blob: da7208a6047bd13548da36049397324268ec58b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2007-2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
// HttpClient provides a wrapper for WinHTTP and some helpers to make it
// easy to call it from c++.
// Runtime requirements: WinHTTP 5.1 is now an operating-system component of
// the following systems:
// - Windows Vista
// - Windows Server 2003 family
// - Windows XP SP1
// - Windows 2000 SP3 (except Datacenter Server)
// TODO(omaha): fix prototype of several methods to take size_t instead of int
// TODO(omaha): there are many overloads that do not have to be virtual.
// TODO(omaha): in the end HttpClient is just a c++ wrapper for WinHttp. Some
// refactoring may be needed, for example to provide access to
// the internal session and connection handles. It may make sense
// to reuse these handles, most likely the session handle.
// TODO(omaha): the idea of implementing the winhttp interface on top of
// wininet seems impractical now, as they may be subtle
// differences in behavior. The fallback on wininet when winhttp
// is not available could be better done by using the higher
// level urlmon functions, which perhaps we should do anyway,
// just in case winhttp is not working for some reason or bug.
// Since now we are not doing downloads in any of our long lived
// processes, the handle and memory leaks do not affect us much.
#include <windows.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
#if !defined(_WININET_)
#include <winhttp.h> // NOLINT
// The following definitions are missing in winhttp.h
+ sizeof("://") \
// This is a definition we made up for convenience, just to be consistent with
// the other types of network access.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "omaha/common/object_factory.h"
namespace omaha {
const TCHAR* const kHttpGetMethod = _T("GET");
const TCHAR* const kHttpPostMethod = _T("POST");
const TCHAR* const kHttpContentLengthHeader = _T("Content-Length");
const TCHAR* const kHttpContentTypeHeader = _T("Content-Type");
const TCHAR* const kHttpLastModifiedHeader = _T("Last-Modified");
const TCHAR* const kHttpIfModifiedSinceHeader = _T("If-Modified-Since");
const TCHAR* const kHttpPostTextContentType =
const TCHAR* const kHttpPostRawContentType = _T("application/octet-stream");
const TCHAR* const kHttpBinaryContentType =_T("binary");
const TCHAR* const kHttpXmlContentType =_T("application/xml");
class HttpClient {
enum HttpStack {WINHTTP, WININET};
// Use registry for network configuration info.
static const int kAccessTypeDefaultProxy = 0;
// Unconditional direct connection.
static const int kAccessTypeNoProxy = 1;
// Use the specified proxy server.
static const int kAccessTypeNamedProxy = 3;
// GetFactory and DeleteFactory methods below are not thread safe.
// The caller must initialize and cleanup the factory before going
// multithreaded.
// Gets the singleton instance of the object factory.
typedef Factory<HttpClient, HttpStack> Factory;
static Factory& GetFactory();
// Cleans up the object factory.
static void DeleteFactory();
struct ProxyInfo {
uint32 access_type;
const TCHAR* proxy;
const TCHAR* proxy_bypass;
struct CurrentUserIEProxyConfig {
bool auto_detect;
const TCHAR* auto_config_url;
const TCHAR* proxy;
const TCHAR* proxy_bypass;
struct AutoProxyOptions {
uint32 flags;
uint32 auto_detect_flags;
const TCHAR* auto_config_url;
bool auto_logon_if_challenged;
virtual ~HttpClient() {}
// Initializes the use of http functions by loading the corresponding http
// stack.
virtual HRESULT Initialize() = 0;
// Adds one or more http request headers to the http request.
virtual HRESULT AddRequestHeaders(HINTERNET request,
const TCHAR* headers,
int length,
uint32 modifiers) = 0;
// Determines whether WinHTTP is available.
virtual HRESULT CheckPlatform() = 0;
// Closes an http handle.
virtual HRESULT Close(HINTERNET handle) = 0;
// Specifies the initial server and port of an http request.
virtual HRESULT Connect(HINTERNET session_handle,
const TCHAR* server,
int port,
HINTERNET* connection_handle) = 0;
// Breaks urls into component parts.
virtual HRESULT CrackUrl(const TCHAR* url,
uint32 flags,
CString* scheme,
CString* server,
int* port,
CString* url_path,
CString* extra_info) = 0;
// Builds a url from component parts.
virtual HRESULT CreateUrl(const TCHAR* scheme,
const TCHAR* server,
int port,
const TCHAR* url_path,
const TCHAR* extra_info,
uint32 flags,
CString* url) = 0;
// Finds the url for the proxy auto-configuration (PAC) file.
