blob: 8b04bdc75a3482524495fb91ec9f2a72ee58b5ce [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 Square, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package shark.internal
import shark.GcRoot
import shark.GcRoot.JavaFrame
import shark.GcRoot.JniGlobal
import shark.GcRoot.ThreadObject
import shark.HeapGraph
import shark.HeapObject
import shark.HeapObject.HeapClass
import shark.HeapObject.HeapInstance
import shark.HeapObject.HeapObjectArray
import shark.HeapObject.HeapPrimitiveArray
import shark.HprofRecord.HeapDumpRecord.ObjectRecord.ClassDumpRecord.FieldRecord
import shark.IgnoredReferenceMatcher
import shark.LeakTraceReference.ReferenceType.ARRAY_ENTRY
import shark.LeakTraceReference.ReferenceType.INSTANCE_FIELD
import shark.LeakTraceReference.ReferenceType.LOCAL
import shark.LeakTraceReference.ReferenceType.STATIC_FIELD
import shark.LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher
import shark.OnAnalysisProgressListener
import shark.OnAnalysisProgressListener.Step.FINDING_DOMINATORS
import shark.OnAnalysisProgressListener.Step.FINDING_PATHS_TO_RETAINED_OBJECTS
import shark.PrimitiveType
import shark.PrimitiveType.BOOLEAN
import shark.PrimitiveType.BYTE
import shark.PrimitiveType.CHAR
import shark.PrimitiveType.DOUBLE
import shark.PrimitiveType.FLOAT
import shark.PrimitiveType.INT
import shark.PrimitiveType.LONG
import shark.PrimitiveType.SHORT
import shark.ReferenceMatcher
import shark.ReferencePattern
import shark.ReferencePattern.InstanceFieldPattern
import shark.ReferencePattern.NativeGlobalVariablePattern
import shark.ReferencePattern.StaticFieldPattern
import shark.SharkLog
import shark.ValueHolder
import shark.ValueHolder.ReferenceHolder
import shark.internal.ReferencePathNode.ChildNode.LibraryLeakChildNode
import shark.internal.ReferencePathNode.ChildNode.NormalNode
import shark.internal.ReferencePathNode.LibraryLeakNode
import shark.internal.ReferencePathNode.RootNode
import shark.internal.ReferencePathNode.RootNode.LibraryLeakRootNode
import shark.internal.ReferencePathNode.RootNode.NormalRootNode
import shark.internal.hppcshark.LongLongScatterMap
import shark.internal.hppcshark.LongObjectPair
import shark.internal.hppcshark.LongScatterSet
import java.util.ArrayDeque
import java.util.Deque
import java.util.LinkedHashMap
* Not thread safe.
* Finds the shortest path from leaking references to a gc root, first ignoring references
* identified as "to visit last" and then visiting them as needed if no path is
* found.
internal class PathFinder(
private val graph: HeapGraph,
private val listener: OnAnalysisProgressListener,
referenceMatchers: List<ReferenceMatcher>
) {
class PathFindingResults(
val pathsToLeakingObjects: List<ReferencePathNode>,
val dominatedObjectIds: LongLongScatterMap
private class State(
val leakingObjectIds: LongScatterSet,
val sizeOfObjectInstances: Int,
val computeRetainedHeapSize: Boolean
) {
/** Set of objects to visit */
val toVisitQueue: Deque<ReferencePathNode> = ArrayDeque()
* Objects to visit when [toVisitQueue] is empty. Should contain [JavaFrame] gc roots first,
* then [LibraryLeakNode].
val toVisitLastQueue: Deque<ReferencePathNode> = ArrayDeque()
* Enables fast checking of whether a node is already in the queue.
val toVisitSet = LongScatterSet()
val toVisitLastSet = LongScatterSet()
val visitedSet = LongScatterSet()
* Map of objects to their leaking dominator.
