blob: 4cc78c6d48db3cac897984f009b0a314b2143e74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2003-2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
#include <windows.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
namespace omaha {
// Moved here from installation directory. Generic enought to be in common.
class ProcessTerminator {
// constants for specifying which methods to attempt when killing a process
static const int KILL_METHOD_1_WINDOW_MESSAGE = 0x01;
static const int KILL_METHOD_2_THREAD_MESSAGE = 0x02;
static const int KILL_METHOD_4_TERMINATE_PROCESS = 0x08;
static const int INVALID_SESSION_ID = 0xFFFF;
// Creates the object given the process name to kill.
explicit ProcessTerminator(const CString& process_name);
ProcessTerminator(const CString& process_name, const CString& user_sid);
ProcessTerminator(const CString& process_name,
const CString& user_sid,
int session_id);
// Performs necessary cleanup.
// Go through process list try to find the required one to kill,
// trying three methods to kill, from easiest and cleanest to a
// harsh one. S_OK if no process by the right name was found, or if it was
// found and was killed. E_FAIL otherwise. was_found returns true if
// process was found. Kills all instances of a process.
HRESULT KillTheProcess(uint32 timeout_msec,
bool* was_found,
uint32 method_mask,
bool flash_window);
// Wait for all instances of the process to die.
HRESULT WaitForAllToDie(uint32 timeout_msec);
// Finds all process ids for the process of a given name.
bool FindProcessInstances();
// Will try to open handle to each instance.
// Leaves process handles open (in member process_handles_)
// Will use access rights for opening appropriate for the purpose_of_opening
bool PrepareToKill(uint32 method_mask);
// Wait for process instances to die for timeout_msec
// return true if all are dead and false if timed out.
bool WaitForProcessInstancesToDie(uint32 timeout_msec) const;
// Will close all currently opened handles.
void CloseAllHandles();
// Killing via messages to window
// Function which meet win32 requirements for callback
// function passed into EnumWindows function.
BOOL static CALLBACK EnumAllWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lparam);
// Will return true if it succeeds in finding a window for the process
// to be killed, otherwise false. If there are such top-level windows
// then returns an array of window handles.
bool FindProcessWindows();
// Will try to kill the process via posting windows messages
// returns true on success otherwise false.
// Timeout is maximum time to wait for WM_CLOSE to work before going to
// next method.
bool KillProcessViaWndMessages(uint32 timeout_msec);
// Killing via messages to thread
// Try to find the threads than run in
// the process in question.
bool FindProcessThreads(std::vector<uint32>* thread_ids);
// Will try to kill the process via posing thread messages
// returns true on success otherwise false.
// Timeout is maximum time to wait for message to work before going to
// next method.
bool KillProcessViaThreadMessages(uint32 timeout_msec);
// The last and crude method to kill the process.
// Calls TerminateProcess function.
bool KillProcessViaTerminate(uint32 timeout_msec);
// Private member variables:
CString process_name_;
// One process can have several instances
// running. This array will keep handles to all
// instances of the process.
std::vector<HANDLE> process_handles_;
// Array of process ids which correspond to different
// instances of the same process.
std::vector<uint32> process_ids_;
// Function PrepareToKill can call itself
// recursively under some conditions.
// We need to stop the recursion at some point.
// This is the purpose of this member.
int recursion_level_;
// Array of window handles.
std::vector<HWND> window_handles_;
// The sid of the user whose process needs to be terminated.
CString user_sid_;
// True if the window flashes on shut down.
bool flash_window_;
// The session to search the processes in.
int session_id_;
// Disable copy constructor and assignment operator.
// Application calling this function will be shut down
// by the system without displaying message boxes if the application
// fails to shutdown itself properly as a result of processing
HRESULT SetProcessSilentShutdown();
} // namespace omaha