_NSRange=II}";
int phase;
STAssertNotNil(classDump, @"classDump");
STAssertNotNil([classDump ivarTypeFormatter], @"[classDump ivarTypeFormatter]");
for (phase = 1; phase <= 2; phase++)
[self registerStructsFromType:first phase:phase];
[self testVariableName:@"foo" type:first expectedResult:@" struct _NSRange foo"];
// Register {_NSRange=II}
// Test {_NSRange=II}
- (void)test02;
NSString *first = @"{_NSRange=II}";
NSString *second = @"{_NSRange=\"location\"I\"length\"I}";
int phase;
for (phase = 1; phase <= 2; phase++) {
[self registerStructsFromType:first phase:phase];
[self registerStructsFromType:second phase:phase];
[self testVariableName:@"foo" type:first expectedResult:@" struct _NSRange foo"];
[self testVariableName:@"bar" type:second expectedResult:@" struct _NSRange bar"];
// Register {_NSRange=II}
// Register {_NSRange="location"I"length"I}
// Test {_NSRange=II}
// Test {_NSRange="location"I"length"I}
- (void)test03;
NSString *first = @"{_NSRange=\"location\"I\"length\"I}";
NSString *second = @"{_NSRange=II}";
int phase;
for (phase = 1; phase <= 2; phase++) {
[self registerStructsFromType:first phase:phase];
[self registerStructsFromType:second phase:phase];
[self testVariableName:@"foo" type:first expectedResult:@" struct _NSRange foo"];
[self testVariableName:@"bar" type:second expectedResult:@" struct _NSRange bar"];
// Register {_NSRange="location"I"length"I}
// Register {_NSRange=II}
// Test {_NSRange="location"I"length"I}
// Test {_NSRange=II}
- (void)test04;
// I'm guessing that "shud" could stand for Struct Handling Unittest Data.
[self testFilename:@"shud01"];
- (void)test05;
[self testFilename:@"shud02"];
- (void)test06;
//[self testFilename:@"shud03"];
- (void)test07;
[self testFilename:@"shud04"];
- (void)test08;
[self testFilename:@"shud05"];
- (void)test09;
[self testFilename:@"shud06"];
- (void)test10;
[self testFilename:@"shud07"];
- (void)test11;
[self testFilename:@"shud08"];
- (void)test12;
[self testFilename:@"shud09"];
- (void)test13;
[self testFilename:@"shud10"];
- (void)test14;
[self testFilename:@"shud11"];
- (void)test15;
[self testFilename:@"shud13"];
- (void)test16;
//[self testFilename:@"shud14"];
// This tests the new code for dealing with named objects and field names in structures.
- (void)test17;
[self testFilename:@"shud15"];
- (void)test18;
[self testFilename:@"shud16"];