blob: c440479732baff44029283e2266ebada681c3ccb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2004-2009 Google Inc.
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// dynamic loading of Windows kernel32.dll API dll functions
// wrappers for win32 functions not supported on windows 95/98/ME
#include "omaha/common/debug.h"
#include "omaha/common/dynamic_link_kernel32.h"
namespace omaha {
typedef BOOL (WINAPI * Module32FirstFunc)(HANDLE, LPMODULEENTRY32);
typedef BOOL (WINAPI * Module32NextFunc)(HANDLE, LPMODULEENTRY32);
typedef BOOL (WINAPI * Process32FirstFunc)(HANDLE, LPPROCESSENTRY32);
typedef BOOL (WINAPI * Process32NextFunc)(HANDLE, LPPROCESSENTRY32);
typedef BOOL (WINAPI * IsWow64ProcessFunc)(HANDLE, PBOOL);
#define kKernel32Module L"kernel32"
BOOL WINAPI Kernel32::Module32First(HANDLE hSnapshot, LPMODULEENTRY32 lpme) {
static Module32FirstFunc f = NULL;
if (f == NULL) {
HMODULE handle = GetModuleHandle(kKernel32Module);
ASSERT(handle, (L""));
f = (Module32FirstFunc) GetProcAddress(handle, "Module32FirstW");
if (f == NULL)
return FALSE;
return f(hSnapshot, lpme);
BOOL WINAPI Kernel32::Module32Next(HANDLE hSnapshot, LPMODULEENTRY32 lpme) {
static Module32NextFunc f = NULL;
if (f == NULL) {
HMODULE handle = GetModuleHandle(kKernel32Module);
ASSERT(handle, (L""));
f = (Module32NextFunc) GetProcAddress(handle, "Module32NextW");
if (f == NULL)
return FALSE;
return f(hSnapshot, lpme);
BOOL WINAPI Kernel32::Process32First(HANDLE hSnapshot, LPPROCESSENTRY32 lppe) {
static Process32FirstFunc f = NULL;
if (f == NULL) {
HMODULE handle = GetModuleHandle(kKernel32Module);
ASSERT(handle, (L""));
f = (Process32FirstFunc) GetProcAddress(handle, "Process32FirstW");
if (f == NULL)
return FALSE;
return f(hSnapshot, lppe);
BOOL WINAPI Kernel32::Process32Next(HANDLE hSnapshot, LPPROCESSENTRY32 lppe) {
static Process32NextFunc f = NULL;
if (f == NULL) {
HMODULE handle = GetModuleHandle(kKernel32Module);
ASSERT(handle, (L""));
f = (Process32NextFunc) GetProcAddress(handle, "Process32NextW");
if (f == NULL)
return FALSE;
return f(hSnapshot, lppe);
BOOL WINAPI Kernel32::IsWow64Process(HANDLE hProcess, PBOOL Wow64Process) {
static IsWow64ProcessFunc f = NULL;
if (f == NULL) {
HMODULE handle = GetModuleHandle(kKernel32Module);
ASSERT(handle, (L""));
f = (IsWow64ProcessFunc) GetProcAddress(handle, "IsWow64Process");
if (f == NULL)
return FALSE;
return f(hProcess, Wow64Process);
} // namespace omaha