blob: 958ee439c4288b977b656f05c56a145ee111ad9d [file] [log] [blame]
* Created on: Mar 1, 2012
* Author: cferenba
* Copyright (c) 2012, Los Alamos National Security, LLC.
* All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style open-source
* license; see top-level LICENSE file for full license text.
#include "ExportGold.hh"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <numeric>
#include "Parallel.hh"
#include "Vec2.hh"
#include "Mesh.hh"
using namespace std;
ExportGold::ExportGold(Mesh* m) : mesh(m) {}
ExportGold::~ExportGold() {}
void ExportGold::write(
const string& basename,
const int cycle,
const double time,
const double* zr,
const double* ze,
const double* zp) {
writeGeoFile(basename, cycle, time);
writeVarFile(basename, "zr", zr);
writeVarFile(basename, "ze", ze);
writeVarFile(basename, "zp", zp);
void ExportGold::writeCaseFile(
const string& basename) {
if (Parallel::mype > 0) return;
// open file
const string filename = basename + ".case";
ofstream ofs(filename.c_str());
if (!ofs.good()) {
cerr << "Cannot open file " << filename << " for writing"
<< endl;
// write case info
ofs << "#" << endl;
ofs << "# Created by PENNANT" << endl;
ofs << "#" << endl;
ofs << "FORMAT" << endl;
ofs << "type: ensight gold" << endl;
ofs << "GEOMETRY" << endl;
ofs << "model: " << basename << ".geo" << endl;
ofs << "VARIABLE" << endl;
ofs << "scalar per element: zr " << basename << ".zr" << endl;
ofs << "scalar per element: ze " << basename << ".ze" << endl;
ofs << "scalar per element: zp " << basename << ".zp" << endl;
void ExportGold::writeGeoFile(
const string& basename,
const int cycle,
const double time) {
using Parallel::numpe;
using Parallel::mype;
// open file
ofstream ofs;
if (mype == 0) {
const string filename = basename + ".geo";;
if (!ofs.good()) {
cerr << "Cannot open file " << filename << " for writing"
<< endl;
// write general header
if (mype == 0) {
ofs << scientific;
ofs << "cycle = " << setw(8) << cycle << endl;
ofs << setprecision(8);
ofs << "t = " << setw(15) << time << endl;
ofs << "node id assign" << endl;
ofs << "element id given" << endl;
// write header for the one "part" (entire mesh)
ofs << "part" << endl;
ofs << setw(10) << 1 << endl;
ofs << "universe" << endl;
} // if mype == 0
// gather node info to PE 0
const int nump = mesh->nump;
const double2* px = mesh->px;
int gnump = nump;
vector<int> penump(mype == 0 ? numpe : 0);
Parallel::gather(nump, &penump[0]);
vector<int> peoffset(mype == 0 ? numpe + 1 : 1);
partial_sum(penump.begin(), penump.end(), &peoffset[1]);
int offset;
Parallel::scatter(&peoffset[0], offset);
vector<double2> gpx(mype == 0 ? gnump : 0);
Parallel::gatherv(&px[0], nump, &gpx[0], &penump[0]);
// write node info
if (mype == 0) {
ofs << "coordinates" << endl;
ofs << setw(10) << gnump << endl;
ofs << setprecision(5);
for (int p = 0; p < gnump; ++p)
ofs << setw(12) << gpx[p].x << endl;
for (int p = 0; p < gnump; ++p)
ofs << setw(12) << gpx[p].y << endl;
// Ensight expects z-coordinates, so write 0 for those
for (int p = 0; p < gnump; ++p)
ofs << setw(12) << 0. << endl;
} // if mype
const int* znump = mesh->znump;
const int* mapsp1 = mesh->mapsp1;
const int ntris = tris.size();
const int nquads = quads.size();
const int nothers = others.size();
if (mype == 0) {
Parallel::gather(ntris, &pentris[0]);
Parallel::gather(nquads, &penquads[0]);
Parallel::gather(nothers, &penothers[0]);
gntris = accumulate(pentris.begin(), pentris.end(), 0);
gnquads = accumulate(penquads.begin(), penquads.end(), 0);
gnothers = accumulate(penothers.begin(), penothers.end(), 0);
vector<int> pesizes(mype == 0 ? numpe : 0);
// gather triangle info to PE 0
vector<int> trip(3 * ntris);
vector<int> gtris(gntris), gtrip(3 * gntris);
Parallel::gatherv(&tris[0], ntris, &gtris[0], &pentris[0]);
if (mype == 0) {
for (int pe = 0; pe < numpe; ++pe)
pesizes[pe] = pentris[pe] * 3;
for (int t = 0; t < ntris; ++t) {
int z = tris[t];
int sbase = mapzs[z];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
trip[t * 3 + i] = mapsp1[sbase + i] + offset;
Parallel::gatherv(&trip[0], 3 * ntris, &gtrip[0], &pesizes[0]);
// write triangles
if (mype == 0 && gntris > 0) {
ofs << "tria3" << endl;
ofs << setw(10) << gntris << endl;
for (int t = 0; t < gntris; ++t)
ofs << setw(10) << gtris[t] + 1 << endl;
for (int t = 0; t < gntris; ++t) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
ofs << setw(10) << gtrip[t * 3 + i] + 1;
ofs << endl;
} // if mype == 0 ...
