blob: c98e174bdb26d4e39a6d6847f0b03965d7c940cf [file] [log] [blame]
* Common declarations useful for writing 512-bit unit tests.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <x86intrin.h>
#define ALIGNTO(n) __declspec(align(n))
* For purposes of unit tests it can be beneficial to suppress inlining
* simply so that only a single instance of a test function is emitted.
* Makes it easier to diff A/B assembly output.
#define NOINLINE __declspec(noinline)
* FULL_IREG(ax) expands to either eax or rax depending on the target.
#if defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_X64)
#define FULL_IREG(reg) r##reg
#define FULL_IREG(reg) e##reg
/* Number of elements in an array. */
#define ASIZE(a) (sizeof((a)) / sizeof((a)[0]))
typedef __int64 I64;
typedef unsigned __int64 U64;
typedef union ALIGNTO(64) {
__m512 zmm;
__m512d zmmd;
__m512i zmmi;
__m256 ymm[2];
__m256d ymmd[2];
__m256i ymmi[2];
__m128 xmm[4];
__m128d xmmd[4];
__m128i xmmi[4];
char c[64];
signed char s8[64];
unsigned char u8[64];
short s16[32];
unsigned short u16[32];
int s32[16];
unsigned int u32[16];
float f32[16];
I64 s64[8];
U64 u64[8];
double f64[8];
} V512;
int n_errs = 0;
* Print the low N 32-bit unsigned integers from p.
void NOINLINE display_pd(const V512 *p, const char *banner, int n_elems) {
int i = 15;
if (banner) {
printf("%s", banner);
for (i = n_elems; i >= 0; i--) {
printf(" %0.8x", p->u32[i]);
if (i > 0 && i % 4 == 0) {
if (banner) {
printf("%*s", (int)strlen((void *)banner), "");
* Print the low N 64-bit unsigned integers from p.
void NOINLINE display_pq(const V512 *p, const char *banner, int n_elems) {
int i = 7;
if (banner) {
printf("%s", banner);
for (i = n_elems; i >= 0; i--) {
printf(" %0.16llx", p->u64[i]);
if (i > 0 && i % 4 == 0) {
if (banner) {
printf("%*s", (int)strlen((void *)banner), "");
* Print the low N single precision floats from p.
void NOINLINE display_psf(const V512 *p, const char *banner, int n_elems) {
int i = 15;
if (banner) {
printf("%s", banner);
for (i = n_elems; i >= 0; i--) {
printf(" %7g", p->f32[i]);
if (i > 0 && i % 4 == 0) {
if (banner) {
printf("%*s", (int)strlen((void *)banner), "");
* Print the low N double precision floats from p.
void NOINLINE display_pdf(const V512 *p, const char *banner, int n_elems) {
int i = 15;
if (banner) {
printf("%s", banner);
for (i = n_elems; i >= 0; i--) {
printf(" %7g", p->f64[i]);
if (i > 0 && i % 4 == 0) {
if (banner) {
printf("%*s", (int)strlen((void *)banner), "");
* Check that the low N 32-bit elements of "got" and "expected" are the same.
int NOINLINE check_equal_nd(void *got, void *expected, int n_elems,
char *banner, int line) {
int i, fail = 0;
V512 *v1 = (V512 *)got;
V512 *v2 = (V512 *)expected;
for (i = 0; i < n_elems; i++) {
if (v1->u32[i] != v2->u32[i]) {
printf("ERROR(%d): %s failed at %d'th element: 0x%0.8x != 0x%0.8x\n",
line, banner ? banner : "", i, v1->u32[i], v2->u32[i]);
display_pd(got, "got:", n_elems);
display_pd(expected, "exp:", n_elems);
fail = 1;
return fail;
* Check that the low N 64-bit elements of "got" and "expected" are the same.
int NOINLINE check_equal_nq(void *got, void *expected, int n_elems,
char *banner, int line) {
int i, fail = 0;
V512 *v1 = (V512 *)got;
V512 *v2 = (V512 *)expected;
for (i = 0; i < n_elems; i++) {
if (v1->u64[i] != v2->u64[i]) {
"ERROR(%d): %s failed at %d'th element: 0x%0.16llx != 0x%0.16llx\n",
line, banner ? banner : "", i, v1->u64[i], v2->u64[i]);
display_pq(got, "got:", n_elems);
display_pq(expected, "exp:", n_elems);
fail = 1;
return fail;
double delta = 1e-4;
#define EQUAL_FP(v1, v2) \
((v1) < (v2) ? ((v2) - (v1) < delta) : ((v1) - (v2) < delta))
* Check that the low N single precision float elements of "got" and "expected"
* are the same.
int NOINLINE check_equal_nsf(void *got, void *expected, int n_elems,
char *banner, int line) {
int i, fail = 0;
V512 *v1 = (V512 *)got;
V512 *v2 = (V512 *)expected;
for (i = 0; i < n_elems; i++) {
if (!EQUAL_FP(v1->f32[i], v2->f32[i])) {
printf("ERROR(%d): %s failed at %d'th element: %7g != %7g \n", line,
banner ? banner : "", i, v1->f32[i], v2->f32[i]);
display_psf(got, "got:", n_elems);
display_psf(expected, "exp:", n_elems);
fail = 1;
return fail;
* Check that the low N double precision float elements of "got" and "expected"
* are the same.
int NOINLINE check_equal_ndf(void *got, void *expected, int n_elems,
char *banner, int line) {
int i, fail = 0;
V512 *v1 = (V512 *)got;
V512 *v2 = (V512 *)expected;
for (i = 0; i < n_elems; i++) {
if (!EQUAL_FP(v1->f64[i], v2->f64[i])) {
printf("ERROR(%d): %s failed at %d'th element: %7g != %7g \n", line,
banner ? banner : "", i, v1->f64[i], v2->f64[i]);
display_pdf(got, "got:", n_elems);
display_pdf(expected, "exp:", n_elems);
fail = 1;
return fail;
#endif /* M512_TEST_UTIL_H_INCLUDED */