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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Compute statistics on Appstats data and prepare data for UI.
Appstats data is processed to compute information necessary for
charts. For e.g., for the main page, request counts in different
latency bins are computed, and the information is summarized in
a manner convenient for the UI.
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
import math
class _ExponentialBinner(object):
"""Bins data in intervals with exponentially increasing sizes.
Helps with preparation of histograms. E.g., histograms that
plot number of requests within each latency range.
def __init__(self, start, exponent):
"""Initialize parameters for histograms.
E.g., start = 10, and exponent = 2 will bin data using intervals
[0, 10], [11, 20], [21, 40], and so on.
start: upper bound of first interval
exponent: ratio of upper bounds of two consecutive intervals.
self.start = start
self.exponent = exponent
def Bin(self, data):
"""Compute counts of data items in various bins.
data: sorted list of integer or long data items.
A list, with each element being count of data items in each bin
bincounts = []
numbins = self._BinIndex(data[-1]) + 1
for bin_index in range(numbins):
for item in data:
bin_index = self._BinIndex(item)
bincounts[bin_index] += 1
return bincounts
def Intervals(self, numbins):
"""Returns the upper bounds of intervals under exponential binning.
E.g., if intervals are [0, 10], [11, 20], [21, 40], [41, 80], this
function returns the list [10, 20, 40, 80].
numbins: Number of bins.
A list which contains upper bounds of each interval range.
if numbins < 1:
return []
intervals = [self.start]
for _ in range(1, numbins):
intervals.append(intervals[-1] * self.exponent)
return intervals
def _BinIndex(self, item):
"""Get bin to which item belongs.
E.g., if intervals are [0, 10], [10, 20], [20, 40], [40, 80],
_BinIndex(25) is 2, and _BinIndex(50) is 3.
Bin numbers are 0-based.
item: data item
bin to which item belongs, assuming 0-based binning.
if item <= self.start:
return 0
itembin = math.ceil(math.log(float(item)/self.start, self.exponent))
return int(itembin)
def URLFreqRespTime(urlstatsdict):
"""Computes request counts in different response time ranges for histograms.
urlstatsdict: A dictionary. Key is url path. Value is appropriate
URLStats object which contains appstats statistics for the path.
resptime_byfreq: A list of 3-tuples, one per URL, sorted in descending
order of the number of requests seen by each URL. The elements of each
tuple are (i) URL path; (ii) sorted list of response times of all
requests corresponding to that URL; and (iii) a list of request counts
in each latency bin for that URL.
intervals: A list of latency ranges that requests of each URL are
binned into. Each latency range is represented by the upper end of the
range. E.g., if we are binning requests into latency ranges
[0, 10], [11, 20], [21, 40], ... [1601, 3200]. Then, intervals is
represented by the list [10, 20, 40,...,3200]
resptime = []
binner = _ExponentialBinner(10, 2)
maxbins = 0
for url, urlstats in urlstatsdict.iteritems():
urlresptime = sorted(urlstats.GetResponseTimeList())
urlbin = binner.Bin(urlresptime)
maxbins = max(maxbins, len(urlbin))
resptime.append((url, urlresptime, urlbin))
resptime.sort(key=lambda triple: len(triple[1]), reverse=True)
intervals = binner.Intervals(maxbins)
return resptime, intervals
def _GetPercentile(sortedlist, percent):
"""Returns a desired percentile value of a sorted list of numbers.
E.g., if a list of request latencies is
[1, 4, 7, 14, 34, 89, 100, 123, 149, 345], and percent is 0.9, the result
is 149. If percent is 0.5 (median), result is 34.
sortedlist: A sorted list of integers, longs or floats.
percent: A fraction between 0 and 1 that indicates desired
percentile value. E.g., 0.9 means 90th percentile is desired.
