blob: 66bc95786af3b5f68751cc5ed8f3dcb61df94211 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2008-2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
// TODO(omaha): to minimize conversions from UNICODE to UTF-8 consider an
// API that takes the request body as UTF-8 and it stores it as UTF-8.
#include "omaha/net/cup_request.h"
#include <atlconv.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
#include <vector>
#include "omaha/common/const_addresses.h"
#include "omaha/common/debug.h"
#include "omaha/common/error.h"
#include "omaha/common/encrypt.h"
#include "omaha/common/logging.h"
#include "omaha/common/path.h"
#include "omaha/common/security/b64.h"
#include "omaha/common/security/hmac.h"
#include "omaha/common/security/rsa.h"
#include "omaha/common/security/sha.h"
#include "omaha/common/string.h"
#include "omaha/common/utils.h"
#include "omaha/net/cup_utils.h"
#include "omaha/net/http_client.h"
#include "omaha/net/net_utils.h"
#include "omaha/net/network_config.h"
using omaha::encrypt::EncryptData;
using omaha::encrypt::DecryptData;
namespace omaha {
namespace detail {
class CupRequestImpl {
explicit CupRequestImpl(HttpRequestInterface* http_request);
HRESULT Close();
HRESULT Cancel();
std::vector<uint8> GetResponse() const;
HRESULT QueryHeadersString(uint32 info_level,
const TCHAR* name,
CString* value) const;
CString GetResponseHeaders() const;
int GetHttpStatusCode() const;
CString ToString() const;
void SetEntropy(const void* data, size_t data_length);
void set_session_handle(HINTERNET session_handle);
void set_url(const CString& url);
void set_request_buffer(const void* buffer, size_t buffer_length);
void set_network_configuration(const Config& network_config);
void set_filename(const CString& filename);
void set_low_priority(bool low_priority);
void set_callback(NetworkRequestCallback* callback);
void set_additional_headers(const CString& additional_headers);
CString user_agent() const;
void set_user_agent(const CString& user_agent);
HRESULT BuildRequest();
HRESULT BuildChallengeHash();
HRESULT BuildClientProof();
HRESULT InitializeEntropy();
HRESULT AuthenticateResponse();
// Loads the {sk, c} credentials from persistent storage.
HRESULT LoadCredentials(std::vector<uint8>* sk, CStringA* c);
// Saves the {sk, c} credentials. The key is encrypted before saving it.
HRESULT SaveCredentials(const std::vector<uint8>& sk, const CStringA& c);
// Replaces the https protocol scheme with http.
CString BuildInnerRequestUrl(const CString& url);
// The transient state of the request, so that we can start always with a
// clean slate even though the same instance is being reuse across requests.
struct TransientCupState {
std::vector<uint8> entropy;
std::vector<uint8> r; // Random bytes (r).
std::vector<uint8> sk; // Cached shared key (sk)
std::vector<uint8> new_sk; // Current shared_key (sk').
std::vector<uint8> hw; // Challenge hash (hw).
std::vector<uint8> hm; // Response hash (hm).
CStringA cp; // Client proof (cp).
CStringA sp; // Server proof (sp).
CStringA vw; // Versioned challenge (v|w).
std::vector<uint8> response; // The received response.
CStringA c; // Cached client cookie (c)
CStringA new_cookie; // The cookie returned by the server (c').
// The url of the request. It includes the original url plus the versioned
// challenge (v|w).
CStringA request_url;
scoped_ptr<TransientCupState> cup_;
CStringA url_; // The original url.
const void* request_buffer_; // Contains the request body for POST.
size_t request_buffer_length_; // Length of the request body.
std::vector<uint8> entropy_; // Optional entropy pass by the caller,
// mostly for testing purpose.
