blob: aef30bb9e9eaf2ffcca1f07a868ad12e2bce930a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2007-2010 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
// Defines: GoopdateUtils, helper functions for goopdate.
// TODO(omaha): move to namespace.
#include <mstask.h>
#include <oaidl.h>
#include <atlcomcli.h>
#include <atlpath.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "omaha/common/constants.h"
#include "omaha/common/shell.h"
#include "omaha/goopdate/command_line.h"
#include "omaha/goopdate/request.h"
#include "omaha/goopdate/update_response.h"
struct NamedObjectAttributes;
namespace omaha {
class UpdateResponse;
class NetworkRequest;
// TODO(omaha): Move all browser related functions into browser_utils.
// Represents the Result of an attempt to terminate the browser.
struct TerminateBrowserResult {
: found(false),
could_terminate(false) {
TerminateBrowserResult(bool f, bool terminate)
: found(f),
could_terminate(terminate) {
bool found;
bool could_terminate;
// Utility functions for goopdate.
namespace goopdate_utils {
typedef HRESULT (*RegisterOrUnregisterFunction)(bool is_register);
// Returns the application registration path for the specified app.
CString GetAppClientsKey(bool is_machine, const CString& app_guid);
// Returns the application state path for the specified app.
CString GetAppClientStateKey(bool is_machine, const CString& app_guid);
// Returns the medium integrity application state path for the specified app.
CString GetAppClientStateMediumKey(bool is_machine, const CString& app_guid);
// Returns the application state path for a user given the user SID.
CString GetUserAllAppsStatePath(const CString& user_sid);
// Returns the application registration location given the user SID.
CString GetUserAllAppsRegPath(const CString& user_sid);
// Returns the application state path for a particular user and for the
// given application id.
CString GetUserAppStatePath(const CString& user_sid,
const CString& app_guid);
// Returns the application registration path for a particular user
// and for the given application id.
CString GetUserAppRegPath(const CString& user_sid,
const CString& app_guid);
// Builds the directory of the Google Update executable.
CString BuildGoogleUpdateExeDir(bool is_machine);
// Builds the path of the Google Update version found in the registry. The
// command line is of the form "<install location>\googleupdate.exe"
CString BuildGoogleUpdateExePath(bool is_machine);
CString BuildGoogleUpdateServicesPath(bool is_machine);
// Returns true if the currently executing binary is running from the
// Machine/User Goopdate directory, or a directory under it.
bool IsRunningFromOfficialGoopdateDir(bool is_machine);
// If running the installed machine instance, returns HKLM. Else returns HKCU.
CString GetHKRoot();
// Starts an instance of the Google Update version found in the registry.
// Only use to start interactive processes because it uses ::ShellExecuteEx().
// args can be NULL.
// process can be NULL. If not NULL, caller is responsible for closing handle.
HRESULT StartGoogleUpdateWithArgs(bool is_machine,
const TCHAR* args,
HANDLE* process);
// Starts self in an elevated mode using the "Runas" verb.
HRESULT StartElevatedSelfWithArgsAndWait(const TCHAR* args);
// Registers security and sets the security values for the GoogleUpdate
// process when running as a COM server.
HRESULT InitializeSecurity();
// GetProductName is temporary and must be removed after the TT release.
// Gets the product name for a app guid.
CString GetProductName(const CString& app_guid);
// Returns true if it is a development or test machine.
bool IsTestSource();
// Creates the query string based on the passed url and arguments.
// url must end in a '?' or '&'.
HRESULT BuildHttpGetString(const CString& url,
DWORD error_code,
DWORD extra_code1,
DWORD extra_code2,
const CString& product_guid,
const CString& goopdate_version,
bool is_machine,
const CString& language,
const GUID& iid,
const CString& brand_code,
const CString& source_id,
CString* get_request);
HRESULT RedirectHKCR(bool is_machine);
HRESULT RemoveRedirectHKCR();
HRESULT RegisterTypeLib(bool is_admin,
const CComBSTR& path,
ITypeLib* type_lib);
HRESULT UnRegisterTypeLib(bool is_admin,
const CComBSTR&,
ITypeLib* type_lib);
HRESULT RegisterOrUnregisterModule(bool register_server,
RegisterOrUnregisterFunction registrar);
HRESULT RegisterOrUnregisterModuleWithTypelib(
bool register_server,
RegisterOrUnregisterFunction registrar);
// Registers the typelib that is passed in.
// Wrapper for the RegisterTypeLibForUser that is defined in the
// Vista oleaut32. Uses GetProcAddress to call into the method.