None if list is empty. Else, the desired percentile value.
if not sortedlist:
return None
k = int(math.ceil(len(sortedlist) * percent)) - 1
if k < 0:
k = 0
return sortedlist[k]
def _GetPercentileList(items, percentilelist):
"""Given a list, returns a list of desired percentile values.
items: A list of integers, longs or floats.
percentilelist: A list of fractions, each between 0 and 1 that indicates
desired percentile value. E.g., [0.1, 0.9] means 10th and 90th
percentiles are desired.
None if list is empty. Else, the list of desired percentile values.
if not items:
return None
sortedlist = sorted(items)
return [_GetPercentile(sortedlist, p) for p in percentilelist]
class RequestSummary(object):
"""Summarizes request statistics for UI.
The class summarizes the timestamps, latencies and total rpc time of all
requests of a given URL path. An object of this class will then be passed
to the UI for display of the page that drills into specific a URL path.
def __init__(self):
self.timestamps = []
self.totaltimes = []
self.totalrpctimes = []
def Summary(urlstats):
"""Summarize relevant statistics for requests.
urlstats: A list of URLStat objects, which provide statistics for
each request of a given URL path.
A RequestSummary object which provides the timestamps, latencies
and total rpc times for all requests of a given URL path. Each list
is ordered in chronological order.
summary = RequestSummary()
for request in reversed(urlstats.urlrequestlist):
return summary
class RPCSummary(object):
"""Summarize RPC statistics for UI.
The class summarizes information relevant to each RPC category
such as the number of requests, number of calls, time spent in
each RPC etc. There is one object per RPC category. Objects of
this class will be passed to the UI for display of the page that
drills into specific a URL path.
def __init__(self):
self.requests = 0
self.calls = 0
self.times = []
self.indices = []
self.stats = []
self.summary_time = 0
def SortedRPCSummaries(urlstats, summary_percentile):
"""Summarize RPC statistics of requests for UI.
urlstats: A list of URLStat objects, which provide statistics for
each request of a given URL path.
summary_percentile: Summarize the time spent in an RPC across
different requests by this percentile value. RPCs are sorted in
the decreasing order of this percentile value. E.g., 0.5 indicates
RPC times are summarized and sorted by the median.
A list of tuples. The first element of each tuple is an RPC category
label. The second element is an RPCSummary object which summarizes
statistics about that RPC category. Summarizing data in this form is
convenient for rendering UI on the drill page, particularly for bar
charts showing times spent in various RPCs across different requests.
The list is sorted in decreasing order of the summary_percentile of time
spent in that RPC. This is the order in which RPCs will be rendered in
the UI.
rpcsummary = {}
for (index, request) in enumerate(reversed(urlstats.urlrequestlist)):
for rpc in request.rpcstatslist:
label = rpc.GetLabel()
if label not in rpcsummary:
rpcsummary[label] = RPCSummary()
summary = rpcsummary[label]
summary.requests += 1
summary.calls += rpc.numcalls
successful_reads = len(rpc.keys_read) - len(rpc.keys_failed_get)
for label in rpcsummary:
summary = _GetPercentile(sorted(rpcsummary[label].times),
rpcsummary[label].summary_time = summary
rpcsummary_sort = sorted(rpcsummary.iteritems(),
key=lambda pair: pair[1].summary_time,
return rpcsummary_sort
def RPCVariation(reqsummary, rpcsummaries):
"""Generates desired percentiles of times spent in each RPC.
Produces results useful for a candlestick chart that shows variation
in time spent across different RPCs. Currently, the candlestick chart
shows the 10th, 25th, 75th and 90th percentiles of RPC times.
reqsummary: A reqsummary object.
rpcsummaries: a list of tuples generated by the SortedRPCSummaries
function. In each tuple, the first element is an RPC category name
and the second element is a dictionary containing information
about the RPC category, particularly time spent in that RPC category
across URL requests.
