blob: 9e7e36ed391842b8e031e6fc55157a72b436694f [file] [log] [blame]
#include "../../cache.h"
#include "../../hashmap.h"
#include "../win32.h"
#include "fscache.h"
static int initialized;
static volatile long enabled;
static struct hashmap map;
static CRITICAL_SECTION mutex;
* An entry in the file system cache. Used for both entire directory listings
* and file entries.
struct fsentry {
struct hashmap_entry ent;
mode_t st_mode;
/* Length of name. */
unsigned short len;
* Name of the entry. For directory listings: relative path of the
* directory, without trailing '/' (empty for cwd()). For file entries:
* name of the file. Typically points to the end of the structure if
* the fsentry is allocated on the heap (see fsentry_alloc), or to a
* local variable if on the stack (see fsentry_init).
const char *name;
/* Pointer to the directory listing, or NULL for the listing itself. */
struct fsentry *list;
/* Pointer to the next file entry of the list. */
struct fsentry *next;
union {
/* Reference count of the directory listing. */
volatile long refcnt;
/* Handle to wait on the loading thread. */
HANDLE hwait;
struct {
/* More stat members (only used for file entries). */
off64_t st_size;
time_t st_atime;
time_t st_mtime;
time_t st_ctime;
* Compares the paths of two fsentry structures for equality.
static int fsentry_cmp(const struct fsentry *fse1, const struct fsentry *fse2)
int res;
if (fse1 == fse2)
return 0;
/* compare the list parts first */
if (fse1->list != fse2->list && (res = fsentry_cmp(
fse1->list ? fse1->list : fse1,
fse2->list ? fse2->list : fse2)))
return res;
/* if list parts are equal, compare len and name */
if (fse1->len != fse2->len)
return fse1->len - fse2->len;
return strnicmp(fse1->name, fse2->name, fse1->len);
* Calculates the hash code of an fsentry structure's path.
static unsigned int fsentry_hash(const struct fsentry *fse)
unsigned int hash = fse->list ? fse->list->ent.hash : 0;
return hash ^ memihash(fse->name, fse->len);
* Initialize an fsentry structure for use by fsentry_hash and fsentry_cmp.
static void fsentry_init(struct fsentry *fse, struct fsentry *list,
const char *name, size_t len)
fse->list = list;
fse->name = name;
fse->len = len;
hashmap_entry_init(fse, fsentry_hash(fse));
* Allocate an fsentry structure on the heap.
static struct fsentry *fsentry_alloc(struct fsentry *list, const char *name,
size_t len)
/* overallocate fsentry and copy the name to the end */
struct fsentry *fse = xmalloc(sizeof(struct fsentry) + len + 1);
char *nm = ((char*) fse) + sizeof(struct fsentry);
memcpy(nm, name, len);
nm[len] = 0;
/* init the rest of the structure */
fsentry_init(fse, list, nm, len);
fse->next = NULL;
fse->refcnt = 1;
return fse;
* Add a reference to an fsentry.
inline static void fsentry_addref(struct fsentry *fse)
if (fse->list)
fse = fse->list;
* Release the reference to an fsentry, frees the memory if its the last ref.
static void fsentry_release(struct fsentry *fse)
if (fse->list)
fse = fse->list;
if (InterlockedDecrement(&(fse->refcnt)))
while (fse) {
struct fsentry *next = fse->next;
fse = next;
* Allocate and initialize an fsentry from a WIN32_FIND_DATA structure.
static struct fsentry *fseentry_create_entry(struct fsentry *list,
const WIN32_FIND_DATAW *fdata)
char buf[MAX_PATH * 3];
int len;
struct fsentry *fse;
len = xwcstoutf(buf, fdata->cFileName, ARRAY_SIZE(buf));
fse = fsentry_alloc(list, buf, len);
fse->st_mode = file_attr_to_st_mode(fdata->dwFileAttributes);
fse->st_size = (((off64_t) (fdata->nFileSizeHigh)) << 32)
| fdata->nFileSizeLow;
fse->st_atime = filetime_to_time_t(&(fdata->ftLastAccessTime));
fse->st_mtime = filetime_to_time_t(&(fdata->ftLastWriteTime));
fse->st_ctime = filetime_to_time_t(&(fdata->ftCreationTime));
return fse;
* Create an fsentry-based directory listing (similar to opendir / readdir).
