blob: b8a8ca68eae685ac3f157e0207d1068396f69def [file] [log] [blame]
# Each line is evaluated as a tuple by the build script.
# The second and fourth fields are always required. Most other fields are required if "Build Enterprise MSI" is true.
# When updating the version, update the second, third, and fourth fields.
# The fields are:
# * Friendly product name (required for MSI). Can include spaces, etc.
# * Standalone installer exe name base (required) - everything but '.exe'.
# * We recommend including the version of your app in the name so that it is
# easy to differentiate different copies of the standalone installer. The
# version properties of the standalone installer have Omaha's version, not
# the app's, so the only way to determine the app version is to install it.
# * Version of the app (required for MSI).
# * List of (App Installer Location, App ID) tuples (required).
# * MSI installer name base (required for MSI) - everything but '.msi'. Cannot change! Thus, should not include version info. Also, the resulting MSI must not be renamed.
# * Custom tag parameters for MSI installer (optional). Example: '&brand=FOOB&ap=enterprise'
# * Silent uninstall args (required for MSI). Args to add to the default uninstall command line to cause the uninstall to be silent.
# * Whether to build an enterprise MSI - True/False.
# * File Containing Tagging Info (optional)
('Test Foo', 'TestFooStandaloneInstaller', None, [('$STAGING_DIR/unittest_support/test_foo_v1.0.101.0.msi', '{D6B08267-B440-4C85-9F79-E195E80D9937}')], None, None, None, False, '/installers/SampleApp_installers.txt')
# Not a real installer.
('Save Arguments', 'SaveArgumentsStandaloneInstaller', '', [('$STAGING_DIR/unittest_support/SaveArguments.exe', '{7DD1EF7B-D075-47c0-BD51-F624ED87CCF0}')], 'SaveArgumentsStandaloneEnterprise', '', '/silentuninstall', True, '')