blob: 0677c4c32589f787066c43fefb2e251fa4651df4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 dotCloud inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import re
import shlex
# This file uses a variable named 'socket' several times. Rename the socket
# library to minimize changes.
import socket as socket_lib
import struct
import warnings
import requests
import requests.exceptions
import six
from .auth import auth
from .unixconn import unixconn
from .utils import utils
from . import errors
if not six.PY3:
import websocket
class Client(requests.Session):
def __init__(self, base_url=None, version=DEFAULT_DOCKER_API_VERSION,
super(Client, self).__init__()
if base_url is None:
base_url = "http+unix://var/run/docker.sock"
if 'unix:///' in base_url:
base_url = base_url.replace('unix:/', 'unix:')
if base_url.startswith('unix:'):
base_url = "http+" + base_url
if base_url.startswith('tcp:'):
base_url = base_url.replace('tcp:', 'http:')
if base_url.endswith('/'):
base_url = base_url[:-1]
self.base_url = base_url
self._version = version
self._timeout = timeout
self._auth_configs = auth.load_config()
self.mount('http+unix://', unixconn.UnixAdapter(base_url, timeout))
def _set_request_timeout(self, kwargs):
"""Prepare the kwargs for an HTTP request by inserting the timeout
parameter, if not already present."""
kwargs.setdefault('timeout', self._timeout)
return kwargs
def _post(self, url, **kwargs):
return, **self._set_request_timeout(kwargs))
def _get(self, url, **kwargs):
return self.get(url, **self._set_request_timeout(kwargs))
def _delete(self, url, **kwargs):
return self.delete(url, **self._set_request_timeout(kwargs))
def _url(self, path):
return '{0}/v{1}{2}'.format(self.base_url, self._version, path)
def _raise_for_status(self, response, explanation=None):
"""Raises stored :class:`APIError`, if one occurred."""
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
raise errors.APIError(e, response, explanation=explanation)
def _result(self, response, json=False, binary=False):
assert not (json and binary)
if json:
return response.json()
if binary:
return response.content
return response.text
def _container_config(self, image, command, hostname=None, user=None,
detach=False, stdin_open=False, tty=False,
mem_limit=0, ports=None, environment=None, dns=None,
volumes=None, volumes_from=None,
network_disabled=False, entrypoint=None,
cpu_shares=None, working_dir=None, domainname=None,
if isinstance(command, six.string_types):
command = shlex.split(str(command))
if isinstance(environment, dict):
environment = [
'{0}={1}'.format(k, v) for k, v in environment.items()
if isinstance(ports, list):
exposed_ports = {}
for port_definition in ports:
port = port_definition
proto = 'tcp'
if isinstance(port_definition, tuple):
if len(port_definition) == 2:
proto = port_definition[1]
port = port_definition[0]
exposed_ports['{0}/{1}'.format(port, proto)] = {}
ports = exposed_ports
if isinstance(volumes, list):
volumes_dict = {}
for vol in volumes:
volumes_dict[vol] = {}
volumes = volumes_dict
if volumes_from:
if not isinstance(volumes_from, six.string_types):
volumes_from = ','.join(volumes_from)
# Force None, an empty list or dict causes client.start to fail
volumes_from = None
attach_stdin = False
attach_stdout = False
attach_stderr = False
stdin_once = False
if not detach:
attach_stdout = True
attach_stderr = True
if stdin_open:
attach_stdin = True
stdin_once = True
if utils.compare_version('1.10', self._version) >= 0:
message = ('{0!r} parameter has no effect on create_container().'
