blob: 2fcc7f4b88976fae7fa2243037c4e6794fa5ecf3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2004-2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
// localization_unittest.cpp
// Unit test functions for Localization
#include "omaha/common/localization.h"
#include "omaha/common/string.h"
#include "omaha/common/time.h"
#include "omaha/testing/unit_test.h"
using testing::Message;
namespace omaha {
// Test out the time display functions
void LocalizationTimeTest() {
CString time_str;
// Lets process this a bit to give ourselves a known time.
SYSTEMTIME temp_time;
temp_time.wYear = 2004;
temp_time.wMonth = 4;
temp_time.wDayOfWeek = 1;
temp_time.wDay = 19;
temp_time.wHour = 19;
temp_time.wMinute = 18;
temp_time.wSecond = 17;
temp_time.wMilliseconds = 16;
time64 override_time = SystemTimeToTime64(&temp_time);
// Useful when debugging to confirm that this worked
SYSTEMTIME confirm = Time64ToSystemTime(override_time);
// the need to check two different times below is because:
// FileTimeToLocalFileTime uses the current settings for the time
// zone and daylight saving time. Therefore, if it is daylight
// saving time, this function will take daylight saving time into
// account, even if the time you are converting is in standard
// time.
// TODO(omaha): we may want to fix this.
// Show just the time [ie -12:19pm]
time_str = ShowTimeForLocale(override_time, 1033 /* US english */);
ASSERT_TRUE(time_str == _T("12:18 PM") || time_str == _T("11:18 AM"))
<< _T("Returned time string was ") << time_str.GetString();
// Show just the time [ie - 12:19:18pm]
time_str = ShowFormattedTimeForLocale(override_time, 1033,
_T("hh:mm:ss tt"));
ASSERT_TRUE(time_str == _T("12:18:17 PM") || time_str == _T("11:18:17 AM"))
<< _T("Returned time string was ") << time_str.GetString();
// Try it out with a some different values to test out single digit
// minutes and such
temp_time.wHour = 15;
temp_time.wMinute = 4;
temp_time.wSecond = 3;
temp_time.wMilliseconds = 2;
override_time = SystemTimeToTime64(&temp_time);
time_str = ShowTimeForLocale(override_time, 1033);
ASSERT_TRUE(time_str == _T("8:04 AM") || time_str == _T("7:04 AM"))
<< _T("Returned time string was ") << time_str.GetString();
time_str = ShowFormattedTimeForLocale(override_time, 1033,
_T("hh:mm:ss tt"));
ASSERT_TRUE(time_str == _T("08:04:03 AM") || time_str == _T("07:04:03 AM"))
<< _T("Returned time string was ") << time_str.GetString();
// Check the date functionality
temp_time.wYear = 2004;
temp_time.wMonth = 4;
temp_time.wDayOfWeek = 1;
temp_time.wDay = 19;
// Show the short date
time_str = ShowDateForLocale(override_time, 1033);
// CHKM(time_str == _T("Monday, April 19, 2004"),
ASSERT_STREQ(time_str, _T("4/19/2004"));
// Show the customized date
time_str = ShowFormattedDateForLocale(override_time, 1033,
_T("MMM d, yyyy"));
ASSERT_STREQ(time_str, _T("Apr 19, 2004"));
// Try it out with a some different values to test out single dates and such
temp_time.wDay = 1;
override_time = SystemTimeToTime64(&temp_time);
time_str = ShowFormattedDateForLocale(override_time, 1033,
_T("ddd, MMM dd"));
ASSERT_STREQ(time_str, _T("Thu, Apr 01"));
time_str = ShowFormattedDateForLocale(override_time, 1033, _T("MM/dd/yyyy"));
ASSERT_STREQ(time_str, _T("04/01/2004"));
// Test out the numbers and display functions
void LocalizationNumberTest() {
// Make sure we are using the normal american version
SetLcidOverride(1033); // the codepage for american english
// Try some basics
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(1), _T("1"));
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(2), _T("2"));
// Try some extremes
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(0), _T("0"));
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(kInt32Max), _T("2,147,483,647"));
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(-kInt32Max), _T("-2,147,483,647"));
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(kUint32Max), _T("4,294,967,295"));
// Try some doubles
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(0.3, 0), _T("0"));
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(0.3, 1), _T("0.3"));
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(0.3, 2), _T("0.30"));
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(0.3, 5), _T("0.30000"));
// Try some with interesting rounding
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(0.159, 0), _T("0"));
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(0.159, 1), _T("0.1"));
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(0.159, 2), _T("0.15"));
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(0.159, 5), _T("0.15900"));
// Try a nice whole number
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(12.0, 0), _T("12"));
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(12.0, 1), _T("12.0"));
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(12.0, 2), _T("12.00"));
ASSERT_STREQ(Show(12.0, 5), _T("12.00000"));
TEST(LocalizationTest, Localization) {
} // namespace omaha