* Dir should not contain trailing '/'. Use an empty string for the current
* directory (not "."!).
static struct fsentry *fsentry_create_list(const struct fsentry *dir)
wchar_t pattern[MAX_LONG_PATH + 2]; /* + 2 for "\*" */
int wlen;
struct fsentry *list, **phead;
DWORD err;
/* convert name to UTF-16 and check length */
if ((wlen = xutftowcs_path_ex(pattern, dir->name, MAX_LONG_PATH,
dir->len, MAX_PATH - 2, core_long_paths)) < 0)
return NULL;
* append optional '\' and wildcard '*'. Note: we need to use '\' as
* Windows doesn't translate '/' to '\' for "\\?\"-prefixed paths.
if (wlen)
pattern[wlen++] = '\\';
pattern[wlen++] = '*';
pattern[wlen] = 0;
/* open find handle */
h = FindFirstFileW(pattern, &fdata);
err = GetLastError();
errno = (err == ERROR_DIRECTORY) ? ENOTDIR : err_win_to_posix(err);
return NULL;
/* allocate object to hold directory listing */
list = fsentry_alloc(NULL, dir->name, dir->len);
/* walk directory and build linked list of fsentry structures */
phead = &list->next;
do {
*phead = fseentry_create_entry(list, &fdata);
phead = &(*phead)->next;
} while (FindNextFileW(h, &fdata));
/* remember result of last FindNextFile, then close find handle */
err = GetLastError();
/* return the list if we've got all the files */
return list;
/* otherwise free the list and return error */
errno = err_win_to_posix(err);
return NULL;
* Adds a directory listing to the cache.
static void fscache_add(struct fsentry *fse)
if (fse->list)
fse = fse->list;
for (; fse; fse = fse->next)
hashmap_add(&map, fse);
* Removes a directory listing from the cache.
static void fscache_remove(struct fsentry *fse)
if (fse->list)
fse = fse->list;
for (; fse; fse = fse->next)
hashmap_remove(&map, fse, NULL);
* Clears the cache.
static void fscache_clear()
struct hashmap_iter iter;
struct fsentry *fse;
while ((fse = hashmap_iter_first(&map, &iter))) {
* Checks if the cache is enabled for the given path.
static inline int fscache_enabled(const char *path)
return enabled > 0 && !is_absolute_path(path);
* Looks up a cache entry, waits if its being loaded by another thread.
* The mutex must be owned by the calling thread.
static struct fsentry *fscache_get_wait(struct fsentry *key)
struct fsentry *fse = hashmap_get(&map, key, NULL);
/* return if its a 'real' entry (future entries have refcnt == 0) */
if (!fse || fse->list || fse->refcnt)
return fse;
/* create an event and link our key to the future entry */
key->hwait = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
key->next = fse->next;
fse->next = key;
/* wait for the loading thread to signal us */
WaitForSingleObject(key->hwait, INFINITE);
/* repeat cache lookup */
return hashmap_get(&map, key, NULL);
* Looks up or creates a cache entry for the specified key.
static struct fsentry *fscache_get(struct fsentry *key)
struct fsentry *fse, *future, *waiter;
/* check if entry is in cache */
fse = fscache_get_wait(key);
if (fse) {
return fse;
/* if looking for a file, check if directory listing is in cache */
if (!fse && key->list) {
fse = fscache_get_wait(key->list);
if (fse) {
/* dir entry without file entry -> file doesn't exist */
errno = ENOENT;
return NULL;
/* add future entry to indicate that we're loading it */
future = key->list ? key->list : key;
future->next = NULL;
future->refcnt = 0;
hashmap_add(&map, future);
/* create the directory listing (outside mutex!) */
fse = fsentry_create_list(future);
/* remove future entry and signal waiting threads */
hashmap_remove(&map, future, NULL);
waiter = future->next;
while (waiter) {
HANDLE h = waiter->hwait;
waiter = waiter->next;
/* leave on error (errno set by fsentry_create_list) */
if (!fse) {
return NULL;
/* add directory listing to the cache */
/* lookup file entry if requested (fse already points to directory) */
if (key->list)
fse = hashmap_get(&map, key, NULL);
/* return entry or ENOENT */
if (fse)
errno = ENOENT;
return fse;
* Enables or disables the cache. Note that the cache is read-only, changes to
* the working directory are NOT reflected in the cache while enabled.
