blob: ba66b77e006926c2d2aa1edc519b358629ddd0f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2007-2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
// There are two phases of setup:
// 1) Copy the Google Update files to the install location.
// * Executed by InstallGoogleUpdateAndApp().
// * This is done in an instance running from a temp location.
// 2) Do everything else to install Google Update.
// * Executed by SetupGoogleUpdate().
// * This is done in an instance running from the installed location.
// Uninstall() undoes both phases of setup.
// All methods assume the instance is running with the correct permissions.
#include <windows.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "omaha/common/scoped_any.h"
namespace omaha {
class GLock;
class HighresTimer;
struct NamedObjectAttributes;
struct CommandLineArgs;
class SetupFiles;
class Setup {
Setup(bool is_machine, const CommandLineArgs* args);
// Installs Google Update, if necessary, and launches a worker to install app.
// Handles elevation.
HRESULT Install(const CString& cmd_line);
// Installs Google Update silently without installing an app.
HRESULT InstallSelfSilently();
// Updates Google Update.
HRESULT UpdateSelfSilently();
// Repairs Google Update for Code Red recovery.
HRESULT RepairSilently();
// Completes installation from the installed location.
HRESULT SetupGoogleUpdate();
// Obtains the Setup Lock and uninstalls all Google Update versions if
// Google Update can be uninstalled.
HRESULT Uninstall();
// Verifies that Google Update is either properly installed or uninstalled
// completely. Returns whether Google Update is installed.
// TODO(omaha): Consider making this and did_uninstall_ non-static after
// refactoring Setup phases. May require a Setup member in Goopdate.
static void CheckInstallStateConsistency(bool is_machine);
// Writes error info for silent updates to the registry so the installed Omaha
// can send an update failed ping.
static void PersistUpdateErrorInfo(bool is_machine,
HRESULT error,
int extra_code1,
const CString& version);
// Reads the error info for silent updates from the registry if present and
// deletes it. Returns true if the data is valid.
static bool ReadAndClearUpdateErrorInfo(bool is_machine,
DWORD* error_code,
DWORD* extra_code1,
CString* version);
// Marks Google Update EULA as accepted by deleting the registry value.
// Does not touch apps' EULA state.
static HRESULT SetEulaAccepted(bool is_machine);
int extra_code1() const { return extra_code1_; }
// Defines the mode of the instance.
enum Mode {
typedef std::vector<uint32> Pids;
// Does all non-elevation work for Install().
HRESULT DoInstall();
// Handles Setup lock acquisition failures and returns the error to report.
HRESULT HandleLockFailed(int lock_version);
// Does the install work within all necessary locks, which have already been
// obtained.
// If handoff_process is not NULL on a successful return, the caller should
// wait for this process after releasing the locks.
HRESULT DoProtectedInstall(HANDLE* handoff_process);
// Uninstalls all Google Update versions after checking if Google Update can
// be uninstalled.
HRESULT DoProtectedUninstall();
// Returns whether Google Update should be installed.
bool ShouldInstall(SetupFiles* setup_files);
// Returns whether the same version of Google Update should be over-installed.
bool ShouldOverinstallSameVersion(SetupFiles* setup_files);
// Increments the usage stat if a core process is not running and the existing
// version is >=
void UpdateCoreNotRunningMetric(const CString& existing_version);
HRESULT DoProtectedGoogleUpdateInstall(SetupFiles* setup_files);
// Rolls back the changes made during DoProtectedGoogleUpdateInstall().
// Call when that method fails.
void RollBack(SetupFiles* setup_files);
// Installs the Google Update files.
HRESULT InstallPhase1();
// Tells other instances to stop.
HRESULT StopGoogleUpdate();
// Tells other instances to stop then waits for them to exit.
HRESULT StopGoogleUpdateAndWait();
// Sets the non-legacy shutdown event to signal other instances for this user
// or machine to exit.
HRESULT SignalShutdownEvent();
// Signals the legacy quiet mode events to cause all legacy Google Update
// processes for this user or machine to exit.
HRESULT SignalLegacyShutdownEvents();
// Creates and sets the specified legacy event.
HRESULT CreateLegacyEvent(const CString& event_name,
HANDLE* event_handle) const;
// Releases all the shutdown events.
void ReleaseShutdownEvents();
// Sets the setup complete event, signalling the other setup instance to
// release the Setup Lock.
void SetSetupCompleteEvent() const;
// Waits for other instances of GoogleUpdate.exe to exit.
