-Minor addition to ordLookup to make optional the creation of default names.

git-svn-id: http://pefile.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@138 8842bc4e-7134-0410-8230-5dc5194fb5c1
diff --git a/ordlookup/__init__.py b/ordlookup/__init__.py
index a743398..c74cb66 100644
--- a/ordlookup/__init__.py
+++ b/ordlookup/__init__.py
@@ -13,14 +13,16 @@
-def ordLookup(libname, ord):
+def ordLookup(libname, ord, make_name=False):
     Lookup a name for the given ordinal if it's in our
     names = ords.get(libname.lower())
     if names == None:
-        return 'ord%d' % ord
+        if make_name is True:
+            return 'ord%d' % ord
+        return None
     name = names.get(ord)
     if name == None:
         return 'ord%d' % ord