blob: f14617aad87b042ecf7eed476fdfe3c2d7344366 [file] [log] [blame]
apply plugin: "org.shipkit.shipkit-auto-version"
apply plugin: "org.shipkit.shipkit-changelog"
apply plugin: "org.shipkit.shipkit-github-release"
tasks.named("generateChangelog") {
previousRevision = project.ext.'shipkit-auto-version.previous-tag'
githubToken = System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
repository = "mockito/mockito"
tasks.named("githubRelease") {
def genTask = tasks.named("generateChangelog").get()
dependsOn genTask
repository = genTask.repository
changelog = genTask.outputFile
newTagRevision = System.getenv("GITHUB_SHA")
githubToken = System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
* Mockito team does not publish to Maven Central every release as requested by the community.
* We publish to maven central only some versions. All versions are published to Bintray on every change.
* See
ext.mavenCentralRelease = shouldReleaseToCentral(project)
* Finds out if we should release to Maven Central.
* To test this logic, run build with '-i' (info logging) and inspect the build output.
static boolean shouldReleaseToCentral(project) {
boolean centralReleaseByCommit = 'true' == System.getenv("MAVEN_CENTRAL_RELEASE")
boolean centralReleaseByProjectProperty = project.hasProperty("maven-central-release")
boolean centralRelease = centralReleaseByCommit || centralReleaseByProjectProperty
def message = """Bintray publish was using following settings:
- commit message contains '[ci maven-central-release]': $centralReleaseByCommit
- project property 'maven-central-release' exists: $centralReleaseByProjectProperty
- Maven Central release is enabled: $centralRelease"""
project.afterEvaluate {
project.tasks.bintrayPublish.doLast { logger.lifecycle(message) }
return centralRelease