HRESULT WaitForOtherInstancesToExit(const Pids& pids);
// Gets the list of all the GoogleUpdate.exe processes to wait for.
HRESULT GetPidsToWaitFor(Pids* pids) const;
// Gets the list of GoogleUpdate processes to wait for based on processes'
// command line.
HRESULT GetPidsToWaitForUsingCommandLine(Pids* pids) const;
// Returns whether elevation is required to perform this install.
bool IsElevationRequired() const;
// Starts Omaha elevated if possible and waits for it to exit.
// The same arguments are passed to the elevated instance.
HRESULT ElevateAndWait(const CString& cmd_line);
// Given a guid, finds and copies the offline manifest and binaries from the
// current module directory to the offline_dir passed in. offline_dir is
// typically the Google\Update\Offline\ directory. The offline manifest is
// copied to offline_dir\{GUID}.gup. The binaries are in the format
// "Installer.msi.{GUID}", and they are copied to the offline_dir under the
// subdirectory {GUID}, as Installer.msi.
static HRESULT CopyOfflineFilesForGuid(const CString& app_guid,
const CString& offline_dir);
// For all the applications that have been requested, copy the offline
// binaries. Calls CopyOfflineFilesForGuid() for each app_guid.
bool CopyOfflineFiles(const CString& offline_dir);
// Launches a worker process from the installed location to run setup phase 2,
// if specified, and install the app.
HRESULT LaunchInstalledWorker(bool do_setup_phase_2, HANDLE* process);
// Starts the core.
HRESULT StartMachineCoreProcess() const;
HRESULT StartUserCoreProcess(const CString& core_cmd_line) const;
// Returns the pids of running Omaha 2 Core processes for this user/system.
HRESULT FindCoreProcesses(Pids* found_core_pids) const;
// Forcefully kills appropriate core processes using ::TerminateProcess().
HRESULT TerminateCoreProcesses() const;
// Verifies that the appropriate core is running.
bool IsCoreProcessRunning() const;
// Starts the installed long-lived process.
HRESULT StartCore() const;
// Waits for the process or an event.
// If the process exits before the event is signaled, the exit code is
// returned in exit_code.
// The event should not be signaled until at least the point where the process
// is handling and reporting its own errors.
HRESULT WaitForProcessExitOrEvent(HANDLE process,
HANDLE event,
uint32* exit_code) const;
// Waits for the UI in the handoff worker to be initialized such that it can
// handle its own errors.
HRESULT WaitForHandoffWorker(HANDLE process) const;
// Returns the SID to use for process searches, mutexes, etc. during this
// installation.
HRESULT GetAppropriateSid(CString* sid) const;
// Initializes the Setup Lock with correct name and security attributes.
static bool InitSetupLock(bool is_machine, GLock* setup_lock);
// Initializes legacy Setup Locks with correct name and security attributes.
bool InitLegacySetupLocks(GLock* lock10,
GLock* lock11_user,
GLock* lock11_machine);
// Returns true if it can instantiate MSXML parser.
static bool HasXmlParser();
// Returns true if GoogleUpdate can be uninstalled now.
bool CanUninstallGoogleUpdate() const;
bool IsInteractiveInstall() const;
bool ShouldWaitForWorkerProcess() const;
// Sets values for OEM installs in the registry.
HRESULT SetOemInstallState();
// Marks Google Update EULA as not accepted if it is not already installed.
// Does not touch apps' EULA state.
static HRESULT SetEulaNotAccepted(bool is_machine);
const bool is_machine_;
Mode mode_;
const CommandLineArgs* const args_;
CString saved_version_; // Previous version saved for roll back.
scoped_event legacy_1_0_shutdown_event_;
scoped_event legacy_1_1_shutdown_event_;
scoped_event shutdown_event_;
int extra_code1_;
// Whether an offline worker has been launched. Not valid until worker has
// been launched. If true, this Setup instance is for offline metainstaller.
bool launched_offline_worker_;
scoped_ptr<HighresTimer> metrics_timer_;
// Whether this process uninstalled Google Update for any reason.
// Access must be protected by the Setup Lock.
static bool did_uninstall_;
friend class SetupTest;
friend class SetupOfflineInstallerTest;
} // namespace omaha