blob: a8fd39453c1940321696f5e6c16040d4a2550aba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2007-2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
// Event Logger provides a simple mechanism to log events to Windows
// Event Log. A few overloads are defined to simplify logging by reducing
// the number of parameters that must be provided. The overloads are
// implemented in terms of the EventLogger class.
// The event logging works in both debug and optimized builds. This is not
// a substitute for the debug log. Instead it is a way to provide some level
// of transparency into what Google Update is doing at runtime and to help
// diagnosing end user issues.
// Familiarity with Windows Event Log is helpful in understanding how
// these wrappers are to be used. Windows Event Log uses localized strings
// in a message file and it substitutes string insterts that correspond to
// formatting characters in the message string. In addtion, the log is able
// to record raw data, herein provided by a context string, which may be
// useful to provide some context around the formatted message.
// TODO(omaha): Provide some control for the verbosity level in the log.
// TODO(omaha): Perhaps there is a better way to define the overloaded
// wrappers below. I chose a compromise between the easy of use while not
// mixing up different string parameters that have different meanings.
#include <atlstr.h>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
namespace omaha {
void LogEventHelper(WORD type, DWORD id, size_t count, const TCHAR** strings,
const TCHAR* ctx);
// Logs an event to the Application log
inline void LogEvent(WORD type, DWORD id) {
LogEventHelper(type, id, 0, NULL, NULL);
inline void LogEvent(WORD type, DWORD id, const TCHAR* s) {
const TCHAR* strings[] = {s};
LogEventHelper(type, id, arraysize(strings), strings, NULL);
inline void LogEvent(WORD type, DWORD id, const TCHAR* s1, const TCHAR* s2) {
const TCHAR* strings[] = {s1, s2};
LogEventHelper(type, id, arraysize(strings), strings, NULL);
inline void LogEvent(WORD type, DWORD id, const TCHAR* s1, const TCHAR* s2,
const TCHAR* s3) {
const TCHAR* strings[] = {s1, s2, s3};
LogEventHelper(type, id, arraysize(strings), strings, NULL);
// Logs an event to the Application log with a context string.
inline void LogEventContext(WORD type, DWORD id, const TCHAR* ctx) {
LogEventHelper(type, id, 0, NULL, ctx);
inline void LogEventContext(WORD type, DWORD id, const TCHAR* s,
const TCHAR* ctx) {
const TCHAR* strings[] = {s};
LogEventHelper(type, id, arraysize(strings), strings, ctx);
inline void LogEventContext(WORD type, DWORD id, const TCHAR* s1,
const TCHAR* s2, const TCHAR* ctx) {
const TCHAR* strings[] = {s1, s2};
LogEventHelper(type, id, arraysize(strings), strings, ctx);
inline void LogEventContext(WORD type, DWORD id, const TCHAR* s1,
const TCHAR* s2, const TCHAR* s3,
const TCHAR* ctx) {
const TCHAR* strings[] = {s1, s2, s3};
LogEventHelper(type, id, arraysize(strings), strings, ctx);
class EventLogger {
// Creates an event source for the "Application" log so that EventViewer can
// map event identifier codes to message strings.
static HRESULT AddEventSource(
const TCHAR* src_name, // Event source name.
const TCHAR* msg_dll_path); // Path for message DLL.
static HRESULT RemoveEventSource(
const TCHAR* src_name); // Event source name.
// Writes an entry at the end of event log that contains the source name.
static HRESULT ReportEvent(
const TCHAR* src_name, // Event source name.
WORD type, // Type of the event to be logged.
WORD category, // Event category.
DWORD id, // Event identifier.
WORD count, // Count of insert strings.
const TCHAR** strings, // Insert strings.
size_t buf_size, // Size of binary data to append.
void* buffer); // Buffer containing the binary data.
// Default name for the event source.
static const TCHAR* const kSourceName;
// Default event category.
static const WORD kDefaultCategory = 0;
class GoogleUpdateLogEvent {
GoogleUpdateLogEvent(int type, int id, bool is_machine)
: type_(type),
is_machine_(is_machine) {}
GoogleUpdateLogEvent() : type_(0), id_(0), is_machine_(false) {}
~GoogleUpdateLogEvent() {}
void WriteEvent();
void set_event_desc(const CString& desc) { event_desc_ = desc; }
void set_event_text(const CString& text) { event_text_ = text; }
CString event_desc_;
CString event_text_;
int type_;
int id_;
bool is_machine_;
} // namespace omaha