HRESULT RegisterTypeLibForUser(ITypeLib* lib,
OLECHAR* path,
OLECHAR* help_dir);
// Unregisters the typelib that is passed in.
// Wrapper for the UnRegisterTypeLibForUser in Vista ole. Uses GetProcAddress
// to call into the real method.
HRESULT UnRegisterTypeLibForUser(REFGUID lib_id,
WORD major_ver_num,
WORD minor_ver_num,
LCID lcid,
SYSKIND syskind);
// Impersonates the user in case of interactive installs, and
// the logged in user in case of non-interactive updates.
HRESULT ImpersonateUser(bool is_interactive, uint32 explorer_pid);
// Reverts the calling thread to self if impersonated.
HRESULT UndoImpersonation(bool impersonated);
// Returns the user's token either from the request or from the logged on
// user's explorer process.
HRESULT GetImpersonationToken(bool is_interactive,
uint32 explorer_pid,
HANDLE* out_token);
// Returns whether the EULA is accepted for the app.
bool IsAppEulaAccepted(bool is_machine,
const CString& app_guid,
bool require_explicit_acceptance);
// Sets eulaaccepted=0 in the app's ClientState.
HRESULT SetAppEulaNotAccepted(bool is_machine, const CString& app_guid);
// Clears any eulaaccepted=0 values for the app.
HRESULT ClearAppEulaNotAccepted(bool is_machine, const CString& app_guid);
// Determines whether usage stats are enabled for a specific app.
bool AreAppUsageStatsEnabled(bool is_machine, const CString& app_guid);
// Configures Omaha's collection of usage stats and crash reports.
HRESULT SetUsageStatsEnable(bool is_machine,
const CString& app_guid,
Tristate usage_stats_enable);
// Copies legacy usage stats value to the new name and location then deletes
// the old value.
// TODO(omaha): Remove along with legacy Omaha 1.
HRESULT ConvertLegacyUsageStats(bool is_machine);
// Scheduled Task methods.
// This method will return the default scheduled task name. This default value
// is also used as the prefix for generating unique task names.
CString GetDefaultGoopdateTaskName(bool is_machine, CommandLineMode mode);
HRESULT InstallGoopdateTasks(const TCHAR* task_path, bool is_machine);
HRESULT UninstallGoopdateTasks(bool is_machine);
HRESULT UninstallLegacyGoopdateTasks(bool is_machine);
HRESULT StartGoopdateTaskCore(bool is_machine);
bool IsInstalledGoopdateTaskUA(bool is_machine);
bool IsDisabledGoopdateTaskUA(bool is_machine);
HRESULT GetExitCodeGoopdateTaskUA(bool is_machine);
// Gets the specified value from the registry for the application.
HRESULT GetClientsStringValueFromRegistry(bool is_machine,
const CString& app_guid,
const CString& value_name,
CString* value);
// Gets the application's version from the registry.
HRESULT GetVerFromRegistry(bool is_machine,
const CString& app_guid,
CString* version);
// Returns the absolute path of the browser image.
HRESULT GetBrowserImagePathFromProcess(BrowserType type,
uint32 explorer_pid,
CString* path);
// Terminates all browser processes for the current user.
HRESULT TerminateBrowserProcesses(BrowserType type,
TerminateBrowserResult* browser_res,
TerminateBrowserResult* default_res);
// Terminates both firefox and IE instances.
HRESULT TerminateAllBrowsers(BrowserType type,
TerminateBrowserResult* browser_res,
TerminateBrowserResult* default_res);
// Starts an instance of the browser. The explorer_pid indicates the user to
// launch the browser as, in case of machine goopdate.
HRESULT StartBrowserWithProcessToken(bool is_machine,
BrowserType type,
const CString& url,
uint32 explorer_pid);
// Converts from string to the BrowserType enum.
HRESULT ConvertStringToBrowserType(const CString& text, BrowserType* type);
// Converts from BrowserType to string.
CString ConvertBrowserTypeToString(BrowserType type);
// Converts a string to the needs admin enum. Takes care of case.
HRESULT ConvertStringToNeedsAdmin(const CString& text, NeedsAdmin* admin);
// Converts the NeedsAdmin to a string.
HRESULT ConvertNeedsAdminToString(NeedsAdmin needs_admin, CString* text);
// Returns the browser to restart.
bool GetBrowserToRestart(BrowserType type,
BrowserType default_type,
const TerminateBrowserResult& res,
const TerminateBrowserResult& def_res,
BrowserType* browser_type);
// Returns whether the Goopdate service is installed.
bool IsServiceInstalled();
// Reads the value of the persistent id.
