Added test to verify that all LeakCanary and Shark top-level classes have correct visibility modifiers.
diff --git a/leakcanary-android-core/src/test/java/leakcanary/VisibilityTest.kt b/leakcanary-android-core/src/test/java/leakcanary/VisibilityTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d496e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/leakcanary-android-core/src/test/java/leakcanary/VisibilityTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+package leakcanary
+import org.junit.Test
+import kotlin.reflect.KClass
+import kotlin.reflect.KVisibility.PUBLIC
+import kotlin.reflect.jvm.jvmName
+class VisibilityTest {
+  private val publicClasses = listOf(
+      "leakcanary.OnHeapAnalyzedListener",
+      "leakcanary.LeakCanary",
+      "leakcanary.DefaultOnHeapAnalyzedListener",
+      "leakcanary.AppWatcher",
+      "leakcanary.Clock",
+      "leakcanary.ObjectWatcher",
+      "leakcanary.OnObjectRetainedListener",
+      "leakcanary.KeyedWeakReference",
+      "leakcanary.GcTrigger",
+      "leakcanary.AndroidLeakFixes",
+      "shark.SharkLog",
+      "shark.HprofWriterHelper",
+      "shark.HprofWriter",
+      "shark.HprofRecord",
+      "shark.Hprof",
+      "shark.HprofPrimitiveArrayStripper",
+      "shark.PrimitiveType",
+      "shark.ValueHolder",
+      "shark.OnHprofRecordListener",
+      "shark.GcRoot",
+      "shark.HprofReader",
+      "shark.HeapDumpRule",
+      "shark.JvmTestHeapDumper",
+      "shark.AndroidBuildMirror",
+      "shark.AndroidObjectInspectors",
+      "shark.AndroidMetadataExtractor",
+      "shark.AndroidReferenceMatchers",
+      "shark.AndroidResourceIdNames",
+      "shark.Leak",
+      "shark.FilteringLeakingObjectFinder",
+      "shark.HeapAnalysisFailure",
+      "shark.LeakTraceReference",
+      "shark.HeapAnalysisException",
+      "shark.OnAnalysisProgressListener",
+      "shark.ApplicationLeak",
+      "shark.MetadataExtractor",
+      "shark.ObjectInspector",
+      "shark.IgnoredReferenceMatcher",
+      "shark.HeapAnalysisSuccess",
+      "shark.LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher",
+      "shark.ObjectReporter",
+      "shark.LibraryLeak",
+      "shark.LeakTrace",
+      "shark.HeapAnalysis",
+      "shark.LeakTraceObject",
+      "shark.ReferencePattern",
+      "shark.HeapAnalyzer",
+      "shark.ObjectInspectors",
+      "shark.KeyedWeakReferenceFinder",
+      "shark.ReferenceMatcher",
+      "shark.AppSingletonInspector",
+      "shark.LeakingObjectFinder",
+      "shark.HeapField",
+      "shark.HprofHeapGraph",
+      "shark.internal.hppc.LongLongScatterMap",
+      "shark.internal.hppc.LongScatterSet",
+      "shark.GraphContext",
+      "shark.HeapValue",
+      "shark.HeapObject",
+      "shark.ProguardMapping",
+      "shark.ProguardMappingReader",
+      "shark.HeapGraph"
+  )
+  /**
+   * Validates that each field in [LeakCanary.Config] has a matching builder function
+   * in [LeakCanary.Config.Builder]
+   */
+  @Test fun `Everything is internal by default unless explicitly public`() {
+    (getClasses("leakcanary") + getClasses("shark"))
+        .asSequence()
+        .filter { !it.jvmName.contains("\\$".toRegex()) }               // Any nested classes
+        .filter { !it.jvmName.contains("\\\$WhenMappings".toRegex()) }  // When mappings
+        .filter { !it.jvmName.endsWith("Kt") }                    // ClassNameKt classes
+        .filter { !it.jvmName.endsWith("Test") }                  // Test classes
+        .filter { it.visibility == PUBLIC }
+        .forEach {
+          if (!publicClasses.contains(it.jvmName)) {
+            fail("Class ${it.jvmName} was declared as PUBLIC, but verification rules " +
+                "don't include this class. Update VisibilityTest if you want to keep " +
+                "this new class PUBLIC, or convert it to be INTERNAL.")
+          }
+        }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Scans all classes accessible from the context class loader which belong to the given package and subpackages.
+   *
+   * @param packageName The base package
+   * @return The classes
+   * @throws ClassNotFoundException
+   * @throws IOException
+   */
+  private fun getClasses(packageName: String): List<KClass<*>> {
+    val classLoader = javaClass.classLoader!!
+    val path = packageName.replace('.', '/')
+    val resources = classLoader.getResources(path)
+    val dirs = mutableListOf<File>()
+    while (resources.hasMoreElements()) {
+      dirs.add(File(resources.nextElement().file))
+    }
+    return { findClasses(it, packageName) }.flatten()
+  }
+  /**
+   * Recursive method used to find all classes in a given directory and subdirs.
+   *
+   * @param directory   The base directory
+   * @param packageName The package name for classes found inside the base directory
+   * @return The classes
+   * @throws ClassNotFoundException
+   */
+  private fun findClasses(
+    directory: File,
+    packageName: String
+  ): List<KClass<*>> {
+    val classes = mutableListOf<KClass<*>>()
+    if (!directory.exists()) {
+      return classes
+    }
+    val files = directory.listFiles() ?: return classes
+    files.forEach { file ->
+      if (file.isDirectory) {
+        classes.addAll(findClasses(file, packageName + "." +
+      } else if (".class")) {
+        // TODO add filtering for $1 in class name here?
+        classes.add(
+            Class.forName(
+                "$packageName.${, - 6)}",
+                false,
+                javaClass.classLoader!!).kotlin
+        )
+      }
+    }
+    return classes
+  }
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