blob: af63de6e579531f579661dee40b0bf1ef0a1b491 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf8
# Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
'''Distutils script for Google Cloud Storage command line tool.'''
import glob
import sys
import os
import platform
from distutils.core import setup
from pkg_util import parse_manifest
print '''
NOTE: Enterprise mode (installing gsutil via is no longer officially
supported - unpacking the zip file into a directory is the preferred method
for installing gsutil for both shared and private configurations. See README
and README.pkg for further details.
# Command name and target directory.
NAME = 'gsutil'
TARGET = '/usr/share/gsutil'
BINDIR = '/usr/bin'
# Enterprise mode (shared/central) installation is not supported
# on Windows.
system = platform.system()
if system.lower().startswith('windows'):
error = 'ERROR: enterprise (shared/central) installation is not ' \
'supported on Windows.'
def walk(dir, paths):
'''Do a recursive file tree walk, adding files found to passed dict.'''
for file in os.listdir(dir):
# Skip "dot files".
if file[0] == '.':
path = dir + '/' + file
if os.path.isdir(path):
walk(path, paths)
if dir not in paths:
paths[dir] = []
def first_token(filename):
'''Open file, read first line, parse & return first token to caller.'''
token = None
f = open(filename, 'r')
line = f.readline().strip()
tokens = line.split()
token = tokens[0]
return token
# Validate python version.
if sys.version_info <= (2, 6):
error = 'ERROR: gsutil requires Python Version 2.6 or above...exiting.'
# Rather than hard-coding package contents here, we read the manifest
# file to obtain the list of files and directories to include.
files = []
dirs = []
parse_manifest(files, dirs)
# Build list of data files dynamically.
data_files = [(TARGET, files)]
paths = {}
for dir in dirs:
walk(dir, paths)
for path in paths:
data_files += (os.path.join(TARGET, path), paths[path]),
long_desc = '''
GSUtil is a Python application that lets you access Google Cloud Storage
from the command line. You can use GSUtil to do a wide range of bucket and
object management tasks, including:
- Creating and deleting buckets.
- Uploading, downloading, and deleting objects.
- Listing buckets and objects.
- Moving, copying, and renaming objects.
- Setting object and bucket ACLs.
VERSION = first_token('VERSION')
if not VERSION:
error = 'ERROR: can\'t find gsutil version...exiting.'
# This is the main function call that installs the gsutil package. See
# distutil documentation for details on this function and its arguments.
setup(name = NAME,
version = VERSION,
license = 'Apache 2.0',
author = 'Google',
author_email = '',
url = '',
description = 'gsutil - command line utility for Google Cloud Storage',
long_description = long_desc,
data_files = data_files,
# Dependency on boto commented out for now because initially we plan to
# bundle boto with this package, however, when we're ready to depend on
# a separate boto rpm package, this line should be uncommented.
#requires = ['boto (>=2.0)'],
# Create symlink from /usr/bin/gsutil to /usr/share/gsutil/gsutil but
# only run directly in enterprise mode (see README.pkg). When run by
# rpmbuild we don't want to create this link because it's done by the
# rpm spec file slightly differently (using a relative link). Same story
# for permission setting, which is only needed if not run by rpmbuild.
if not os.environ.get('RPM_BUILD_ROOT'):
link = os.path.join(BINDIR, NAME)
dest = os.path.join(TARGET, NAME)
if not os.path.exists(link):
os.symlink(dest, link)
# Make all files and dirs in install area readable by other
# and make all directories executable by other. These steps
# are performed in support of the enterprise (shared/central)
# installation mode, in which users with different user/group
# than the installation user/group must be able to run gsutil.
os.system('chmod -R o+r ' + TARGET)
os.system('find ' + TARGET + ' -type d | xargs chmod o+x')
# Make main gsutil script readable and executable by other.
os.system('chmod o+rx ' + os.path.join(TARGET, NAME))