* If an object has been added to [toVisitSet] or [visitedSet] and is missing from
* [dominatedObjectIds] then it's considered "undomitable" ie it is dominated by gc roots
* and cannot be dominated by a leaking object.
val dominatedObjectIds = LongLongScatterMap()
val queuesNotEmpty: Boolean
get() = toVisitQueue.isNotEmpty() || toVisitLastQueue.isNotEmpty()
* A marker for when we're done exploring the graph of higher priority references and start
* visiting the lower priority references, at which point we won't add any reference to
* the high priority queue anymore.
var visitingLast = false
private val fieldNameByClassName: Map<String, Map<String, ReferenceMatcher>>
private val staticFieldNameByClassName: Map<String, Map<String, ReferenceMatcher>>
private val threadNameReferenceMatchers: Map<String, ReferenceMatcher>
private val jniGlobalReferenceMatchers: Map<String, ReferenceMatcher>
init {
val fieldNameByClassName = mutableMapOf<String, MutableMap<String, ReferenceMatcher>>()
val staticFieldNameByClassName = mutableMapOf<String, MutableMap<String, ReferenceMatcher>>()
val threadNames = mutableMapOf<String, ReferenceMatcher>()
val jniGlobals = mutableMapOf<String, ReferenceMatcher>()
val appliedRefMatchers = referenceMatchers.filter {
(it is IgnoredReferenceMatcher || (it is LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher && it.patternApplies(
SharkLog.d {
"Accounting for known reference patterns:\n${appliedRefMatchers.joinToString("\n")}"
appliedRefMatchers.forEach { referenceMatcher ->
when (val pattern = referenceMatcher.pattern) {
is ReferencePattern.JavaLocalPattern -> {
threadNames[pattern.threadName] = referenceMatcher
is StaticFieldPattern -> {
val mapOrNull = staticFieldNameByClassName[pattern.className]
val map = if (mapOrNull != null) mapOrNull else {
val newMap = mutableMapOf<String, ReferenceMatcher>()
staticFieldNameByClassName[pattern.className] = newMap
map[pattern.fieldName] = referenceMatcher
is InstanceFieldPattern -> {
val mapOrNull = fieldNameByClassName[pattern.className]
val map = if (mapOrNull != null) mapOrNull else {
val newMap = mutableMapOf<String, ReferenceMatcher>()
fieldNameByClassName[pattern.className] = newMap
map[pattern.fieldName] = referenceMatcher
is NativeGlobalVariablePattern -> {
jniGlobals[pattern.className] = referenceMatcher
this.fieldNameByClassName = fieldNameByClassName
this.staticFieldNameByClassName = staticFieldNameByClassName
this.threadNameReferenceMatchers = threadNames
this.jniGlobalReferenceMatchers = jniGlobals
fun findPathsFromGcRoots(
leakingObjectIds: Set<Long>,
computeRetainedHeapSize: Boolean
): PathFindingResults {
val sizeOfObjectInstances = determineSizeOfObjectInstances(graph)
val state =
State(leakingObjectIds.toLongScatterSet(), sizeOfObjectInstances, computeRetainedHeapSize)
return state.findPathsFromGcRoots()
private fun determineSizeOfObjectInstances(graph: HeapGraph): Int {
val objectClass = graph.findClassByName("java.lang.Object")
return if (objectClass != null) {
// In Android 16 ClassDumpRecord.instanceSize for java.lang.Object can be 8 yet there are 0
// fields. This is likely because there is extra per instance data that isn't coming from
// fields in the Object class. See #1374
val objectClassFieldSize = objectClass.readFieldsByteSize()
// shadow$_klass_ (object id) + shadow$_monitor_ (Int)
val sizeOfObjectOnArt = graph.identifierByteSize + INT.byteSize
if (objectClassFieldSize == sizeOfObjectOnArt) {
} else {
} else {
private fun Set<Long>.toLongScatterSet(): LongScatterSet {
val longScatterSet = LongScatterSet()
forEach { longScatterSet.add(it) }
return longScatterSet