A list of lists. Each inner list contains delay percentiles for each RPC.
rpc_variation = []
markers = [0.1, 0.25, 0.75, 0.9]
percentiles = _GetPercentileList(reqsummary.totaltimes, markers)
percentiles.insert(0, 'Total')
percentiles = _GetPercentileList(reqsummary.totalrpctimes, markers)
percentiles.insert(0, 'TotalRPCTime')
for pair in rpcsummaries:
percentiles = _GetPercentileList(pair[1].times, markers)
percentiles.insert(0, pair[0])
return rpc_variation
def SplitByKind(freqdict):
"""Arranges entity/entity group access counts by their kind.
freqdict: a dict with keys corresponding to entities or entity
groups. Value is a dict with 3 keys, 'read', 'write', 'missed',
the values of which correspond to the appropriate counts for
that entity.
kinds_bycount: A list of <kind, entitiesOfKind> tuples, one per entity
(group) kind sorted in decreasing order of number of entities
(entity groups) of each kind. entitiesOfKind is a list of
tuples, one per entity (group) of that kind, sorted in decreasing order
of the access count of that entity (group). Each tuple consists of the
name of the entity (group), along with read, write and miss counts.
maxcount: The maximum access count seen by any entity of any kind.
kinds = {}
for kind_fullname, freq in freqdict.items():
(kind, fullname) = kind_fullname.split(',')
if not kind in kinds:
kinds[kind] = []
kinds[kind].append((fullname, freq['read'],
freq['write'], freq['miss']))
for kind in kinds:
kinds[kind].sort(key=lambda ent: ent[1] + ent[2], reverse=True)
kinds_bycount = sorted(kinds.iteritems(),
key=lambda pair: len(pair[1]), reverse=True)
maxcount = 0
for kind in kinds:
maxcount = max(maxcount, kinds[kind][0][1] + kinds[kind][0][2])
return kinds_bycount, maxcount
class Drill(object):
"""Data structures to be passed to UI for rendering drill page."""
def __init__(self):
self.reqsummary = None
self.rpcsummaries = []
self.groupcounts = []
self.maxgroupcount = None
self.entitycounts = []
self.maxentitycount = None
self.rpc_variation = []
def _ToJsonDrill(self):
"""Encodes data for drill page in JSON for UI.
drill_json: A dictionary representation of the class with attributes
encoded into JSON as necessary for the UI.
drill_json = dict(self.__dict__)
drill_json['rpcsummaries'] = [(l, s.requests, s.calls,
json.dumps(s, cls=_RPCSummaryEncoder))
for (l, s) in self.rpcsummaries]
drill_json['groupcounts'] = [(k, len(v), json.dumps(v))
for (k, v) in self.groupcounts]
drill_json['entitycounts'] = [(k, len(v), json.dumps(v))
for (k, v) in self.entitycounts]
return drill_json
class _RPCSummaryEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
"""JSON encoder for class RPCSummary."""
def default(self, obj):
"""Arranges entity/entity group access counts by their kind.
obj: an object whose JSON encoding is desired.
JSON encoding of obj.
if not isinstance(obj, RPCSummary):
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
return obj.__dict__
def DrillURL(urlstats):
"""Analyzes URL statistics and generates data for drill page.
Master function that calls all necessary functions to compute
various data structures needed for rendering the drill page
which shows details about a particular URL path.
urlstats: An URLStats object which holds appstats information
about all requests of an URL path.
drill: An object of class Drill with attributes encoded into JSON
as necessary for the UI.
drill = Drill()
drill.reqsummary = Summary(urlstats)
drill.rpcsummaries = SortedRPCSummaries(urlstats, 0.9)
drill.rpc_variation = RPCVariation(drill.reqsummary, drill.rpcsummaries)
groupcounts = urlstats.EntityGroupCount()
drill.groupcounts, drill.maxgroupcount = SplitByKind(groupcounts)
entitycounts = urlstats.EntityCount()
drill.entitycounts, drill.maxentitycount = SplitByKind(entitycounts)
drill_json = drill._ToJsonDrill()
return drill_json