// {sk, c} credentials. They are persisted in the registry when the object is
// destroyed. The vast majority of network code runs impersonated. Writing
// through the credentials is likely to fail. However, due to how the
// CUP object is being used by the upper layers of the network code, a
// write back policy is possible.
std::vector<uint8> persisted_sk_;
CStringA persisted_c_;
scoped_ptr<RSA> rsa_;
RSA::PublicKey public_key_; // Server public key (pk[v]).
scoped_ptr<HttpRequestInterface> http_request_; // Inner http request.
static const RSA::PublicKeyInstance kCupProductionPublicKey;
static const RSA::PublicKeyInstance kCupTestPublicKey;
const RSA::PublicKeyInstance CupRequestImpl::kCupProductionPublicKey =
#include "omaha/net/cup_pubkey.3.h"
const RSA::PublicKeyInstance CupRequestImpl::kCupTestPublicKey =
#include "omaha/net/cup_pubkey.2.h"
CupRequestImpl::CupRequestImpl(HttpRequestInterface* http_request)
: request_buffer_(NULL),
public_key_(NULL) {
bool is_using_cup_test_keys = NetworkConfig::IsUsingCupTestKeys();
public_key_ = is_using_cup_test_keys ? kCupTestPublicKey :
// Try to retrieve the credentials if we have any. If we have succeeded, then
// we must have a {sk, c} pair. If we have failed, then we will generate
// a fresh set of credentials later on.
HRESULT hr = LoadCredentials(&persisted_sk_, &persisted_c_);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
rsa_.reset(new RSA(public_key_));
// Decorate the user agent by appending the "CUP" suffix. This overrides
// the user agent of the inner http request.
CString user_agent(http_request_->user_agent());
user_agent += _T(";cup");
CupRequestImpl::~CupRequestImpl() {
HRESULT CupRequestImpl::Close() {
// TODO(omaha): optimize so that if the credentials did not change then
// there would be not need to write back.
if (!persisted_sk_.empty() && !persisted_c_.IsEmpty()) {
VERIFY1(SUCCEEDED(SaveCredentials(persisted_sk_, persisted_c_)));
return http_request_->Close();
HRESULT CupRequestImpl::Send() {
// Start with a fresh CUP state. This is important as the client may
// reuse the same CUP request for subsequent requests.
cup_.reset(new TransientCupState);
// First, build a request, send it, and then authenticate the response.
HRESULT hr = BuildRequest();
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
hr = DoSend();
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
hr = AuthenticateResponse();
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
return S_OK;
HRESULT CupRequestImpl::BuildRequest() {
HRESULT hr(InitializeEntropy());
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
// Start with some random bytes.
cup_->r = cup_utils::RsaPad(rsa_->size(),
&cup_->entropy.front(), cup_->entropy.size());
// Derive a new shared key (sk') as the hash of the random bytes.
// TODO(omaha): consider protecting the key using ::CryptProtectmemory when
// not being used.
cup_->new_sk = cup_utils::Hash(cup_->r);
// Compute the challenge (w) by encrypting in place (r) with the server
// public key pk[v].
size_t encrypted_size = rsa_->raw(&cup_->r.front(), cup_->r.size());
ASSERT1(encrypted_size == cup_->r.size());
// Compute the versioned challenge (v|w) as
// decimal-v:base64-encoded-rsa-wrapper.
cup_utils::B64Encode(&cup_->r.front(), cup_->r.size()));
// Compute the url of the CUP request.
// Append a query string or append to the existing query string if any.
const char* format_string = url_.Find('?') != -1 ? "%1&w=%2" : "%1?w=%2";
cup_->request_url.FormatMessage(format_string, url_, cup_->vw);
// Compute the challenge hash (hw) as HASH(HASH(v|w)|HASH(req))
hr = BuildChallengeHash();
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
// Compute the client proof as SYMsign[sk](0|hw|HASH(c)) if we have a
// {sk, c} pair or as SYMsign[sk'](3|hw) if we do not.
hr = BuildClientProof();
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
NET_LOG(L4, (_T("[hw: %s]"), BytesToHex(cup_->hw)));
// This is what the client sends up along with the request: a versioned
// challenge, a client proof, and a client cookie if it has one.