private fun State.findPathsFromGcRoots(): PathFindingResults {
val shortestPathsToLeakingObjects = mutableListOf<ReferencePathNode>()
visitingQueue@ while (queuesNotEmpty) {
val node = poll()
if (checkSeen(node)) {
throw IllegalStateException(
"Node $node objectId=${node.objectId} should not be enqueued when already visited or enqueued"
if (node.objectId in leakingObjectIds) {
// Found all refs, stop searching (unless computing retained size)
if (shortestPathsToLeakingObjects.size == leakingObjectIds.size()) {
if (computeRetainedHeapSize) {
} else {
when (val heapObject = graph.findObjectById(node.objectId)) {
is HeapClass -> visitClassRecord(heapObject, node)
is HeapInstance -> visitInstance(heapObject, node)
is HeapObjectArray -> visitObjectArray(heapObject, node)
return PathFindingResults(shortestPathsToLeakingObjects, dominatedObjectIds)
private fun State.poll(): ReferencePathNode {
return if (!visitingLast && !toVisitQueue.isEmpty()) {
val removedNode = toVisitQueue.poll()
} else {
visitingLast = true
val removedNode = toVisitLastQueue.poll()
private fun State.checkSeen(node: ReferencePathNode): Boolean {
val neverSeen = visitedSet.add(node.objectId)
return !neverSeen
private fun State.enqueueGcRoots() {
val gcRoots = sortedGcRoots()
val threadNames = mutableMapOf<HeapInstance, String>()
val threadsBySerialNumber = mutableMapOf<Int, Pair<HeapInstance, ThreadObject>>()
gcRoots.forEach { (objectRecord, gcRoot) ->
if (computeRetainedHeapSize) {
when (gcRoot) {
is ThreadObject -> {
threadsBySerialNumber[gcRoot.threadSerialNumber] = objectRecord.asInstance!! to gcRoot
enqueue(NormalRootNode(, gcRoot))
is JavaFrame -> {
val threadPair = threadsBySerialNumber[gcRoot.threadSerialNumber]
if (threadPair == null) {
// Could not find the thread that this java frame is for.
enqueue(NormalRootNode(, gcRoot))
} else {
val (threadInstance, threadRoot) = threadPair
val threadName = threadNames[threadInstance] ?: {
val name = threadInstance[Thread::class, "name"]?.value?.readAsJavaString() ?: ""
threadNames[threadInstance] = name
val referenceMatcher = threadNameReferenceMatchers[threadName]
if (referenceMatcher !is IgnoredReferenceMatcher) {
val rootNode = NormalRootNode(, gcRoot)
val refFromParentType = LOCAL
// Unfortunately Android heap dumps do not include stack trace data, so
// JavaFrame.frameNumber is always -1 and we cannot know which method is causing the
// reference to be held.
val refFromParentName = ""
val childNode = if (referenceMatcher is LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher) {
objectId =,
parent = rootNode,
refFromParentType = refFromParentType,
refFromParentName = refFromParentName,
matcher = referenceMatcher
} else {
objectId =,
parent = rootNode,
refFromParentType = refFromParentType,
refFromParentName = refFromParentName
is JniGlobal -> {
val referenceMatcher = when (objectRecord) {
is HeapClass -> jniGlobalReferenceMatchers[]
is HeapInstance -> jniGlobalReferenceMatchers[objectRecord.instanceClassName]
is HeapObjectArray -> jniGlobalReferenceMatchers[objectRecord.arrayClassName]
is HeapPrimitiveArray -> jniGlobalReferenceMatchers[objectRecord.arrayClassName]
if (referenceMatcher !is IgnoredReferenceMatcher) {
if (referenceMatcher is LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher) {
enqueue(LibraryLeakRootNode(, gcRoot, referenceMatcher))
} else {
enqueue(NormalRootNode(, gcRoot))
else -> enqueue(NormalRootNode(, gcRoot))
* Sorting GC roots to get stable shortest path
* Once sorted all ThreadObject Gc Roots are located before JavaLocalPattern Gc Roots.
* This ensures ThreadObjects are visited before JavaFrames, and threadsBySerialNumber can be
* built before JavaFrames.
