blob: 42df438f84b7b56629ff676e123aef415db26dfa [file] [log] [blame]
package levenshtein
import (
type EditOperation int
const (
Ins = iota
type EditScript []EditOperation
type MatchFunction func(rune, rune) bool
type Options struct {
InsCost int
DelCost int
SubCost int
Matches MatchFunction
// DefaultOptions is the default options: insertion cost is 1, deletion cost is
// 1, substitution cost is 2, and two runes match iff they are the same.
var DefaultOptions Options = Options{
InsCost: 1,
DelCost: 1,
SubCost: 2,
Matches: func(sourceCharacter rune, targetCharacter rune) bool {
return sourceCharacter == targetCharacter
func (operation EditOperation) String() string {
if operation == Match {
return "match"
} else if operation == Ins {
return "ins"
} else if operation == Sub {
return "sub"
return "del"
// DistanceForStrings returns the edit distance between source and target.
func DistanceForStrings(source []rune, target []rune, op Options) int {
return DistanceForMatrix(MatrixForStrings(source, target, op))
// DistanceForMatrix reads the edit distance off the given Levenshtein matrix.
func DistanceForMatrix(matrix [][]int) int {
return matrix[len(matrix)-1][len(matrix[0])-1]
// MatrixForStrings generates a 2-D array representing the dynamic programming
// table used by the Levenshtein algorithm, as described e.g. here:
// The reason for putting the creation of the table into a separate function is
// that it cannot only be used for reading of the edit distance between two
// strings, but also e.g. to backtrace an edit script that provides an
// alignment between the characters of both strings.
func MatrixForStrings(source []rune, target []rune, op Options) [][]int {
// Make a 2-D matrix. Rows correspond to prefixes of source, columns to
// prefixes of target. Cells will contain edit distances.
// Cf.
height := len(source) + 1
width := len(target) + 1
matrix := make([][]int, height)
// Initialize trivial distances (from/to empty string). That is, fill
// the left column and the top row with row/column indices.
for i := 0; i < height; i++ {
matrix[i] = make([]int, width)
matrix[i][0] = i
for j := 1; j < width; j++ {
matrix[0][j] = j
// Fill in the remaining cells: for each prefix pair, choose the
// (edit history, operation) pair with the lowest cost.
for i := 1; i < height; i++ {
for j := 1; j < width; j++ {
delCost := matrix[i-1][j] + op.DelCost
matchSubCost := matrix[i-1][j-1]
if !op.Matches(source[i-1], target[j-1]) {
matchSubCost += op.SubCost
insCost := matrix[i][j-1] + op.InsCost
matrix[i][j] = min(delCost, min(matchSubCost,
//LogMatrix(source, target, matrix)
return matrix
// EditScriptForStrings returns an optimal edit script to turn source into
// target.
func EditScriptForStrings(source []rune, target []rune, op Options) EditScript {
return backtrace(len(source), len(target),
MatrixForStrings(source, target, op), op)
// EditScriptForMatrix returns an optimal edit script based on the given
// Levenshtein matrix.
func EditScriptForMatrix(matrix [][]int, op Options) EditScript {
return backtrace(len(matrix[0])-1, len(matrix)-1, matrix, op)
// LogMatrix outputs a visual representation of the given matrix for the given
// strings on os.Stderr.
func LogMatrix(source []rune, target []rune, matrix [][]int) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " ")
for _, targetRune := range target {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " %c", targetRune)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " %2d", matrix[0][0])
for j, _ := range target {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " %2d", matrix[0][j+1])
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")
for i, sourceRune := range source {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%c %2d", sourceRune, matrix[i+1][0])
for j, _ := range target {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " %2d", matrix[i+1][j+1])
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")
func backtrace(i int, j int, matrix [][]int, op Options) EditScript {
if i > 0 && matrix[i-1][j]+op.DelCost == matrix[i][j] {
return append(backtrace(i-1, j, matrix, op), Del)
if j > 0 && matrix[i][j-1]+op.InsCost == matrix[i][j] {
return append(backtrace(i, j-1, matrix, op), Ins)
if i > 0 && j > 0 && matrix[i-1][j-1]+op.SubCost == matrix[i][j] {
return append(backtrace(i-1, j-1, matrix, op), Sub)
if i > 0 && j > 0 && matrix[i-1][j-1] == matrix[i][j] {
return append(backtrace(i-1, j-1, matrix, op), Match)
return []EditOperation{}
func min(a int, b int) int {
if b < a {
return b
return a
func max(a int, b int) int {
if b > a {
return b
return a