-Added a check to make verify that a section's calculated ending address does not overlap a subsequent section. If so cut it down to fit.

git-svn-id: http://pefile.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@116 8842bc4e-7134-0410-8230-5dc5194fb5c1
diff --git a/pefile.py b/pefile.py
index 35dcf49..8055bbb 100644
--- a/pefile.py
+++ b/pefile.py
@@ -1052,10 +1052,17 @@
             size = self.Misc_VirtualSize
             size = max(self.SizeOfRawData, self.Misc_VirtualSize)
         VirtualAddress_adj = self.pe.adjust_SectionAlignment( self.VirtualAddress, 
             self.pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SectionAlignment, self.pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment )
+        # Check if there's any further section that will start before the
+        # calculated end for the current one, if so cut the current's size
+        # to fit in the range until the next one starts.
+        for s in self.pe.sections:
+            if s.VirtualAddress > self.VirtualAddress and VirtualAddress_adj + size > s.VirtualAddress:
+                    size = s.VirtualAddress - VirtualAddress_adj
         return VirtualAddress_adj <= rva < VirtualAddress_adj + size