NET_LOG(L4, (_T("[request: %s]"), CA2T(cup_->request_url)));
NET_LOG(L4, (_T("[ifmatch: %s]"), CA2T(cup_->cp)));
NET_LOG(L4, (_T("[cookie: %s]"), CA2T(cup_->c)));
return S_OK;
HRESULT CupRequestImpl::BuildChallengeHash() {
// The hash of the request if carried through all the cryptographic proofs.
// The challenge hash hw is computed as:
// HASH(HASH(v|w)|HASH(request_url)|HASH(body)).
// For simplicity, the protocol scheme and the port are dropped before
// hashing. The hash is computed over the CUP request url, which includes
// the versioned hash.
scoped_ptr<HttpClient> http_client(CreateHttpClient());
if (!http_client.get()) {
HRESULT hr = http_client->Initialize();
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
CString url(cup_->request_url);
CString scheme, server, url_path, query_string;
hr = http_client->CrackUrl(url,
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
url.FormatMessage(_T("//%1%2%3"), server, url_path, query_string);
CStringA req(url);
// Compute hw as HASH(HASH(v|w)|HASH(request_url)|HASH(body)).
cup_->hw = cup_utils::HashBuffers(cup_->vw.GetString(), cup_->vw.GetLength(),
req.GetString(), req.GetLength(),
request_buffer_, request_buffer_length_);
return S_OK;
HRESULT CupRequestImpl::BuildClientProof() {
// Use persisted {sk, c} or start with empty credentials otherwise.
if (!persisted_sk_.empty() && !persisted_c_.IsEmpty()) {
cup_->sk = persisted_sk_;
cup_->c = persisted_c_;
std::vector<uint8> hcp; // hmac of the client proof.
if (!cup_->sk.empty() && !cup_->c.IsEmpty()) {
// Use the cached shared key (sk) and the cookie (c) if we have them.
ASSERT1(cup_->sk.size() == SHA_DIGEST_SIZE);
NET_LOG(L4, (_T("[using sk: %s]"), BytesToHex(cup_->sk)));
// Compute 'cp' as SYMsign[sk](0|HASH(w)|HASH(c))
std::vector<uint8> hc = cup_utils::Hash(cup_->c);
hcp = cup_utils::SymSign(cup_->sk, 0, &cup_->hw, &hc, NULL);
} else {
// There is no saved shared key. Use current shared key (new_sk).
ASSERT1(cup_->new_sk.size() == SHA_DIGEST_SIZE);
NET_LOG(L4, (_T("[using sk': %s]"), BytesToHex(cup_->new_sk)));
// Compute 'cp' as SYMsign[sk'](3|HASH(w))
hcp = cup_utils::SymSign(cup_->new_sk, 3, &cup_->hw, NULL, NULL);
NET_LOG(L4, (_T("[client proof hmac: %s]"), BytesToHex(hcp)));
cup_->cp = cup_utils::B64Encode(hcp);
return S_OK;
HRESULT CupRequestImpl::AuthenticateResponse() {
// This is what the server has sent down along with the response:
// a server proof, and optionally a new cookie for the client.
NET_LOG(L4, (_T("[etag: %s]"), CA2T(cup_->sp)));
NET_LOG(L4, (_T("[svr cookie: %s]"), CA2T(cup_->new_cookie)));
if (cup_->sp.IsEmpty()) {
// We can't authenticate anything without the server proof.
// Compute the hash of the response (hm).
cup_->hm = cup_utils::Hash(cup_->response);
NET_LOG(L4, (_T("[hm: %s]"), BytesToHex(cup_->hm)));
// Verify the response and the challenge w are authenticated by the
// client shared key. The validation has at least one subtle aspect: the
// client must try two signatures. First, it tries to authenticate using
// the new sk and the new cookie. If the response does not authenticate but
// the client has an old key, it should try authenticating with the old key.
