blob: 59ba3ec5f641fceb4655d8dd47e437cf431357bd [file] [log] [blame]
The behaviour may be configured at two levels.
The user settings are read from the ``~/.config/flake8`` file (or the ``~/.flake8`` file on Windows).
ignore = E226,E302,E41
max-line-length = 160
exclude = tests/*
max-complexity = 10
At the project level, the ``tox.ini``, ``setup.cfg``, ``.pep8`` or ``.flake8``
files are read if present. Only the first file is considered. If this file
does not have a ``[flake8]`` section, no project specific configuration is
If the ``ignore`` option is not in the configuration and not in the arguments,
only the error codes ``E123/E133``, ``E226`` and ``E241/E242`` are ignored
(see the :ref:`warning and error codes <error-codes>`).
This is a (likely incomplete) list of settings that can be used in your config
file. In general, any settings that pep8 supports we also support and we add
the ability to set ``max-complexity`` as well.
- ``exclude``: comma-separated filename and glob patterns
default: ``.svn,CVS,.bzr,.hg,.git,__pycache``
- ``filename``: comma-separated filename and glob patterns
default: ``*.py``
- ``select``: select errors and warnings to enable which are off by default
- ``ignore``: skip errors or warnings
- ``max-line-length``: set maximum allowed line length
default: 79
- ``format``: set the error format
- ``max-complexity``: McCabe complexity threshold