HRESULT ReadPersistentId(const CString& key_name,
const CString& value_name,
CString* id);
// Obtains the OS version and service pack.
HRESULT GetOSInfo(CString* os_version, CString* service_pack);
// Returns the install directory for the specified version.
CPath BuildInstallDirectory(bool is_machine, const CString& version);
// Launches the browser. On Vista and later, for a machine install, this method
// will launch the browser at medium/low integrity, by impersonating the medium
// integrity token of the active user.
HRESULT LaunchBrowser(BrowserType type, const CString& url);
// Launches the command line. On Vista and later, for a machine install, this
// method will launch the process at medium/low integrity, by impersonating the
// medium integrity token of the active user.
HRESULT LaunchCmdLine(const CString& cmd_line);
// Converts the data contained in the response to the extra argument format.
HRESULT ConvertResponseDataToExtraArgs(const UpdateResponseData& response,
CString* extra);
// Converts the manifest_filename parameter to extra args and starts
// an omaha2 install worker from the install directory.
HRESULT HandleLegacyManifestHandoff(const CString& manifest_filename,
bool is_machine);
// Gets a list of install worker processes relevant to user/machine instances.
HRESULT GetInstallWorkerProcesses(bool is_machine,
std::vector<uint32>* processes);
// Creates a unique event name and stores it in the specified environment var.
HRESULT CreateUniqueEventInEnvironment(const CString& var_name,
bool is_machine,
HANDLE* unique_event);
// Obtains a unique event name from specified environment var and opens it.
HRESULT OpenUniqueEventFromEnvironment(const CString& var_name,
bool is_machine,
HANDLE* unique_event);
// Creates an event based on the provided attributes.
HRESULT CreateEvent(NamedObjectAttributes* event_attr, HANDLE* event_handle);
// Initializes the network stack and adds the proxy detectors.
HRESULT ConfigureNetwork(bool is_machine, bool is_local_system);
HRESULT ReadNameValuePairsFromFile(const CString& file_path,
const CString& group_name,
std::map<CString, CString>* pairs);
HRESULT WriteNameValuePairsToFile(const CString& file_path,
const CString& group_name,
const std::map<CString, CString>& pairs);
// Writes branding information for Google Update in the registry if it does not
// already exist. Otherwise, the information remains unchanged.
// Writes a default Omaha-specific brand code if one is not specified in args.
HRESULT SetGoogleUpdateBranding(const CString& client_state_key_path,
const CString& brand_code,
const CString& client_id);
// Writes branding information for apps in the registry if it does not
// already exist. Otherwise, the information remains unchanged.
// Writes a default Omaha-specific brand code if one is not specified in args.
HRESULT SetAppBranding(const CString& client_state_key_path,
const CString& brand_code,
const CString& client_id,
const CString& referral_id);
// Returns true is any of the install workers is running.
bool IsAppInstallWorkerRunning(bool is_machine);
// Returns whether a process is a machine process.
// Does not determine whether the process has the appropriate privileges.
bool IsMachineProcess(
CommandLineMode mode,
bool is_running_from_official_machine_directory,
bool is_local_system, // Whether process is running as local system.
bool is_machine_override, // True if machine cmd line override specified.
Tristate needs_admin); // needsadmin value for primary app if present.
// Returns whether the version is an "Omaha 2" version or later.
bool IsGoogleUpdate2OrLater(const CString& version);
// Formats an error message for network errors. Returns true if the error has
// a specific message. Otherwise, formats a generic network connection message
// and returns false.
bool FormatMessageForNetworkError(HRESULT error,
const CString app_name,
CString* msg);
// Adds details about the network_request to the event log as an error.
void AddNetworkRequestDataToEventLog(NetworkRequest* network_request,
// Converts the installer_data value to UTF8. Then writes this UTF8 data
// prefixed with the UTF8 BOM of EF BB BF to a temp file. Returns the path to
// temp file that was created. The returned path will be quote-enclosed by
// EnclosePath().
HRESULT WriteInstallerDataToTempFile(const CString& installer_data,
CString* installer_data_file_path);
// Returns the number of clients registered under the "Clients" sub key.
HRESULT GetNumClients(bool is_machine, size_t* num_clients);
// Validates the hash of the file. If the hash does not match, checks the size
// to determine whether the problem was corruption or file size.
HRESULT ValidateDownloadedFile(const CString& file_name,
const CString& hash,
uint32 size);
void DisplayErrorInMessageBox(const CString& error_text,
const CString& primary_app_name);
} // namespace goopdate_utils
} // namespace omaha