blob: 4aeec99905f0e0db240309ef00e42a0daa6e8ad3 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests for `attr.validators`.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import re
import pytest
import attr
from attr import has
from attr import validators as validator_module
from attr._compat import PY2, TYPE
from attr.validators import (
from .utils import simple_attr
def zope_interface():
"""Provides ``zope.interface`` if available, skipping the test if not."""
import zope.interface
except ImportError:
raise pytest.skip(
"zope-related tests skipped when zope.interface is not installed"
return zope.interface
class TestInstanceOf(object):
Tests for `instance_of`.
def test_in_all(self):
Verify that this validator is in ``__all__``.
assert instance_of.__name__ in validator_module.__all__
def test_success(self):
Nothing happens if types match.
v = instance_of(int)
v(None, simple_attr("test"), 42)
def test_subclass(self):
Subclasses are accepted too.
v = instance_of(int)
# yep, bools are a subclass of int :(
v(None, simple_attr("test"), True)
def test_fail(self):
Raises `TypeError` on wrong types.
v = instance_of(int)
a = simple_attr("test")
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e:
v(None, a, "42")
assert (
"'test' must be <{type} 'int'> (got '42' that is a <{type} "
) == e.value.args
def test_repr(self):
Returned validator has a useful `__repr__`.
v = instance_of(int)
assert (
"<instance_of validator for type <{type} 'int'>>".format(type=TYPE)
) == repr(v)
class TestMatchesRe(object):
Tests for `matches_re`.
def test_in_all(self):
validator is in ``__all__``.
assert matches_re.__name__ in validator_module.__all__
def test_match(self):
Silent on matches, raises ValueError on mismatches.
class ReTester(object):
str_match = attr.ib(validator=matches_re("a"))
ReTester("a") # shouldn't raise exceptions
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_flags(self):
Flags are propagated to the match function.
class MatchTester(object):
val = attr.ib(validator=matches_re("a", re.IGNORECASE, re.match))
MatchTester("A1") # test flags and using re.match
def test_different_func(self):
Changing the match functions works.
class SearchTester(object):
val = attr.ib(validator=matches_re("a", 0,
SearchTester("bab") # will match
def test_catches_invalid_func(self):
Invalid match functions are caught.
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ei:
matches_re("a", 0, lambda: None)
if not PY2:
assert (
"'func' must be one of None, fullmatch, match, search."
== ei.value.args[0]
assert (
"'func' must be one of None, match, search."
== ei.value.args[0]
"func", [None, getattr(re, "fullmatch", None), re.match,]
def test_accepts_all_valid_func(self, func):
Every valid match function is accepted.
matches_re("a", func=func)
def test_repr(self):
__repr__ is meaningful.
assert repr(matches_re("a")).startswith(
"<matches_re validator for pattern"
def always_pass(_, __, ___):
Toy validator that always passes.
def always_fail(_, __, ___):
Toy validator that always fails.
0 / 0
class TestAnd(object):
def test_in_all(self):
Verify that this validator is in ``__all__``.
assert and_.__name__ in validator_module.__all__
def test_success(self):
Succeeds if all wrapped validators succeed.
v = and_(instance_of(int), always_pass)
v(None, simple_attr("test"), 42)
def test_fail(self):
Fails if any wrapped validator fails.
v = and_(instance_of(int), always_fail)
with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
v(None, simple_attr("test"), 42)
def test_sugar(self):
`and_(v1, v2, v3)` and `[v1, v2, v3]` are equivalent.
class C(object):
a1 = attr.ib("a1", validator=and_(instance_of(int)))
a2 = attr.ib("a2", validator=[instance_of(int)])
assert C.__attrs_attrs__[0].validator == C.__attrs_attrs__[1].validator
def ifoo(zope_interface):
"""Provides a test ``zope.interface.Interface`` in ``zope`` tests."""
class IFoo(zope_interface.Interface):
An interface.
def f():
A function called f.
return IFoo
class TestProvides(object):
Tests for `provides`.
def test_in_all(self):
Verify that this validator is in ``__all__``.
assert provides.__name__ in validator_module.__all__
def test_success(self, zope_interface, ifoo):
Nothing happens if value provides requested interface.
class C(object):
def f(self):
v = provides(ifoo)
v(None, simple_attr("x"), C())
def test_fail(self, ifoo):
Raises `TypeError` if interfaces isn't provided by value.
value = object()
a = simple_attr("x")
v = provides(ifoo)
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e:
v(None, a, value)
assert (
"'x' must provide {interface!r} which {value!r} doesn't.".format(
interface=ifoo, value=value
) == e.value.args
def test_repr(self, ifoo):
Returned validator has a useful `__repr__`.
