blob: 9080cc84d8dfc608d6ae47eb0dc016eaae2774ce [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace google\appengine\api\log;
require_once 'google/appengine/api/log/AppLogLine.php';
require_once 'google/appengine/util/string_util.php';
use google\appengine\util as util;
* Represents the details of a single request and may optionally contain
* application logs written during the request using the <code>syslog</code>
* function.
final class RequestLog {
// The underlying protocol buffer.
private $pb;
private $app_logs;
* @internal
* @param RequestLog $pb Underlying protocol buffer.
public function __construct(\google\appengine\RequestLog $pb) {
$this->pb = $pb;
* @return string The application ID that handled this request.
public function getAppId() {
return $this->pb->getAppId();
* @return AppLogLine[] The {@link AppLogLine}s added during this request.
public function getAppLogs() {
if (!isset($app_logs)) {
$app_logs = [];
foreach ($this->pb->getLineList() as $line) {
$app_logs[] = new AppLogLine($line);
return $app_logs;
* @return string The Apache-format combined log entry for this request. While
* the information in this field can be constructed from the rest of this
* message, we include this method for convenience.
public function getCombined() {
return $this->pb->getCombined();
* @return double The time at which this request began processing, in
* microseconds since the Unix epoch.
public function getStartTimeUsec() {
return (double) $this->pb->getStartTime();
* @return DateTime The same value as {@link getStartTimeUsec()} as a DateTime
* instance accurate to the second. For greater accuracy use
* {@link getStartTimeUsec()}.
public function getStartDateTime() {
$result = new \DateTime();
$result->setTimestamp($this->getStartTimeUsec() / 1e6);
return $result;
* @return double The time at which the request finished processing,
* in microseconds since the Unix epoch.
public function getEndTimeUsec() {
return (double) $this->pb->getEndTime();
* @return DateTime The same value as {@link getEndTimeUsec()} as a DateTime
* instance accurate to the second. For greater accuracy use
* {@link getEndTimeUsec()}.
public function getEndDateTime() {
$result = new \DateTime();
$result->setTimestamp($this->getEndTimeUsec() / 1e6);
return $result;
* @return string The Internet host and port number of the resource being
* requested.
public function getHost() {
return $this->pb->getHost();
* @return string The HTTP version of this request.
public function getHttpVersion() {
return $this->pb->getHttpVersion();
* @return string Mostly-unique identifier for the instance that handled the
* request, or the empty string.
public function getInstanceKey() {
return $this->pb->getInstanceKey();
* @return string The origin IP address of this request.
* App Engine uses an origin IP address from the range when the
* request is to a web hook.
* Some examples of web hooks are task queues, cron jobs and warming requests.
public function getIp() {
return $this->pb->getIp();
* @return double The time required to process this request in microseconds.
public function getLatencyUsec() {
return (double) $this->pb->getLatency();
* @return string The request's HTTP method (e.g., GET, PUT, POST).
public function getMethod() {
return $this->pb->getMethod();
* @return string The nickname of the user that made the request. An empty
* string is returned if the user is not logged in.
public function getNickname() {
return $this->pb->getNickname();
* @return string A url safe value that may be used as an option to
* <code>LogService::fetch($options)</code> to continue reading after this
* log.
public function getOffset() {
if ($this->pb->hasOffset()) {
$offset = $this->pb->getOffset()->serializeToString();
return util\base64UrlEncode($offset);
return false;
* @return double The time, in microseconds, that this request spent in the
* pending request queue, if it was pending at all.
public function getPendingTimeUsec() {
return (double) $this->pb->getPendingTime();
* @return string The referrer URL of this request.
public function getReferrer() {
return $this->pb->getReferrer();
* @return integer The module instance that handled the request if
* manual_scaling or basic_scaling is configured or -1 for automatic_scaling.
public function getInstanceIndex() {
return $this->pb->getReplicaIndex();
* @return string A globally unique identifier for a request, based on the
* request's starting time.
public function getRequestId() {
return $this->pb->getRequestId();
* @return string The resource path on the server requested by the client.
* Contains only the path component of the request URL.
public function getResource() {
return $this->pb->getResource();
* @return integer The size (in bytes) of the response sent back to the
* client.
public function getResponseSize() {
return $this->pb->getResponseSize();
* @return integer The HTTP response status of this request.
public function getStatus() {
return $this->pb->getStatus();
* @return string The request's task name, if this request was generated via
* the Task Queue API.
public function getTaskName() {
return $this->pb->getTaskName();
* @return string The request's queue name, if this request was generated via
* the Task Queue API.
public function getTaskQueueName() {
return $this->pb->getTaskQueueName();
* @return string The file or class within the URL mapping used for this
* request.
* Useful for tracking down the source code which was responsible for
* managing the request, especially for multiply mapped handlers.
public function getUrlMapEntry() {
return $this->pb->getUrlMapEntry();
* @return string The user agent used to make this request.
public function getUserAgent() {
return $this->pb->getUserAgent();
* @return string The version of the application that handled this request.
public function getVersionId() {
return $this->pb->getVersionId();
* @return string The version of the application that handled this request.
public function getModuleId() {
return $this->pb->getModuleId();
* @return boolean Whether or not this request has finished processing. If
* not, this request is still active.
public function isFinished() {
return $this->pb->getFinished();
* @return boolean Whether or not this request was a loading request.
public function isLoadingRequest() {
return $this->pb->getWasLoadingRequest();
* @return string App Engine Release, e.g. "1.8.4"
public function getAppEngineRelease() {
return $this->pb->getAppEngineRelease();