// gather quad info to PE 0
vector<int> quadp(4 * nquads);
vector<int> gquads(gnquads), gquadp(4 * gnquads);
Parallel::gatherv(&quads[0], nquads, &gquads[0], &penquads[0]);
if (mype == 0) {
for (int pe = 0; pe < numpe; ++pe)
pesizes[pe] = penquads[pe] * 4;
for (int q = 0; q < nquads; ++q) {
int z = quads[q];
int sbase = mapzs[z];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
quadp[q * 4 + i] = mapsp1[sbase + i] + offset;
Parallel::gatherv(&quadp[0], 4 * nquads, &gquadp[0], &pesizes[0]);
// write quads
if (mype == 0 && gnquads > 0) {
ofs << "quad4" << endl;
ofs << setw(10) << gnquads << endl;
for (int q = 0; q < gnquads; ++q)
ofs << setw(10) << gquads[q] + 1 << endl;
for (int q = 0; q < gnquads; ++q) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
ofs << setw(10) << gquadp[q * 4 + i] + 1;
ofs << endl;
} // if mype == 0 ...
// gather other info to PE 0
vector<int> othernump(nothers), otherp;
vector<int> gothers(gnothers), gothernump(gnothers);
Parallel::gatherv(&others[0], nothers, &gothers[0], &penothers[0]);
for (int n = 0; n < nothers; ++n) {
int z = others[n];
int sbase = mapzs[z];
othernump[n] = znump[z];
for (int i = 0; i < znump[z]; ++i) {
otherp.push_back(mapsp1[sbase + i] + offset);
Parallel::gatherv(&othernump[0], nothers, &gothernump[0], &penothers[0]);
int size = otherp.size();
Parallel::gather(size, &pesizes[0]);
int gsize = accumulate(pesizes.begin(), pesizes.end(), 0);
vector<int> gotherp(gsize);
Parallel::gatherv(&otherp[0], size, &gotherp[0], &pesizes[0]);
// write others
if (mype == 0 && gnothers > 0) {
ofs << "nsided" << endl;
ofs << setw(10) << gnothers << endl;
for (int n = 0; n < gnothers; ++n)
ofs << setw(10) << gothers[n] + 1 << endl;
for (int n = 0; n < gnothers; ++n)
ofs << setw(10) << gothernump[n] << endl;
int gp = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < gnothers; ++n) {
for (int i = 0; i < gothernump[n]; ++i)
ofs << setw(10) << gotherp[gp + i] + 1;
ofs << endl;
gp += gothernump[n];
} // if mype == 0 ...
if (mype == 0) ofs.close();
void ExportGold::writeVarFile(
const string& basename,
const string& varname,
const double* var) {
using Parallel::mype;
// open file
ofstream ofs;
if (mype == 0) {
const string filename = basename + "." + varname;;
if (!ofs.good()) {
cerr << "Cannot open file " << filename << " for writing"
<< endl;
} // if mype == 0
// write header
if (mype == 0) {
ofs << scientific << setprecision(5);
ofs << varname << endl;
ofs << "part" << endl;
ofs << setw(10) << 1 << endl;
} // if mype == 0
int ntris = tris.size();
int nquads = quads.size();
int nothers = others.size();
// gather values on triangles to PE 0
vector<double> tvar(ntris), gtvar(gntris);
for (int t = 0; t < ntris; ++t) {
tvar[t] = var[tris[t]];
Parallel::gatherv(&tvar[0], ntris, &gtvar[0], &pentris[0]);
// write values on triangles
if (mype == 0 && gntris > 0) {
ofs << "tria3" << endl;
for (int t = 0; t < gntris; ++t) {
ofs << setw(12) << gtvar[t] << endl;
} // if mype == 0 ...
// gather values on quads to PE 0
vector<double> qvar(nquads), gqvar(gnquads);
for (int q = 0; q < nquads; ++q) {
qvar[q] = var[quads[q]];
Parallel::gatherv(&qvar[0], nquads, &gqvar[0], &penquads[0]);
// write values on quads
if (mype == 0 && gnquads > 0) {
ofs << "quad4" << endl;
for (int q = 0; q < gnquads; ++q) {
ofs << setw(12) << gqvar[q] << endl;
} // if mype == 0 ...
// gather values on others to PE 0
vector<double> ovar(nothers), govar(gnothers);
for (int n = 0; n < nothers; ++n) {
ovar[n] = var[others[n]];
Parallel::gatherv(&ovar[0], nothers, &govar[0], &penothers[0]);
// write values on others
if (mype == 0 && gnothers > 0) {
ofs << "nsided" << endl;
for (int n = 0; n < gnothers; ++n) {
ofs << setw(12) << govar[n] << endl;
} // if mype == 0 ...
if (mype == 0) ofs.close();
void ExportGold::sortZones() {
const int numz = mesh->numz;
const int* znump = mesh->znump;
// sort zones by size, create an inverse map
int scount = 0;
for (int z = 0; z < numz; ++z) {
int zsize = znump[z];
if (zsize == 3)
else if (zsize == 4)
else // zsize > 4
mapzs[z] = scount;
scount += zsize;
} // for z