v = provides(ifoo)
assert (
"<provides validator for interface {interface!r}>".format(
) == repr(v)
"validator", [instance_of(int), [always_pass, instance_of(int)]]
class TestOptional(object):
Tests for `optional`.
def test_in_all(self, validator):
Verify that this validator is in ``__all__``.
assert optional.__name__ in validator_module.__all__
def test_success(self, validator):
Nothing happens if validator succeeds.
v = optional(validator)
v(None, simple_attr("test"), 42)
def test_success_with_none(self, validator):
Nothing happens if None.
v = optional(validator)
v(None, simple_attr("test"), None)
def test_fail(self, validator):
Raises `TypeError` on wrong types.
v = optional(validator)
a = simple_attr("test")
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e:
v(None, a, "42")
assert (
"'test' must be <{type} 'int'> (got '42' that is a <{type} "
) == e.value.args
def test_repr(self, validator):
Returned validator has a useful `__repr__`.
v = optional(validator)
if isinstance(validator, list):
repr_s = (
"<optional validator for _AndValidator(_validators=[{func}, "
"<instance_of validator for type <{type} 'int'>>]) or None>"
).format(func=repr(always_pass), type=TYPE)
repr_s = (
"<optional validator for <instance_of validator for type "
"<{type} 'int'>> or None>"
assert repr_s == repr(v)
class TestIn_(object):
Tests for `in_`.
def test_in_all(self):
Verify that this validator is in ``__all__``.
assert in_.__name__ in validator_module.__all__
def test_success_with_value(self):
If the value is in our options, nothing happens.
v = in_([1, 2, 3])
a = simple_attr("test")
v(1, a, 3)
def test_fail(self):
Raise ValueError if the value is outside our options.
v = in_([1, 2, 3])
a = simple_attr("test")
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
v(None, a, None)
assert ("'test' must be in [1, 2, 3] (got None)",) == e.value.args
def test_fail_with_string(self):
Raise ValueError if the value is outside our options when the
options are specified as a string and the value is not a string.
v = in_("abc")
a = simple_attr("test")
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
v(None, a, None)
assert ("'test' must be in 'abc' (got None)",) == e.value.args
def test_repr(self):
Returned validator has a useful `__repr__`.
v = in_([3, 4, 5])
assert (("<in_ validator with options [3, 4, 5]>")) == repr(v)
class TestDeepIterable(object):
Tests for `deep_iterable`.
def test_in_all(self):
Verify that this validator is in ``__all__``.
assert deep_iterable.__name__ in validator_module.__all__
def test_success_member_only(self):
If the member validator succeeds and the iterable validator is not set,
nothing happens.
member_validator = instance_of(int)
v = deep_iterable(member_validator)
a = simple_attr("test")
v(None, a, [42])
def test_success_member_and_iterable(self):
If both the member and iterable validators succeed, nothing happens.
member_validator = instance_of(int)
iterable_validator = instance_of(list)
v = deep_iterable(member_validator, iterable_validator)
a = simple_attr("test")
v(None, a, [42])
"member_validator, iterable_validator",
(instance_of(int), 42),
(42, instance_of(list)),
(42, 42),
(42, None),
def test_noncallable_validators(
self, member_validator, iterable_validator
Raise `TypeError` if any validators are not callable.
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e:
deep_iterable(member_validator, iterable_validator)
value = 42
message = "must be callable (got {value} that is a {type_}).".format(
value=value, type_=value.__class__
assert message in e.value.args[0]
assert value == e.value.args[1]
assert message in e.value.msg
assert value == e.value.value
def test_fail_invalid_member(self):
Raise member validator error if an invalid member is found.
member_validator = instance_of(int)
v = deep_iterable(member_validator)
a = simple_attr("test")
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
v(None, a, [42, "42"])
def test_fail_invalid_iterable(self):
Raise iterable validator error if an invalid iterable is found.
member_validator = instance_of(int)
iterable_validator = instance_of(tuple)
v = deep_iterable(member_validator, iterable_validator)
a = simple_attr("test")
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
v(None, a, [42])
def test_fail_invalid_member_and_iterable(self):
Raise iterable validator error if both the iterable
and a member are invalid.
member_validator = instance_of(int)
iterable_validator = instance_of(tuple)
v = deep_iterable(member_validator, iterable_validator)
a = simple_attr("test")
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
v(None, a, [42, "42"])
def test_repr_member_only(self):
Returned validator has a useful `__repr__`
when only member validator is set.
