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<title>WebVR - Samples</title>
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<h1><a href="" class="wordmark"><span>WebVR</span></a></h1>
<h2 class="tagline">Sample Pages</h2>
<main class="main" id="main">
<p>Sample pages demonstrating how to use various aspects of the WebVR API.</p>
<h3 style='color: #880000; font-size: 1.5em;'>
<a id="webvr-is-dead" class="anchor" href="#webvr-is-dead" aria-hidden="true"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>
WebVR is Deprecated!
<p style='color: #880000; font-size: 1.1em;'>
WebVR has been replaced by the <a href="">WebXR Device API</a>, which has wider support, more features, better performance, and supports both VR and AR.
This page is preserved as a historical reference, but the information on it is no longer relevant. For more relevant resources, see the <a href="">WebXR Samples</a> instead!
<h3>Non-presenting samples</h3>
<p>These samples use the WebVR API but do not display anything in the headset.</p>
<ul id="non-presenting-samples" class="sample-list"></ul>
<h3>Presenting samples</h3>
<p>These samples use the WebVR API to display imagery in the headset.</p>
<ul id="samples" class="sample-list"></ul>
<h3>Work-in-progress samples</h3>
<p>These samples are not yet complete and may not accurately portray the API's usage.</p>
<ul id="wip-samples" class="sample-list"></ul>
<h3>Testing pages</h3>
<p>These pages help stress browser conformance.</p>
<ul id="tests" class="sample-list"></ul>
<h3><a class="github-link" href="">View samples on GitHub</a></h3>
var pages = [
{ index: "00", path: "00-hello-webvr.html", title: "Hello WebVR!", nonPresenting: true},
{ index: "01", path: "01-vr-input.html", title: "VR Input", nonPresenting: true },
{ index: "02", path: "02-stereo-rendering.html", title: "Stereo Rendering", nonPresenting: true },
{ index: "03", path: "03-vr-presentation.html", title: "VR Presentation" },
{ index: "04", path: "04-simple-mirroring.html", title: "Simple Mirroring" },
{ index: "04b", path: "04b-simple-mirroring-2.html", title: "Simple Mirroring pt. 2" },
{ index: "05", path: "05-room-scale.html", title: "Room Scale" },
{ index: "06", path: "06-vr-audio.html", title: "VR Audio" },
{ index: "07", path: "07-advanced-mirroring.html", title: "Advanced Mirroring" },
{ index: "08", path: "08-dynamic-resolution.html", title: "Dynamic Resolution" },
{ index: "09", path: "09-splash-screen.html", title: "Splash Screen" },
// WIP samples, no index
{ path: "XX-360-panorama.html", title: "360 Degree Panorama" },
{ path: "XX-360-video.html", title: "360 Degree Video" },
{ path: "XX-vr-controllers.html", title: "VR Controllers" },
// Tests
{ index: "Test", path: "test-canvas-attributes.html", title: "Canvas Attributes" },
{ index: "Test", path: "test-slow-render.html?heavyGpu=1&cubeScale=0.3&standardSize=1&renderScale=1.0", title: "Slow GPU" },
{ index: "Test", path: "test-slow-render.html?workTime=12&standardSize=1&renderScale=1.0", title: "Slow Javascript" },
{ index: "Test", path: "test-slow-render.html?heavyGpu=1&cubeScale=0.3&workTime=12&standardSize=1&renderScale=1.0", title: "Slow GPU and Javascript" },
{ index: "Test", path: "test-slow-render.html?noFrames=1", title: "No Frames" },
{ index: "Test", path: "03-vr-presentation.html?webgl2=1", title: "WebGL 2" },
{ index: "Test", path: "test-vr-links.html", title: "VR Links" },
{ index: "Test", path: "insecure/test-insecure.html", title: "Insecure WebVR", insecure: true },
{ index: "Test", path: "test-slow-render.html?standardSize=1&renderScale=1.0&canvasResizeInterval=33", title: "Dynamic canvas resize" },
{ index: "Test", path: "test-slow-render.html?heavyGpu=1&cubeScale=0.5&workTime=12&standardSize=1&renderScale=1.0&halfOnly=1", title: "Slow GPU and Javascript, half world" },
{ index: "Test", path: "test-slow-render.html?heavyGpu=1&cubeScale=0.5&workTime=4&standardSize=1&renderScale=1.0&submitInterval=3", title: "Slow GPU and Javascript, only submit 1 frame in 3" },
// Append an element for every item in the pages list.
var npSamples = document.getElementById("non-presenting-samples");
var samples = document.getElementById("samples");
var wipSamples = document.getElementById("wip-samples");
var tests = document.getElementById("tests");
for (var i = 0; i < pages.length; ++i) {
var page = pages[i];
var wipPage = !page.index;
var testPage = (page.index == "Test");
var li = document.createElement("li");
li.setAttribute("data-index", page.index ? page.index : "XX");
var linkPath = page.insecure ? "" + page.path : page.path;
var sampleLink = document.createElement("a");
sampleLink.href = linkPath;
sampleLink.innerHTML = page.title;
if (!testPage) {
var polyfillLink = document.createElement("a");
polyfillLink.href = linkPath + "?polyfill=1";
polyfillLink.innerHTML = "(Polyfill)";
var sourceLink = document.createElement("a");
sourceLink.href = "" + page.path;
sourceLink.innerHTML = "(Source)";
if (testPage) {
} else if (wipPage) {
} else if (page.nonPresenting) {
} else {
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