improve docs
diff --git a/gcfg.go b/gcfg.go
index 0af614c..b1d1a2c 100644
--- a/gcfg.go
+++ b/gcfg.go
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 //    - `[sec.sub]` format is not allowed (deprecated in gitconfig)
 //    - `[sec ""]` is not allowed
 //      - use `[sec]` for section name "sec" and empty subsection name
-//    - within a single file, definitions must be consecutive for each:
+//    - (planned) within a single file, definitions must be contiguous for each:
 //      - section: '[secA]' -> '[secB]' -> '[secA]' is an error
 //      - subsection: '[sec "A"]' -> '[sec "B"]' -> '[sec "A"]' is an error
 //      - multivalued variable: 'multi=a' -> 'other=x' -> 'multi=b' is an error
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
 // TODO:
 //  - format
-//    - explain "why gcfg"
 //    - define valid section and variable names
 //    - define handling of default value
 //    - complete syntax documentation
diff --git a/read.go b/read.go
index a3fcb38..3e3e57f 100644
--- a/read.go
+++ b/read.go
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@
 // For bool fields, the field is set to true if the value is "true", "yes", "on"
 // or "1", and set to false if the value is "false", "no", "off" or "0",
 // ignoring case.
-// For all other types, fmt.Sscanf is used to parse the value and set it to the
-// field.
+// For all other types, fmt.Sscanf with the verb "%v" is used to parse the value
+// string and set it to the field.
 // This means that built-in Go types are parseable using the standard format,
 // and any user-defined type is parseable if it implements the fmt.Scanner
 // interface.