blob: 4e3be27c0ba2a5226053e659e44c6efcb563b4b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Types used by the invalidation client library and its applications.
#include <string>
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/deps/logging.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/deps/stl-namespace.h"
namespace invalidation {
/* Represents an opaque handle that can be used to acknowledge an invalidation
* event by calling InvalidationClient::Acknowledge(AckHandle) to indicate that
* the client has successfully handled the event.
class AckHandle {
/* Creates a new ack handle from the serialized handle_data representation. */
explicit AckHandle(const string& handle_data) : handle_data_(handle_data) {}
const string& handle_data() const {
return handle_data_;
bool operator==(const AckHandle& ack_handle) const {
return handle_data() == ack_handle.handle_data();
bool IsNoOp() const {
return handle_data_.empty();
/* The serialized representation of the handle. */
string handle_data_;
/* An identifier for application clients in an application-defined way. I.e., a
* client name in an application naming scheme. This is not interpreted by the
* invalidation system - however, it is used opaquely to squelch invalidations
* for the cient causing an update, e.g., if a client C whose app client id is
* C.appClientId changes object X and the backend store informs the backend
* invalidation sytsem that X was modified by X.appClientId, the invalidation to
* C can then be squelched by the invalidation system.
class ApplicationClientId {
/* Creates an application id for the given client_Name. */
explicit ApplicationClientId(const string& client_name)
: client_name_(client_name) {}
const string& client_name() const {
return client_name_;
bool operator==(const ApplicationClientId& app_client_id) const {
return client_name() == app_client_id.client_name();
string client_name_;
/* Possible reasons for error in InvalidationListener::InformError. The
* application writer must NOT assume that this is complete list since error
* codes may be added later. That is, for error codes that it cannot handle,
* it should not necessarily just crash the code. It may want to present a
* dialog box to the user (say). For each ErrorReason, the ErrorInfo object
* has a context object. We describe the type and meaning of the context for
* each enum value below.
class ErrorReason {
/* The provided authentication/authorization token is not valid for use. */
static const int AUTH_FAILURE = 1;
/* An unknown failure - more human-readable information is in the error
* message.
static const int UNKNOWN_FAILURE = -1;
/* Extra information about the error - cast to appropriate subtype as specified
* for the reason.
class ErrorContext {
virtual ~ErrorContext() {}
/* A context with numeric data. */
class NumberContext : public ErrorContext {
explicit NumberContext(int number) : number_(number) {}
virtual ~NumberContext() {}
int number() {
return number_;
int number_;
/* Information about an error given to the application. */
class ErrorInfo {
/* Constructs an ErrorInfo object given the reason for the error, whether it
* is transient or permanent, and a helpful message describing the error.
ErrorInfo(int error_reason, bool is_transient,
const string& error_message, const ErrorContext& context)
: error_reason_(error_reason),
context_(context) {}
int error_reason() const {
return error_reason_;
bool is_transient() const {
return is_transient_;
const string& error_message() const {
return error_message_;
const ErrorContext& context() const {
return context_;
/* The cause of the failure. */
int error_reason_;
/* Is the error transient or permanent. See discussion in Status::Code for
* permanent and transient failure handling.
bool is_transient_;
/* Human-readable description of the error. */
string error_message_;
/* Extra information about the error - cast to appropriate object as specified
* for the reason.
ErrorContext context_;
/* A class to represent a unique object id that an application can register or
* unregister for.
class ObjectId {
ObjectId() : is_initialized_(false) {}
/* Creates an object id for the given source and name (the name is copied). */
ObjectId(int source, const string& name)
: is_initialized_(true), source_(source), name_(name) {}
void Init(int source, const string& name) {
is_initialized_ = true;
source_ = source;
name_ = name;
int source() const {
return source_;
const string& name() const {
return name_;
bool operator==(const ObjectId& object_id) const {
return (source() == object_id.source()) && (name() ==;
/* Whether the object id has been initialized. */
bool is_initialized_;
/* The invalidation source type. */
int source_;
/* The name/unique id for the object. */
string name_;
/* A class to represent an invalidation for a given object/version and an
* optional payload.
class Invalidation {
Invalidation() : is_initialized_(false) {}
/* Creates a restarted invalidation for the given object and version. */
Invalidation(const ObjectId& object_id, int64 version) {
Init(object_id, version, true);
/* Creates an invalidation for the given object, version, and payload. */
Invalidation(const ObjectId& object_id, int64 version,
const string& payload) {
Init(object_id, version, payload, true);
* Creates an invalidation for the given object, version, payload,
* and restarted flag.
Invalidation(const ObjectId& object_id, int64 version, const string& payload,
bool is_trickle_restart) {
Init(object_id, version, payload, is_trickle_restart);
void Init(const ObjectId& object_id, int64 version, bool is_trickle_restart) {
Init(object_id, version, false, "", is_trickle_restart);
void Init(const ObjectId& object_id, int64 version, const string& payload,
bool is_trickle_restart) {
Init(object_id, version, true, payload, is_trickle_restart);
const ObjectId& object_id() const {
return object_id_;
int64 version() const {
return version_;
bool has_payload() const {
return has_payload_;
const string& payload() const {
return payload_;
// This method is for internal use only.
bool is_trickle_restart_for_internal_use() const {
return is_trickle_restart_;
bool operator==(const Invalidation& invalidation) const {
return (object_id() == invalidation.object_id()) &&
(version() == invalidation.version()) &&
(is_trickle_restart_for_internal_use() ==
invalidation.is_trickle_restart_for_internal_use()) &&
(has_payload() == invalidation.has_payload()) &&
(payload() == invalidation.payload());
void Init(const ObjectId& object_id, int64 version, bool has_payload,
const string& payload, bool is_trickle_restart) {
is_initialized_ = true;
version_ = version;
has_payload_ = has_payload;
payload_ = payload;
is_trickle_restart_ = is_trickle_restart;
/* Whether this invalidation has been initialized. */
bool is_initialized_;
/* The object being invalidated/updated. */
ObjectId object_id_;
/* The new version of the object. */
int64 version_;
/* Whether or not the invalidation includes a payload. */
bool has_payload_;
/* Optional payload for the client. */
string payload_;
/* Flag whether the trickle restarts at this invalidation. */
bool is_trickle_restart_;
/* Information given to about a operation - success, temporary or permanent
* failure.
class Status {
/* Actual status of the operation: Whether successful, transient or permanent
* failure.
enum Code {
/* Operation was successful. */
/* Operation had a transient failure. The application can retry the failed
* operation later - if it chooses to do so, it must use a sensible backoff
* policy such as exponential backoff.
/* Opration has a permanent failure. Application must not automatically
* retry without fixing the situation (e.g., by presenting a dialog box to
* the user).
/* Creates a new Status object given the code and message. */
Status(Code code, const string& message) : code_(code), message_(message) {}
bool IsSuccess() const {
return code_ == SUCCESS;
bool IsTransientFailure() const {
return code_ == TRANSIENT_FAILURE;
bool IsPermanentFailure() const {
return code_ == PERMANENT_FAILURE;
const string& message() const {
return message_;
bool operator==(const Status& status) const {
return (code_ == status.code_) && (message() == status.message());
/* Success or failure. */
Code code_;
/* A message describing why the state was unknown, for debugging. */
string message_;
} // namespace invalidation