' It has been moved to start()')
if dns is not None:
raise errors.DockerException(message.format('dns'))
if volumes_from is not None:
raise errors.DockerException(message.format('volumes_from'))
return {
'Hostname': hostname,
'Domainname': domainname,
'ExposedPorts': ports,
'User': user,
'Tty': tty,
'OpenStdin': stdin_open,
'StdinOnce': stdin_once,
'Memory': mem_limit,
'AttachStdin': attach_stdin,
'AttachStdout': attach_stdout,
'AttachStderr': attach_stderr,
'Env': environment,
'Cmd': command,
'Dns': dns,
'Image': image,
'Volumes': volumes,
'VolumesFrom': volumes_from,
'NetworkDisabled': network_disabled,
'Entrypoint': entrypoint,
'CpuShares': cpu_shares,
'WorkingDir': working_dir,
'MemorySwap': memswap_limit
def _post_json(self, url, data, **kwargs):
# Go <1.1 can't unserialize null to a string
# so we do this disgusting thing here.
data2 = {}
if data is not None:
for k, v in six.iteritems(data):
if v is not None:
data2[k] = v
if 'headers' not in kwargs:
kwargs['headers'] = {}
kwargs['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
return self._post(url, data=json.dumps(data2), **kwargs)
def _attach_params(self, override=None):
return override or {
'stdout': 1,
'stderr': 1,
'stream': 1
def _attach_websocket(self, container, params=None):
if six.PY3:
raise NotImplementedError("This method is not currently supported "
"under python 3")
url = self._url("/containers/{0}/attach/ws".format(container))
req = requests.Request("POST", url, params=self._attach_params(params))
full_url = req.prepare().url
full_url = full_url.replace("http://", "ws://", 1)
full_url = full_url.replace("https://", "wss://", 1)
return self._create_websocket_connection(full_url)
def _create_websocket_connection(self, url):
return websocket.create_connection(url)
def _get_raw_response_socket(self, response):
if six.PY3:
return response.raw._fp.fp.raw._sock
return response.raw._fp.fp._sock
def _stream_helper(self, response):
"""Generator for data coming from a chunked-encoded HTTP response."""
socket_fp = self._get_raw_response_socket(response)
# _socket.socket objects don't have a 'makefile' method on Windows.
# Convert to a socket._socketobject.
if not hasattr(socket_fp, 'makefile'):
socket_fp = socket_lib.socket(_sock=socket_fp)
socket = socket_fp.makefile()
while True:
# Because Docker introduced newlines at the end of chunks in v0.9,
# and only on some API endpoints, we have to cater for both cases.
size_line = socket.readline()
if size_line == '\r\n':
size_line = socket.readline()
size = int(size_line, 16)
if size <= 0:
data = socket.readline()
if not data:
yield data
def _multiplexed_buffer_helper(self, response):
"""A generator of multiplexed data blocks read from a buffered
buf = self._result(response, binary=True)
walker = 0
while True:
if len(buf[walker:]) < 8:
_, length = struct.unpack_from('>BxxxL', buf[walker:])
end = start + length
walker = end
yield str(buf[start:end])
def _multiplexed_socket_stream_helper(self, response):
"""A generator of multiplexed data blocks coming from a response
socket = self._get_raw_response_socket(response)
def recvall(socket, size):
blocks = []
while size > 0:
block = socket.recv(size)
if not block:
return None
size -= len(block)
sep = bytes() if six.PY3 else str()
data = sep.join(blocks)
return data
while True:
header = recvall(socket, STREAM_HEADER_SIZE_BYTES)
if not header:
_, length = struct.unpack('>BxxxL', header)
if not length:
data = recvall(socket, length)
if not data:
yield data
def attach(self, container, stdout=True, stderr=True,
stream=False, logs=False):
if isinstance(container, dict):
container = container.get('Id')
params = {
'logs': logs and 1 or 0,
'stdout': stdout and 1 or 0,
'stderr': stderr and 1 or 0,
'stream': stream and 1 or 0,
u = self._url("/containers/{0}/attach".format(container))
response = self._post(u, params=params, stream=stream)
# Stream multi-plexing was only introduced in API v1.6. Anything before
# that needs old-style streaming.
if utils.compare_version('1.6', self._version) < 0:
def stream_result():
for line in response.iter_lines(chunk_size=1,
# filter out keep-alive new lines
if line:
yield line
return stream_result() if stream else \
self._result(response, binary=True)
return stream and self._multiplexed_socket_stream_helper(response) or \
''.join([x for x in self._multiplexed_buffer_helper(response)])
def attach_socket(self, container, params=None, ws=False):
if params is None:
params = {
'stdout': 1,
'stderr': 1,
'stream': 1
if ws:
return self._attach_websocket(container, params)
if isinstance(container, dict):
container = container.get('Id')
u = self._url("/containers/{0}/attach".format(container))
return self._get_raw_response_socket(
u, None, params=self._attach_params(params), stream=True))
def build(self, path=None, tag=None, quiet=False, fileobj=None,
nocache=False, rm=False, stream=False, timeout=None,
custom_context=False, encoding=None):
remote = context = headers = None
if path is None and fileobj is None:
raise TypeError("Either path or fileobj needs to be provided.")