// This second step is important in the case of an attacker or server
// misconfiguration where the server is signing with the old key but still
// sending a cookie.
std::vector<uint8> hmac;
if (!cup_->new_cookie.IsEmpty() && !cup_->new_sk.empty()) {
// The server has sent down a new cookie because the client proof or the
// client cookie were not good or missing. Try to authenticate using the
// new shared key and the new cookie {sk', c'}.
std::vector<uint8> hnew_c = cup_utils::Hash(cup_->new_cookie); // HASH(c')
// Compute the server proof (sp) as SYMsign[sk'](1|hw|hm|hc').
hmac = cup_utils::SymSign(cup_->new_sk, 1, &cup_->hw, &cup_->hm, &hnew_c);
CStringA expected_sp = cup_utils::B64Encode(hmac);
if (expected_sp == cup_->sp) {
// Copy the credentials to write them back when this object is destroyed.
persisted_sk_ = cup_->new_sk;
persisted_c_ = cup_->new_cookie;
return S_OK;
if (!cup_->sk.empty()) {
// The server has accepted our client proof (cp) and consequently the sk.
// Compute the server proof as SYMsign[sk](2|hw|hm).
hmac = cup_utils::SymSign(cup_->sk, 2, &cup_->hw, &cup_->hm, NULL);
CStringA expected_sp = cup_utils::B64Encode(hmac);
if (expected_sp == cup_->sp) {
return S_OK;
NET_LOG(L4, (_T("[expected server proof: %s]"), BytesToHex(hmac)));
// The server proof does not authenticate. We reject this response.
HRESULT CupRequestImpl::LoadCredentials(std::vector<uint8>* sk, CStringA* c) {
NetworkConfig& network_config = NetworkConfig::Instance();
CupCredentials cup_credentials;
HRESULT hr = network_config.GetCupCredentials(&cup_credentials);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
std::vector<uint8> decrypted_sk;
hr = DecryptData(NULL,
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
return S_OK;
HRESULT CupRequestImpl::SaveCredentials(const std::vector<uint8>& sk,
const CStringA& c) {
// Update the client persistent state if the response has been validated.
// The client key is encrypted while on the disk.
NetworkConfig& network_config = NetworkConfig::Instance();
CupCredentials cup_credentials;
HRESULT hr = EncryptData(NULL,
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
// Try to persist the new client credentials.
hr = network_config.SetCupCredentials(&cup_credentials);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
return S_OK;
HRESULT CupRequestImpl::DoSend() {
// The url of the inner request includes the versioned challenge.
// It replaces the protocol from https to http since CUP over https is
// not supported.
// Prepare additional headers to send.
CString additional_headers;
// The client proof (cp) is sent as the "If-Match" header.
CStringA if_match_header;
if_match_header.Format("\"%s\"", cup_->cp);
additional_headers += HttpClient::BuildRequestHeader(_T("If-Match"),
// Send the client cookie (c) if we have one.
if (!cup_->c.IsEmpty()) {
additional_headers += HttpClient::BuildRequestHeader(_T("Cookie"),
NET_LOG(L5, (_T("[CUP request][%s]"),
HRESULT hr = http_request_->Send();
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
int status_code(http_request_->GetHttpStatusCode());
if (status_code != HTTP_STATUS_OK) {
return HRESULTFromHttpStatusCode(status_code);
NET_LOG(L5, (_T("[CUP response][%s]"),
// Get the server proof (sp).
CString etag_header;
http_request_->QueryHeadersString(WINHTTP_QUERY_ETAG, NULL, &etag_header);
UnenclosePath(&etag_header); // Remove the quotes.
cup_->sp = CT2A(etag_header);
// Get the client cookie c'. The cookie may or may not be there. If the
// server has accepted both client proof (sp) then no
// new cookie is sent down. This is an indication for the client to
// use its {sk, c} pair.