// It reports the url of the PAC file but it does not download the file.
virtual HRESULT DetectAutoProxyConfigUrl(uint32 flags,
CString* auto_config_url) = 0;
// Gets the proxy configuration from the registry.
virtual HRESULT GetDefaultProxyConfiguration(ProxyInfo* proxy_info) = 0;
// Gets the Internet Explorer configuration for the current user.
virtual HRESULT GetIEProxyConfiguration(
CurrentUserIEProxyConfig* proxy_info) = 0;
// Gets the proxy information for an url. This function implements the
// web proxy auto-discovery (WPAD) protocol for automatically configuring
// the proxy settings for an http request. The WPAD protocol downloads a
// proxy auto-configuration (PAC) file, which is a script that identifies
// the proxy server to use for a given target url.
virtual HRESULT GetProxyForUrl(HINTERNET session_handle,
const TCHAR* url,
const AutoProxyOptions* auto_proxy_options,
ProxyInfo* proxy_info) = 0;
// Opens a new http session. The http session contains user specific state
// such as cookies, proxy, and authentication credentials.
virtual HRESULT Open(const TCHAR* user_agent,
uint32 access_type,
const TCHAR* proxy_name,
const TCHAR* proxy_bypass,
HINTERNET* session_handle) = 0;
// Specifies the http request.
virtual HRESULT OpenRequest(HINTERNET connection_handle,
const TCHAR* verb,
const TCHAR* uri,
const TCHAR* version,
const TCHAR* referrer,
const TCHAR** accept_types,
uint32 flags,
HINTERNET* request_handle) = 0;
// Returns the authorization schemes that are supported by the server or
// the proxy server.
virtual HRESULT QueryAuthSchemes(HINTERNET request_handle,
uint32* supported_schemes,
uint32* first_scheme,
uint32* auth_target) = 0;
// Returns the amount of data, in bytes, available to be read.
virtual HRESULT QueryDataAvailable(HINTERNET request_handle,
DWORD* num_bytes) = 0;
// Retrieves header information associated with the request.
virtual HRESULT QueryHeaders(HINTERNET request_handle,
uint32 info_level,
const TCHAR* name,
void* buffer,
DWORD* buffer_length,
DWORD* index) = 0;
// Queries an internet option.
virtual HRESULT QueryOption(HINTERNET handle,
uint32 option,
void* buffer,
DWORD* buffer_length) = 0;
// Reads response data.
virtual HRESULT ReadData(HINTERNET request_handle,
void* buffer,
DWORD buffer_length,
DWORD* bytes_read) = 0;
// Waits to receive the response to an HTTP request. When ReceiveResponse
// completes successfully, the status code and response headers have been
// received.
virtual HRESULT ReceiveResponse(HINTERNET request_handle) = 0;
// Sends the request to the server. It also allows to send optional data
// for POST requests.
virtual HRESULT SendRequest(HINTERNET request_handle,
const TCHAR* headers,
DWORD headers_length,
const void* optional_data,
DWORD optional_data_length,
DWORD content_length) = 0;
// Sets the authentication credentials.
virtual HRESULT SetCredentials(HINTERNET request_handle,
uint32 auth_targets,
uint32 auth_scheme,
const TCHAR* user_name,
const TCHAR* password) = 0;
// Sets the proxy configuration in registry.
virtual HRESULT SetDefaultProxyConfiguration(const ProxyInfo& proxy_info) = 0;
// Sets an internet option, either for the session or the request handle.
virtual HRESULT SetOption(HINTERNET handle,
uint32 option,
const void* buffer,
DWORD buffer_length) = 0;
typedef void (__stdcall *StatusCallback)(HINTERNET handle,
uint32 context,
uint32 status,
void* status_information,
size_t status_info_length);
virtual StatusCallback SetStatusCallback(HINTERNET handle,
StatusCallback callback,
uint32 flags) = 0;
// Sets timeout values for this http request.
virtual HRESULT SetTimeouts(HINTERNET handle,
int resolve_timeout_ms,
int connect_timeout_ms,
int send_timeout_ms,
int receive_timeout_ms) = 0;
// Writes data to the server.
virtual HRESULT WriteData(HINTERNET request_handle,
const void* buffer,
DWORD bytes_to_write,
DWORD* bytes_written) = 0;
// Http helpers.
// Builds one http header entry, with the following format:
// name: value\r\n
static CString BuildRequestHeader(const TCHAR* name, const TCHAR* value);
enum StatusCodeClass {
// Returns the class of a status code, such as 100, 200...
static StatusCodeClass GetStatusCodeClass(int status_code);
HRESULT QueryHeadersString(HINTERNET request_handle,
uint32 info_level,
const TCHAR* name,
CString* value,
DWORD* index);
HRESULT QueryHeadersInt(HINTERNET request_handle,
uint32 info_level,
const TCHAR* name,
int* value,
DWORD* index);
HRESULT QueryOptionString(HINTERNET handle, uint32 option, CString* value);
HRESULT QueryOptionInt(HINTERNET handle, uint32 option, int* value);
HRESULT SetOptionString(HINTERNET handle, uint32 option, const TCHAR* value);
HRESULT SetOptionInt(HINTERNET handle, uint32 option, int value);
HttpClient() {}
static Factory* factory_;
// Creates an http client, depending on what is available on the platform.
// WinHttp is preferred over WinInet.
HttpClient* CreateHttpClient();
} // namespace omaha