if custom_context:
if not fileobj:
raise TypeError("You must specify fileobj with custom_context")
context = fileobj
elif fileobj is not None:
context = utils.mkbuildcontext(fileobj)
elif path.startswith(('http://', 'https://',
'git://', '')):
remote = path
context = utils.tar(path)
if utils.compare_version('1.8', self._version) >= 0:
stream = True
u = self._url('/build')
params = {
't': tag,
'remote': remote,
'q': quiet,
'nocache': nocache,
'rm': rm
if context is not None:
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/tar'}
if encoding:
headers['Content-Encoding'] = encoding
if utils.compare_version('1.9', self._version) >= 0:
# If we don't have any auth data so far, try reloading the config
# file one more time in case anything showed up in there.
if not self._auth_configs:
self._auth_configs = auth.load_config()
# Send the full auth configuration (if any exists), since the build
# could use any (or all) of the registries.
if self._auth_configs:
headers['X-Registry-Config'] = auth.encode_full_header(
response = self._post(
if context is not None:
if stream:
return self._stream_helper(response)
output = self._result(response)
srch = r'Successfully built ([0-9a-f]+)'
match =, output)
if not match:
return None, output
return, output
def commit(self, container, repository=None, tag=None, message=None,
author=None, conf=None):
params = {
'container': container,
'repo': repository,
'tag': tag,
'comment': message,
'author': author
u = self._url("/commit")
return self._result(self._post_json(u, data=conf, params=params),
def containers(self, quiet=False, all=False, trunc=True, latest=False,
since=None, before=None, limit=-1):
params = {
'limit': 1 if latest else limit,
'all': 1 if all else 0,
'trunc_cmd': 1 if trunc else 0,
'since': since,
'before': before
u = self._url("/containers/json")
res = self._result(self._get(u, params=params), True)
if quiet:
return [{'Id': x['Id']} for x in res]
return res
def copy(self, container, resource):
if isinstance(container, dict):
container = container.get('Id')
res = self._post_json(
data={"Resource": resource},
return res.raw
def create_container(self, image, command=None, hostname=None, user=None,
detach=False, stdin_open=False, tty=False,
mem_limit=0, ports=None, environment=None, dns=None,
volumes=None, volumes_from=None,
network_disabled=False, name=None, entrypoint=None,
cpu_shares=None, working_dir=None, domainname=None,
config = self._container_config(
image, command, hostname, user, detach, stdin_open, tty, mem_limit,
ports, environment, dns, volumes, volumes_from, network_disabled,
entrypoint, cpu_shares, working_dir, domainname, memswap_limit
return self.create_container_from_config(config, name)
def create_container_from_config(self, config, name=None):
u = self._url("/containers/create")
params = {
'name': name
res = self._post_json(u, data=config, params=params)
return self._result(res, True)
def diff(self, container):
if isinstance(container, dict):
container = container.get('Id')
return self._result(self._get(self._url("/containers/{0}/changes".
format(container))), True)
def events(self):
return self._stream_helper(self.get(self._url('/events'), stream=True))
def export(self, container):
if isinstance(container, dict):
container = container.get('Id')
res = self._get(self._url("/containers/{0}/export".format(container)),
return res.raw
def history(self, image):
res = self._get(self._url("/images/{0}/history".format(image)))
return self._result(res)
def images(self, name=None, quiet=False, all=False, viz=False):
if viz:
if utils.compare_version('1.7', self._version) >= 0:
raise Exception('Viz output is not supported in API >= 1.7!')