private fun sortedGcRoots(): List<Pair<HeapObject, GcRoot>> {
val rootClassName: (HeapObject) -> String = { graphObject ->
when (graphObject) {
is HeapClass -> {
is HeapInstance -> {
is HeapObjectArray -> {
is HeapPrimitiveArray -> {
return graph.gcRoots
.filter { gcRoot ->
// GC roots sometimes reference objects that don't exist in the heap dump
// See
.map { graph.findObjectById( to it }
.sortedWith(Comparator { (graphObject1, root1), (graphObject2, root2) ->
// Sorting based on pattern name first. In reverse order so that ThreadObject is before JavaLocalPattern
val gcRootTypeComparison =
if (gcRootTypeComparison != 0) {
} else {
private fun State.visitClassRecord(
heapClass: HeapClass,
parent: ReferencePathNode
) {
val ignoredStaticFields = staticFieldNameByClassName[] ?: emptyMap()
for (staticField in heapClass.readStaticFields()) {
if (!staticField.value.isNonNullReference) {
val fieldName =
if (fieldName == "\$staticOverhead") {
// Note: instead of calling staticField.value.asObjectId!! we cast holder to ReferenceHolder
// and access value directly. This allows us to avoid unnecessary boxing of Long.
val objectId = (staticField.value.holder as ReferenceHolder).value
if (computeRetainedHeapSize) {
val node = when (val referenceMatcher = ignoredStaticFields[fieldName]) {
null -> NormalNode(
objectId = objectId,
parent = parent,
refFromParentType = STATIC_FIELD,
refFromParentName = fieldName
is LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher -> LibraryLeakChildNode(
objectId = objectId,
parent = parent,
refFromParentType = STATIC_FIELD,
refFromParentName = fieldName,
matcher = referenceMatcher
is IgnoredReferenceMatcher -> null
if (node != null) {
private fun State.visitInstance(
instance: HeapInstance,
parent: ReferencePathNode
) {
val fieldReferenceMatchers = LinkedHashMap<String, ReferenceMatcher>()
instance.instanceClass.classHierarchy.forEach {
val referenceMatcherByField = fieldNameByClassName[]
if (referenceMatcherByField != null) {
for ((fieldName, referenceMatcher) in referenceMatcherByField) {
if (!fieldReferenceMatchers.containsKey(fieldName)) {
fieldReferenceMatchers[fieldName] = referenceMatcher
val fieldNamesAndValues = instance.readAllNonNullFieldsOfReferenceType()
fieldNamesAndValues.sortBy { it.second }
fieldNamesAndValues.forEach { pair ->
val (objectId, name) = pair
if (computeRetainedHeapSize) {
updateDominatorWithSkips(parent.objectId, objectId)
val node = when (val referenceMatcher = fieldReferenceMatchers[name]) {
null -> NormalNode(
objectId = objectId,
parent = parent,
refFromParentType = INSTANCE_FIELD,
refFromParentName = name
is LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher ->
objectId = objectId,
parent = parent,
refFromParentType = INSTANCE_FIELD,
refFromParentName = name,
matcher = referenceMatcher
is IgnoredReferenceMatcher -> null
if (node != null) {
private fun HeapInstance.readAllNonNullFieldsOfReferenceType(): MutableList<LongObjectPair<String>> {
// Assigning to local variable to avoid repeated lookup and cast:
// HeapInstance.graph casts HeapInstance.hprofGraph to HeapGraph in its getter
val hprofGraph = graph
var fieldReader: FieldIdReader? = null
val result = mutableListOf<LongObjectPair<String>>()
var skipBytesCount = 0
for (heapClass in instanceClass.classHierarchyWithoutJavaLangObject()) {
for (fieldRecord in heapClass.readRecord().fields) {
if (fieldRecord.type != PrimitiveType.REFERENCE_HPROF_TYPE) {
// Skip all fields that are not references. Track how many bytes to skip
skipBytesCount += hprofGraph.getRecordSize(fieldRecord)
} else {
// Initialize id reader if it's not yet initialized. Replaces `lazy` without synchronization
if (fieldReader == null) {
fieldReader = FieldIdReader(readRecord(), hprofGraph.identifierByteSize)
// Skip the accumulated bytes offset
skipBytesCount = 0
val objectId = fieldReader.readId()
if (objectId != 0L) {
result.add(objectId to heapClass.instanceFieldName(fieldRecord))
return result
* Returns class hierarchy for an instance, but without it's root element, which is always
* java.lang.Object.
* Alternative would be calling `instanceClass.classHierarchy.toList().dropLast(1)`; this version
* doesn't use Sequences and doesn't create extra list to drop one element.
* Why do we want class hierarchy without java.lang.Object?
* In pre-M there were no ref fields in java.lang.Object; and FieldIdReader wouldn't be created
* Android M added shadow$_klass_ reference to class, so now it triggers extra record read.
