blob: 10cca26ff1b9eeeb0b264453d83e7f0ce95ba02c [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#error("This header can only be used when inspector is enabled")
#include "inspector_socket_server.h"
#include "node_mutex.h"
#include "uv.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
namespace node {
// Forward declaration to break recursive dependency chain with src/env.h.
class Environment;
namespace inspector {
class MainThreadHandle;
class RequestQueue;
class InspectorIo {
// Start the inspector agent thread, waiting for it to initialize
// bool Start();
// Returns empty pointer if thread was not started
static std::unique_ptr<InspectorIo> Start(
std::shared_ptr<MainThreadHandle> main_thread,
const std::string& path,
std::shared_ptr<ExclusiveAccess<HostPort>> host_port,
const InspectPublishUid& inspect_publish_uid);
// Will block till the transport thread shuts down
void StopAcceptingNewConnections();
std::string GetWsUrl() const;
InspectorIo(std::shared_ptr<MainThreadHandle> handle,
const std::string& path,
std::shared_ptr<ExclusiveAccess<HostPort>> host_port,
const InspectPublishUid& inspect_publish_uid);
// Wrapper for agent->ThreadMain()
static void ThreadMain(void* agent);
// Runs a uv_loop_t
void ThreadMain();
// This is a thread-safe object that will post async tasks. It lives as long
// as an Inspector object lives (almost as long as an Isolate).
std::shared_ptr<MainThreadHandle> main_thread_;
// Used to post on a frontend interface thread, lives while the server is
// running
std::shared_ptr<RequestQueue> request_queue_;
std::shared_ptr<ExclusiveAccess<HostPort>> host_port_;
InspectPublishUid inspect_publish_uid_;
// The IO thread runs its own uv_loop to implement the TCP server off
// the main thread.
uv_thread_t thread_;
// For setting up interthread communications
Mutex thread_start_lock_;
ConditionVariable thread_start_condition_;
std::string script_name_;
// May be accessed from any thread
const std::string id_;
} // namespace inspector
} // namespace node