return self._result(self._get(self._url("images/viz")))
params = {
'filter': name,
'only_ids': 1 if quiet else 0,
'all': 1 if all else 0,
res = self._result(self._get(self._url("/images/json"), params=params),
if quiet:
return [x['Id'] for x in res]
return res
def import_image(self, src=None, repository=None, tag=None, image=None):
u = self._url("/images/create")
params = {
'repo': repository,
'tag': tag
if src:
# XXX: this is ways not optimal but the only way
# for now to import tarballs through the API
fic = open(src)
data =
src = "-"
except IOError:
# file does not exists or not a file (URL)
data = None
if isinstance(src, six.string_types):
params['fromSrc'] = src
return self._result(self._post(u, data=data, params=params))
return self._result(self._post(u, data=src, params=params))
if image:
params['fromImage'] = image
return self._result(self._post(u, data=None, params=params))
raise Exception("Must specify a src or image")
def info(self):
return self._result(self._get(self._url("/info")),
def insert(self, image, url, path):
api_url = self._url("/images/" + image + "/insert")
params = {
'url': url,
'path': path
return self._result(self._post(api_url, params=params))
def inspect_container(self, container):
if isinstance(container, dict):
container = container.get('Id')
return self._result(
def inspect_image(self, image_id):
return self._result(
def kill(self, container, signal=None):
if isinstance(container, dict):
container = container.get('Id')
url = self._url("/containers/{0}/kill".format(container))
params = {}
if signal is not None:
params['signal'] = signal
res = self._post(url, params=params)
def login(self, username, password=None, email=None, registry=None,
# If we don't have any auth data so far, try reloading the config file
# one more time in case anything showed up in there.
if not self._auth_configs:
self._auth_configs = auth.load_config()
registry = registry or auth.INDEX_URL
authcfg = auth.resolve_authconfig(self._auth_configs, registry)
# If we found an existing auth config for this registry and username
# combination, we can return it immediately unless reauth is requested.
if authcfg and authcfg.get('username', None) == username \
and not reauth:
return authcfg
req_data = {
'username': username,
'password': password,
'email': email,
'serveraddress': registry,
response = self._post_json(self._url('/auth'), data=req_data)
if response.status_code == 200:
self._auth_configs[registry] = req_data
return self._result(response, json=True)
def logs(self, container, stdout=True, stderr=True, stream=False,
if utils.compare_version('1.11', self._version) >= 0:
params = {'stderr': stderr and 1 or 0,
'stdout': stdout and 1 or 0,
'timestamps': timestamps and 1 or 0,
'follow': stream and 1 or 0}
url = self._url("/containers/{0}/logs".format(container))
res = self._get(url, params=params, stream=stream)
return stream and self._multiplexed_socket_stream_helper(res) or \
''.join([x for x in self._multiplexed_buffer_helper(res)])
return self.attach(
def ping(self):
return self._result(self._get(self._url('/_ping')))
def port(self, container, private_port):
if isinstance(container, dict):
container = container.get('Id')
res = self._get(self._url("/containers/{0}/json".format(container)))
json_ = res.json()
s_port = str(private_port)
h_ports = None
h_ports = json_['NetworkSettings']['Ports'].get(s_port + '/udp')
if h_ports is None:
h_ports = json_['NetworkSettings']['Ports'].get(s_port + '/tcp')
return h_ports
def pull(self, repository, tag=None, stream=False):
registry, repo_name = auth.resolve_repository_name(repository)
if repo_name.count(":") == 1:
repository, tag = repository.rsplit(":", 1)
params = {
'tag': tag,
'fromImage': repository
headers = {}
if utils.compare_version('1.5', self._version) >= 0:
# If we don't have any auth data so far, try reloading the config
# file one more time in case anything showed up in there.
if not self._auth_configs:
self._auth_configs = auth.load_config()
authcfg = auth.resolve_authconfig(self._auth_configs, registry)
# Do not fail here if no authentication exists for this specific
# registry as we can have a readonly pull. Just put the header if
# we can.
if authcfg:
headers['X-Registry-Auth'] = auth.encode_header(authcfg)
response = self._post(self._url('/images/create'), params=params,
headers=headers, stream=stream, timeout=None)
if stream:
return self._stream_helper(response)
return self._result(response)
def push(self, repository, stream=False):
registry, repo_name = auth.resolve_repository_name(repository)
u = self._url("/images/{0}/push".format(repository))
headers = {}
if utils.compare_version('1.5', self._version) >= 0:
# If we don't have any auth data so far, try reloading the config
# file one more time in case anything showed up in there.
if not self._auth_configs:
self._auth_configs = auth.load_config()
authcfg = auth.resolve_authconfig(self._auth_configs, registry)
# Do not fail here if no authentication exists for this specific
# registry as we can have a readonly pull. Just put the header if
# we can.
if authcfg:
headers['X-Registry-Auth'] = auth.encode_header(authcfg)
response = self._post_json(u, None, headers=headers, stream=stream)
response = self._post_json(u, None, stream=stream)
return stream and self._stream_helper(response) \
or self._result(response)
def remove_container(self, container, v=False, link=False, force=False):
if isinstance(container, dict):
container = container.get('Id')
params = {'v': v, 'link': link, 'force': force}
res = self._delete(self._url("/containers/" + container),
def remove_image(self, image, force=False, noprune=False):
params = {'force': force, 'noprune': noprune}
res = self._delete(self._url("/images/" + image), params=params)
def restart(self, container, timeout=10):
if isinstance(container, dict):
container = container.get('Id')
params = {'t': timeout}
url = self._url("/containers/{0}/restart".format(container))
res = self._post(url, params=params)
def search(self, term):
return self._result(self._get(self._url("/images/search"),
params={'term': term}),
def start(self, container, binds=None, port_bindings=None, lxc_conf=None,
publish_all_ports=False, links=None, privileged=False,
dns=None, dns_search=None, volumes_from=None, network_mode=None):
if isinstance(container, dict):
container = container.get('Id')
if isinstance(lxc_conf, dict):
formatted = []
for k, v in six.iteritems(lxc_conf):
formatted.append({'Key': k, 'Value': str(v)})
lxc_conf = formatted
start_config = {
'LxcConf': lxc_conf
if binds:
start_config['Binds'] = utils.convert_volume_binds(binds)
if port_bindings:
start_config['PortBindings'] = utils.convert_port_bindings(
start_config['PublishAllPorts'] = publish_all_ports
if links:
if isinstance(links, dict):
links = six.iteritems(links)
formatted_links = [
'{0}:{1}'.format(k, v) for k, v in sorted(links)
start_config['Links'] = formatted_links
start_config['Privileged'] = privileged
if utils.compare_version('1.10', self._version) >= 0:
if dns is not None:
start_config['Dns'] = dns
if volumes_from is not None:
if isinstance(volumes_from, six.string_types):
volumes_from = volumes_from.split(',')
start_config['VolumesFrom'] = volumes_from
warning_message = ('{0!r} parameter is discarded. It is only'
' available for API version greater or equal'
' than 1.10')
if dns is not None:
if volumes_from is not None:
if dns_search:
start_config['DnsSearch'] = dns_search
if network_mode:
start_config['NetworkMode'] = network_mode
url = self._url("/containers/{0}/start".format(container))
res = self._post_json(url, data=start_config)
def stop(self, container, timeout=10):
if isinstance(container, dict):
container = container.get('Id')
params = {'t': timeout}
url = self._url("/containers/{0}/stop".format(container))
res = self._post(url, params=params,
timeout=max(timeout, self._timeout))
def tag(self, image, repository, tag=None, force=False):
params = {
'tag': tag,
'repo': repository,
'force': 1 if force else 0
url = self._url("/images/{0}/tag".format(image))
res = self._post(url, params=params)
return res.status_code == 201
def top(self, container):
u = self._url("/containers/{0}/top".format(container))
return self._result(self._get(u), True)
def version(self):
return self._result(self._get(self._url("/version")), True)
def wait(self, container):
if isinstance(container, dict):
container = container.get('Id')
url = self._url("/containers/{0}/wait".format(container))
res = self._post(url, timeout=None)
json_ = res.json()
if 'StatusCode' in json_:
return json_['StatusCode']
return -1
# TODO(gloom): add to public docker-py source.
def load_image(self, path_to_tar):
u = self._url("/images/load")
return self._result(self._post(u, data=open(path_to_tar, 'rb').read()))