member_validator = instance_of(int)
member_repr = "<instance_of validator for type <{type} 'int'>>".format(
v = deep_iterable(member_validator)
expected_repr = (
"<deep_iterable validator for iterables of {member_repr}>"
assert ((expected_repr)) == repr(v)
def test_repr_member_and_iterable(self):
Returned validator has a useful `__repr__` when both member
and iterable validators are set.
member_validator = instance_of(int)
member_repr = "<instance_of validator for type <{type} 'int'>>".format(
iterable_validator = instance_of(list)
iterable_repr = (
"<instance_of validator for type <{type} 'list'>>"
v = deep_iterable(member_validator, iterable_validator)
expected_repr = (
"<deep_iterable validator for"
" {iterable_repr} iterables of {member_repr}>"
).format(iterable_repr=iterable_repr, member_repr=member_repr)
assert expected_repr == repr(v)
class TestDeepMapping(object):
Tests for `deep_mapping`.
def test_in_all(self):
Verify that this validator is in ``__all__``.
assert deep_mapping.__name__ in validator_module.__all__
def test_success(self):
If both the key and value validators succeed, nothing happens.
key_validator = instance_of(str)
value_validator = instance_of(int)
v = deep_mapping(key_validator, value_validator)
a = simple_attr("test")
v(None, a, {"a": 6, "b": 7})
"key_validator, value_validator, mapping_validator",
(42, instance_of(int), None),
(instance_of(str), 42, None),
(instance_of(str), instance_of(int), 42),
(42, 42, None),
(42, 42, 42),
def test_noncallable_validators(
self, key_validator, value_validator, mapping_validator
Raise `TypeError` if any validators are not callable.
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e:
deep_mapping(key_validator, value_validator, mapping_validator)
value = 42
message = "must be callable (got {value} that is a {type_}).".format(
value=value, type_=value.__class__
assert message in e.value.args[0]
assert value == e.value.args[1]
assert message in e.value.msg
assert value == e.value.value
def test_fail_invalid_mapping(self):
Raise `TypeError` if mapping validator fails.
key_validator = instance_of(str)
value_validator = instance_of(int)
mapping_validator = instance_of(dict)
v = deep_mapping(key_validator, value_validator, mapping_validator)
a = simple_attr("test")
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
v(None, a, None)
def test_fail_invalid_key(self):
Raise key validator error if an invalid key is found.
key_validator = instance_of(str)
value_validator = instance_of(int)
v = deep_mapping(key_validator, value_validator)
a = simple_attr("test")
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
v(None, a, {"a": 6, 42: 7})
def test_fail_invalid_member(self):
Raise key validator error if an invalid member value is found.
key_validator = instance_of(str)
value_validator = instance_of(int)
v = deep_mapping(key_validator, value_validator)
a = simple_attr("test")
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
v(None, a, {"a": "6", "b": 7})
def test_repr(self):
Returned validator has a useful `__repr__`.
key_validator = instance_of(str)
key_repr = "<instance_of validator for type <{type} 'str'>>".format(
value_validator = instance_of(int)
value_repr = "<instance_of validator for type <{type} 'int'>>".format(
v = deep_mapping(key_validator, value_validator)
expected_repr = (
"<deep_mapping validator for objects mapping "
"{key_repr} to {value_repr}>"
).format(key_repr=key_repr, value_repr=value_repr)
assert expected_repr == repr(v)
class TestIsCallable(object):
Tests for `is_callable`.
def test_in_all(self):
Verify that this validator is in ``__all__``.
assert is_callable.__name__ in validator_module.__all__
def test_success(self):
If the value is callable, nothing happens.
v = is_callable()
a = simple_attr("test")
v(None, a, isinstance)
def test_fail(self):
Raise TypeError if the value is not callable.
v = is_callable()
a = simple_attr("test")
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e:
v(None, a, None)
value = None
message = "'test' must be callable (got {value} that is a {type_})."
expected_message = message.format(value=value, type_=value.__class__)
assert expected_message == e.value.args[0]
assert value == e.value.args[1]
assert expected_message == e.value.msg
assert value == e.value.value
def test_repr(self):
Returned validator has a useful `__repr__`.
v = is_callable()
assert "<is_callable validator>" == repr(v)
def test_exception_repr(self):
Verify that NotCallableError exception has a useful `__str__`.
from attr.exceptions import NotCallableError
instance = NotCallableError(msg="Some Message", value=42)
assert "Some Message" == str(instance)
def test_hashability():
Validator classes are hashable.
for obj_name in dir(validator_module):
obj = getattr(validator_module, obj_name)
if not has(obj):
hash_func = getattr(obj, "__hash__", None)
assert hash_func is not None
assert hash_func is not object.__hash__