blob: a037f023809c34b67bec4f85b21d4216703144eb [file] [log] [blame]
# liblouis: Nemeth Table for mathematics
# Based on the Linux screenreader BRLTTY, copyright (C) 1999-2006 by
# The BRLTTY Team
# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006
# ViewPlus Technologies, Inc.
# and
# JJB Software, Inc.
# All rights reserved
# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the Lesser or Library GNU General Public License
# as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the Library GNU General Public
# License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write
# to
# the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Maintained by John J. Boyer
# Updated 6-18-08 by Mike Sivill <>
include chardefs.cti All character definition opcodes
include nemethdefs.cti
# Braille indicators
multind 56-6 letsign capsign
capsign 6
begital 46
endital 46-46
begbold 456
endbold 456-456
begcomp 456-346
endcomp 456-156
# Letters are defined in en-chardefs
# punctuation
prepunc " 236
postpunc " 356
prepunc ' 6-236
postpunc ' 356-3
postpunc , 6
always , 6-a
always # 35-2345 print number sign before number
decpoint . 46
hyphen - 36
postpunc . 456-256
endnum . 456-256
always . 256
postpunc ; 456-23
postpunc : 456-25
always ! 12346 factorial
always < a-5-13-a
always = a-46-13-a
always > a-46-2-a
postpunc ? 456-236
endnum % 4-356
always ~~ 4-156-5-4-156
always ~ 4-156
always & 456-12346
midnum * 4-16
always [ 4-12356
always ] 4-23456
always { 46-12356
always } 46-23456
always @ 4-1
always \\ 456-16
always | 1256
always $ 4-234
repeated \s 0
context ["\X25A1"]$d @1246-256-5
context ["\X25A0"]$d @1246-456-256-5
always \x00b0 45-46-16
always \x00B1 346-36
# semantic character pairs
always ^, 6
always ^; 56
always ^: 156
always ^. 46
always ^! 2346
always ^" 5
always ^' 3
always ^( 12356
always ^) 23456
always ^- 36
always ^_ 456
always ^< 126
always ^= 123456
always ^> 345
always ^% 146
always ^+ 346
always ^~ 45
always ^` 4
always ^& 12346
always ^$ 1246
always ^? 1456
always ^{ 246
always ^} 12456
always ^# 3456
always ^| 1256
always ^/ 34
always ^* 16
repeated ^1 a
# Function names and abbreviations
always acos 1-14-135-234-a
always antilog 1-1345-2345-24-123-135-1234-a
always arc 1-1235-14-a
always arccos 1-1235-14-14-135-234-a
always arg 1-1235-1245-a
always asin 1-234-24-1345-a
always atan 1-2345-1-1345-a
always colog 14-123-135-1245-a
always cos 14-135-234-a
always cosh 14-135-234-125-a
always cot 14-135-2345-a
always coth 14-135-2345-125-a
always covers 14-135-1236-15-1235-234-a
always csc 14-234-14-a
always csch 14-234-14-125-a
always erf 15-1235-124-a
always inf 24-1345-124-a
always ln 123-1345-a
always log 123-135-1234-a
always max 134-1-1346-a
always min 134-24-1345-a
always sec 234-15-14-a
always sech 234-15-14-125-a
always sin 234-24-1345-a
always sinh 234-24-1345-125-a
always tan 2345-1-1345-a
always tanh 2345-1-135-125-a
always vers 1236-15-1235-234-a
# computer braille character sequences
compbrl :// URLs
compbrl www.
compbrl .com
compbrl .edu
compbrl .gov
compbrl .mil
compbrl .net
compbrl .org
compbrl .doc
compbrl .htm
compbrl .html
compbrl .tex
compbrl .txt
compbrl .gif
compbrl .jpg
compbrl .png
compbrl .wav
compbrl .tar
compbrl .zip
# pass 2 corrections
# get rid of base-line ind. after subscripts
pass2 @56[$d1-5]@5!$d *
# insert another superscript ind. on doube superscripts
pass2 @45[]$d@5-5 @45
#get rid of extra baseline inds.
pass2 @5-5 @5
pass2 @5-0 @0
pass2 @5-a @a
pass2 @5-1b-15 @1b-15
# get rid rid of superscript ind. on prime sign
pass2 @45-3-5 @3
# Put 456 in mixed numbers
pass2 $d[]@1456 @456
pass2 @456-1456!$s3-8[]@3456 @456
# Put number sign on numbers after spaces
pass2 @a[]$d @3456
pass2 @0[]$d @3456
pass2 @1b-12[]$d @3456
pass2 @a-0 @a
# fix anomaly with superscripts
pass2 @45-0-5 @45
pass2 @45-5 @45
# Fix single letter and digit with overbar
pass2 @5$l[@126-12456] @156
pass2 @5-6$l[@126-12456] @156
pass2 [@5]!$s@156 @a
pass2 @46-a @456-256
# get rid of space for overscripts
pass2 @126-a @126
pass2 @146-a @146
pass2 @0-146 @146
pass2 @a-146 @146
pass2 @a-12456 @12456
# fix complex fraction begin and end (not perfectly)
pass2 @1456-1456 @6-1456-1456
pass2 @3456-3456 @3456-6-3456
# Fix lim with overbar sign
pass2 @5-123-24-134-126-12456 @126-123-24-134
# Get rid of open paren before matrices
pass2 @12356-4-6-12356 @4-6-12356
pass2 @1256-4-6-12356 @4-6-12356
# take off baseline ind. comma space
pass2 [@5-6]!$l @6
pass2 @1b-12[]$d @3456 number sign before digit at beginning
pass2 @1b-12-36[]$d @3456 number sign before minus before digit at beginning