CString set_cookie_header;
NULL, &set_cookie_header);
// Parse the cookie header to extract c=xxx cookie.
cup_->new_cookie = CT2A(cup_utils::ParseCupCookie(set_cookie_header));
return S_OK;
HRESULT CupRequestImpl::Cancel() {
return http_request_->Cancel();
std::vector<uint8> CupRequestImpl::GetResponse() const {
return http_request_->GetResponse();
HRESULT CupRequestImpl::QueryHeadersString(uint32 info_level,
const TCHAR* name,
CString* value) const {
return http_request_->QueryHeadersString(info_level, name, value);
CString CupRequestImpl::GetResponseHeaders() const {
return http_request_->GetResponseHeaders();
int CupRequestImpl::GetHttpStatusCode() const {
return http_request_->GetHttpStatusCode();
CString CupRequestImpl::ToString() const {
return CString("CUP:") + http_request_->ToString();
void CupRequestImpl::set_session_handle(HINTERNET session_handle) {
void CupRequestImpl::set_url(const CString& url) {
url_ = CT2A(url, CP_UTF8);
void CupRequestImpl::set_request_buffer(const void* buffer,
size_t buffer_length) {
request_buffer_ = buffer;
request_buffer_length_ = buffer_length;
http_request_->set_request_buffer(request_buffer_, request_buffer_length_);
void CupRequestImpl::set_network_configuration(const Config& network_config) {
void CupRequestImpl::set_filename(const CString& filename) {
void CupRequestImpl::set_low_priority(bool low_priority) {
void CupRequestImpl::set_callback(NetworkRequestCallback* callback) {
void CupRequestImpl::set_additional_headers(const CString& additional_headers) {
CString CupRequestImpl::user_agent() const {
return http_request_->user_agent();
void CupRequestImpl::set_user_agent(const CString& user_agent) {
void CupRequestImpl::SetEntropy(const void* data, size_t data_length) {
ASSERT(false, (_T("Do not call from production code")));
const uint8* first(static_cast<const uint8*>(data));
const uint8* last(first + data_length);
std::vector<uint8> new_entropy(first, last);
HRESULT CupRequestImpl::InitializeEntropy() {
if (entropy_.empty()) {
cup_->entropy.resize(rsa_->size() - SHA_DIGEST_SIZE);
if (!GenRandom(&cup_->entropy.front(), cup_->entropy.size())) {
} else {
cup_->entropy = entropy_;
return S_OK;
CString CupRequestImpl::BuildInnerRequestUrl(const CString& url) {
CString result(url);
if (String_StartsWith(result, kHttpsProtoScheme, true)) {
result = url.Mid(_tcslen(kHttpsProtoScheme));
result.Insert(0, kHttpProtoScheme);
return result;
} // namespace detail
CupRequest::CupRequest(HttpRequestInterface* http_request) {
impl_.reset(new detail::CupRequestImpl(http_request));
CupRequest::~CupRequest() {
HRESULT CupRequest::Close() {
return impl_->Close();
HRESULT CupRequest::Send() {
return impl_->Send();
HRESULT CupRequest::Cancel() {
return impl_->Cancel();
std::vector<uint8> CupRequest::GetResponse() const {
return impl_->GetResponse();
int CupRequest::GetHttpStatusCode() const {
return impl_->GetHttpStatusCode();
HRESULT CupRequest::QueryHeadersString(uint32 info_level,
const TCHAR* name,
CString* value) const {
return impl_->QueryHeadersString(info_level, name, value);
CString CupRequest::GetResponseHeaders() const {
return impl_->GetResponseHeaders();
CString CupRequest::ToString() const {
return impl_->ToString();
void CupRequest::set_session_handle(HINTERNET session_handle) {
return impl_->set_session_handle(session_handle);
void CupRequest::set_url(const CString& url) {
void CupRequest::set_request_buffer(const void* buffer, size_t buffer_length) {
impl_->set_request_buffer(buffer, buffer_length);
void CupRequest::set_network_configuration(const Config& network_config) {
void CupRequest::set_filename(const CString& filename) {
void CupRequest::set_low_priority(bool low_priority) {
void CupRequest::set_callback(NetworkRequestCallback* callback) {
void CupRequest::set_additional_headers(const CString& additional_headers) {
CString CupRequest::user_agent() const {
return impl_->user_agent();
void CupRequest::set_user_agent(const CString& user_agent) {
void CupRequest::SetEntropy(const void* data, size_t data_length) {
return impl_->SetEntropy(data, data_length);
} // namespace omaha