int fscache_enable(int enable)
int result;
if (!initialized) {
/* allow the cache to be disabled entirely */
if (!core_fscache)
return 0;
hashmap_init(&map, (hashmap_cmp_fn) fsentry_cmp, 0);
initialized = 1;
result = enable ? InterlockedIncrement(&enabled)
: InterlockedDecrement(&enabled);
if (enable && result == 1) {
/* redirect opendir and lstat to the fscache implementations */
opendir = fscache_opendir;
lstat = fscache_lstat;
} else if (!enable && !result) {
/* reset opendir and lstat to the original implementations */
opendir = dirent_opendir;
lstat = mingw_lstat;
return result;
* Lstat replacement, uses the cache if enabled, otherwise redirects to
* mingw_lstat.
int fscache_lstat(const char *filename, struct stat *st)
int dirlen, base, len;
struct fsentry key[2], *fse;
if (!fscache_enabled(filename))
return mingw_lstat(filename, st);
/* split filename into path + name */
len = strlen(filename);
if (len && is_dir_sep(filename[len - 1]))
base = len;
while (base && !is_dir_sep(filename[base - 1]))
dirlen = base ? base - 1 : 0;
/* lookup entry for path + name in cache */
fsentry_init(key, NULL, filename, dirlen);
fsentry_init(key + 1, key, filename + base, len - base);
fse = fscache_get(key + 1);
if (!fse)
return -1;
/* copy stat data */
st->st_ino = 0;
st->st_gid = 0;
st->st_uid = 0;
st->st_dev = 0;
st->st_rdev = 0;
st->st_nlink = 1;
st->st_mode = fse->st_mode;
st->st_size = fse->st_size;
st->st_atime = fse->st_atime;
st->st_mtime = fse->st_mtime;
st->st_ctime = fse->st_ctime;
/* don't forget to release fsentry */
return 0;
typedef struct fscache_DIR {
struct DIR base_dir; /* extend base struct DIR */
struct fsentry *pfsentry;
struct dirent dirent;
} fscache_DIR;
* Readdir replacement.
static struct dirent *fscache_readdir(DIR *base_dir)
fscache_DIR *dir = (fscache_DIR*) base_dir;
struct fsentry *next = dir->pfsentry->next;
if (!next)
return NULL;
dir->pfsentry = next;
dir->dirent.d_type = S_ISDIR(next->st_mode) ? DT_DIR : DT_REG;
dir->dirent.d_name = (char*) next->name;
return &(dir->dirent);
* Closedir replacement.
static int fscache_closedir(DIR *base_dir)
fscache_DIR *dir = (fscache_DIR*) base_dir;
return 0;
* Opendir replacement, uses a directory listing from the cache if enabled,
* otherwise calls original dirent implementation.
DIR *fscache_opendir(const char *dirname)
struct fsentry key, *list;
fscache_DIR *dir;
int len;
if (!fscache_enabled(dirname))
return dirent_opendir(dirname);
/* prepare name (strip trailing '/', replace '.') */
len = strlen(dirname);
if ((len == 1 && dirname[0] == '.') ||
(len && is_dir_sep(dirname[len - 1])))
/* get directory listing from cache */
fsentry_init(&key, NULL, dirname, len);
list = fscache_get(&key);
if (!list)
return NULL;
/* alloc and return DIR structure */
dir = (fscache_DIR*) xmalloc(sizeof(fscache_DIR));
dir->base_dir.preaddir = fscache_readdir;
dir->base_dir.pclosedir = fscache_closedir;
dir->pfsentry = list;
return (DIR*) dir;