blob: a24c20e005c9d31500e513343b8f391cbee2bf20 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2007-2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
// The class structure is as following:
// - NetworkRequest and the underlying NetworkRequestImpl provide fault
// tolerant client server http transactions.
// - HttpRequestInterface defines an interface for different mechanisms that
// can move bytes between the client and the server. These mechanisms are
// chained up so that the control passes from one mechanism to the next
// until one of them is able to fulfill the request or an error is
// generated. Currently, SimpleRequest and BitsRequest are provided.
// - HttpClient is the c++ wrapper over winhttp-wininet.
#include <windows.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "omaha/common/scoped_any.h"
#include "omaha/common/synchronized.h"
#include "omaha/net/network_config.h"
#include "omaha/net/network_request.h"
#include "omaha/net/http_request.h"
namespace omaha {
namespace detail {
class NetworkRequestImpl {
explicit NetworkRequestImpl(const NetworkConfig::Session& network_session);
HRESULT Close();
void AddHttpRequest(HttpRequestInterface* http_request);
HRESULT Post(const CString& url,
const void* buffer,
size_t length,
std::vector<uint8>* response);
HRESULT Get(const CString& url, std::vector<uint8>* response);
HRESULT DownloadFile(const CString& url, const CString& filename);
HRESULT Pause();
HRESULT Cancel();
void AddHeader(const TCHAR* name, const TCHAR* value);
HRESULT QueryHeadersString(uint32 info_level,
const TCHAR* name,
CString* value);
int http_status_code() const { return http_status_code_; }
CString response_headers() const { return response_headers_; }
void set_num_retries(int num_retries) { num_retries_ = num_retries; }
void set_time_between_retries(int time_between_retries_ms) {
time_between_retries_ms_ = time_between_retries_ms;
void set_callback(NetworkRequestCallback* callback) {
callback_ = callback;
void set_low_priority(bool low_priority) { low_priority_ = low_priority; }
void set_network_configuration(const Config* network_configuration) {
if (network_configuration) {
network_configuration_.reset(new Config);
*network_configuration_ = *network_configuration;
} else {
CString trace() const { return trace_; }
// Detects the available network configurations and returns the chain of
// configurations to be used.
void DetectNetworkConfiguration(
std::vector<Config>* network_configurations) const;
// Resets the state of the output data members.
void Reset();
// Sends the request with a retry policy. This is the only function that
// modifies the state of the output data members: the status code, the
// response headers, and the response. When errors are encountered, the
// output data members contain the values corresponding to first network
// configuration and first HttpRequest instance in the fallback chain.
HRESULT DoSendWithRetries();
// Sends a single request and receives the response.
HRESULT DoSend(int* http_status_code,
CString* response_headers,
std::vector<uint8>* response) const;
// Sends the request using the current configuration. The request is tried for
// each HttpRequestInterface in the fallback chain until one of them succeeds
// or the end of the chain is reached.
HRESULT DoSendWithConfig(int* http_status_code,
CString* response_headers,
std::vector<uint8>* response) const;
// Sends an http request using the current HttpRequest interface over the
// current network configuration.
HRESULT DoSendHttpRequest(int* http_status_code,
CString* response_headers,
std::vector<uint8>* response) const;
// Specifies the chain of HttpRequestInterface to handle the request.
std::vector<HttpRequestInterface*> http_request_chain_;
// Specifies the detected network configurations.
std::vector<Config> network_configurations_;
// Specifies the network configuration override. When set, the network
// configurations are not auto detected.
scoped_ptr<Config> network_configuration_;
// Input data members.
// The request and response buffers are owner by the caller.
CString url_;
const void* request_buffer_; // Contains the request body for POST.
size_t request_buffer_length_; // Length of the request body.
CString filename_; // Contains the response for downloads.
CString additional_headers_; // Each header is separated by \r\n.
int num_retries_;
bool low_priority_;
int time_between_retries_ms_;
// Output data members.
int http_status_code_;
CString response_headers_; // Each header is separated by \r\n.
std::vector<uint8>* response_; // Contains the response for Post and Get.
HRESULT last_network_error_; // TODO(omaha): not implemented.
const NetworkConfig::Session network_session_;
NetworkRequestCallback* callback_;
// The http request and the network configuration currently in use.
mutable HttpRequestInterface* cur_http_request_;
mutable const Config* cur_network_config_;
volatile LONG is_canceled_;
scoped_event event_cancel_;
LLock lock_;
// Contains the trace of the request as handled by the fallback chain.
mutable CString trace_;
static const int kDefaultTimeBetweenRetriesMs = 5000; // 5 seconds.
static const int kTimeBetweenRetriesMultiplier = 2;
HRESULT PostRequest(NetworkRequest* network_request,
bool fallback_to_https,
const CString& url,
const CString& request_string,
CString* response);
HRESULT GetRequest(NetworkRequest* network_request,
const CString& url,
CString* response);
} // namespace detail
} // namespace omaha