* Solution: skip heap class for java.lang.Object completely when reading the records
private fun HeapClass.classHierarchyWithoutJavaLangObject(): List<HeapClass> {
val result = mutableListOf<HeapClass>()
var parent: HeapClass? = this
var nextParent = parent?.superclass
while (parent != null && nextParent != null) {
result += parent
parent = nextParent
nextParent = parent.superclass
return result
private fun HeapGraph.getRecordSize(field: FieldRecord) =
when (field.type) {
PrimitiveType.REFERENCE_HPROF_TYPE -> identifierByteSize
BOOLEAN.hprofType -> 1
CHAR.hprofType -> 2
FLOAT.hprofType -> 4
DOUBLE.hprofType -> 8
BYTE.hprofType -> 1
SHORT.hprofType -> 2
INT.hprofType -> 4
LONG.hprofType -> 8
else -> throw IllegalStateException("Unknown type ${field.type}")
private fun State.visitObjectArray(
objectArray: HeapObjectArray,
parent: ReferencePathNode
) {
val record = objectArray.readRecord()
val nonNullElementIds = record.elementIds.filter { objectId ->
objectId != ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE && graph.objectExists(objectId)
nonNullElementIds.forEachIndexed { index, elementId ->
if (computeRetainedHeapSize) {
updateDominatorWithSkips(parent.objectId, elementId)
val name = index.toString()
objectId = elementId,
parent = parent,
refFromParentType = ARRAY_ENTRY,
refFromParentName = name
private fun State.enqueue(
node: ReferencePathNode
) {
if (node.objectId == ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE) {
if (visitedSet.contains(node.objectId)) {
// Already enqueued => shorter or equal distance
if (toVisitSet.contains(node.objectId)) {
val visitLast =
visitingLast ||
node is LibraryLeakNode ||
// We deprioritize thread objects because on Lollipop the thread local values are stored
// as a field.
(node is RootNode && node.gcRoot is ThreadObject) ||
(node is NormalNode && node.parent is RootNode && node.parent.gcRoot is JavaFrame)
if (toVisitLastSet.contains(node.objectId)) {
// Already enqueued => shorter or equal distance amongst library leak ref patterns.
if (visitLast) {
} else {
val nodeToRemove = toVisitLastQueue.first { it.objectId == node.objectId }
val isLeakingObject = node.objectId in leakingObjectIds
if (!isLeakingObject) {
val skip = when (val graphObject = graph.findObjectById(node.objectId)) {
is HeapClass -> false
is HeapInstance ->
when {
graphObject.isPrimitiveWrapper -> true
graphObject.instanceClassName == "java.lang.String" -> true
graphObject.instanceClass.instanceByteSize <= sizeOfObjectInstances -> true
else -> false
is HeapObjectArray -> when {
graphObject.isPrimitiveWrapperArray -> true
else -> false
is HeapPrimitiveArray -> true
if (skip) {
if (visitLast) {
} else {
private fun State.updateDominatorWithSkips(
parentObjectId: Long,
objectId: Long
) {
when (val graphObject = graph.findObjectById(objectId)) {
is HeapClass -> {
undominate(objectId, false)
is HeapInstance -> {
// String internal array is never enqueued
if (graphObject.instanceClassName == "java.lang.String") {
updateDominator(parentObjectId, objectId, true)
val valueId = graphObject["java.lang.String", "value"]?.value?.asObjectId
if (valueId != null) {
updateDominator(parentObjectId, valueId, true)
} else {
updateDominator(parentObjectId, objectId, false)
is HeapObjectArray -> {
// Primitive wrapper array elements are never enqueued
if (graphObject.isPrimitiveWrapperArray) {
updateDominator(parentObjectId, objectId, true)
for (wrapperId in graphObject.readRecord().elementIds) {
updateDominator(parentObjectId, wrapperId, true)
} else {
updateDominator(parentObjectId, objectId, false)
else -> {
updateDominator(parentObjectId, objectId, false)
* Every time we find a new object as we traverse the graph, we call this method.
* This is a twist on the traditional dominator tree / retained size algorithms: dominators here
* can only be retained instances, which means we don't need to track that many dominators.
* Here's how it works:
* - If [objectId] has no dominator known yet but has already been added to visit, then we know
* we've been here for that object already. We did not add this object to the map of dominated
* instances in the previous visit so it can't be dominated any more and we can stop there.
* - The parent of [objectId] has already been visited. If that parent is not a retained
* instance and has no known retained instance dominator, it cannot be dominated by a retained
* instance and therefore [objectId] cannot be dominated either.
* - The potential dominator of [objectId] is: either its parent if that parent is a retained
* object, or its parent's dominator (which therefore is a retained object).
* - If [objectId] has no known dominator, we set that potential dominator as its dominator.
* - If [objectId] has a known dominator, we now must find the common parent dominator between
* those two dominators. To find that common dominator, we compute the dominator chain for each
* dominator and the first found dominator is set as [objectId]'s dominator. If no common
* dominator was found, [objectId] cannot be dominated.
* @param neverEnqueued whether [updateDominator] is called right before [objectId] being added
* to the queue. There are a number of objects that are never added to the queue because we know
* they can't lead to leaks. When we mark objects as undominated and [neverEnqueued] is true,
* we also add these objects to visitedSet so that the next visit to [updateDominator] can be
* skipped early. If [neverEnqueued] is false then they'll be added to [State.toVisitSet] when
* enqueued.
private fun State.updateDominator(
parent: Long,
objectId: Long,
neverEnqueued: Boolean
) {
val currentDominatorSlot = dominatedObjectIds.getSlot(objectId)
if (currentDominatorSlot == -1 && (objectId in visitedSet || objectId in toVisitSet || objectId in toVisitLastSet)) {
val parentDominatorSlot = dominatedObjectIds.getSlot(parent)
val parentIsRetainedObject = parent in leakingObjectIds
if (!parentIsRetainedObject && parentDominatorSlot == -1) {
// parent is not a retained instance and parent has no dominator, but it must have been
// visited therefore we know parent belongs to undominated.
if (neverEnqueued) {
if (currentDominatorSlot != -1) {
val nextDominator =
if (parentIsRetainedObject) parent else dominatedObjectIds.getSlotValue(parentDominatorSlot)
if (currentDominatorSlot == -1) {
dominatedObjectIds[objectId] = nextDominator
} else {
val parentDominators = mutableListOf<Long>()
val currentDominators = mutableListOf<Long>()
var stop = false
var dominator: Long = nextDominator
while (!stop) {
val nextDominatorSlot = dominatedObjectIds.getSlot(dominator)
if (nextDominatorSlot == -1) {
stop = true
} else {
dominator = dominatedObjectIds.getSlotValue(nextDominatorSlot)
stop = false
dominator = dominatedObjectIds.getSlotValue(currentDominatorSlot)
while (!stop) {
val nextDominatorSlot = dominatedObjectIds.getSlot(dominator)
if (nextDominatorSlot == -1) {
stop = true
} else {
dominator = dominatedObjectIds.getSlotValue(nextDominatorSlot)
var sharedDominator: Long? = null
exit@ for (parentD in parentDominators) {
for (currentD in currentDominators) {
if (currentD == parentD) {
sharedDominator = currentD
if (sharedDominator == null) {
if (neverEnqueued) {
} else {
dominatedObjectIds[objectId] = sharedDominator
private fun State.undominateWithSkips(objectId: Long) {
when (val graphObject = graph.findObjectById(objectId)) {
is HeapClass -> {
undominate(objectId, false)
is HeapInstance -> {
// String internal array is never enqueued
if (graphObject.instanceClassName == "java.lang.String") {
undominate(objectId, true)
val valueId = graphObject["java.lang.String", "value"]?.value?.asObjectId
if (valueId != null) {
undominate(valueId, true)
} else {
undominate(objectId, false)
is HeapObjectArray -> {
// Primitive wrapper array elements are never enqueued
if (graphObject.isPrimitiveWrapperArray) {
undominate(objectId, true)
for (wrapperId in graphObject.readRecord().elementIds) {
undominate(wrapperId, true)
} else {
undominate(objectId, false)
else -> {
undominate(objectId, false)
private fun State.undominate(
objectId: Long,
neverEnqueued: Boolean
) {
if (neverEnqueued) {