blob: 2a207096b05bb8689900e9097889409fccb6cf50 [file] [log] [blame]
@echo off
rem ==========================================================================
rem Shortcuts for various tasks, emulating UNIX "make" on Windows.
rem It is primarly intended as a shortcut for installing pyftpdlib and running
rem tests (just run "make.bat test").
rem By default C:\Python27\python.exe is used.
rem To use another Python version run:
rem set PYTHON=C:\Python24\python.exe & make.bat test
rem ==========================================================================
if "%PYTHON%" == "" (
set PYTHON=C:\Python27\python.exe
if "%TSCRIPT%" == "" (
set TSCRIPT=test\
if "%1" == "help" (
echo Run `make ^<target^>` where ^<target^> is one of:
echo clean clean build files
echo install compile and install
echo uninstall uninstall
echo test run tests
echo test-contrib run contrib tests
goto :eof
if "%1" == "clean" (
for /r %%R in (__pycache__) do if exist %%R (rmdir /S /Q %%R)
for /r %%R in (*.pyc) do if exist %%R (del /s %%R)
for /r %%R in (*.pyd) do if exist %%R (del /s %%R)
for /r %%R in (*.orig) do if exist %%R (del /s %%R)
for /r %%R in (*.bak) do if exist %%R (del /s %%R)
for /r %%R in (*.rej) do if exist %%R (del /s %%R)
if exist pyftpdlib.egg-info (rmdir /S /Q pyftpdlib.egg-info)
if exist build (rmdir /S /Q build)
if exist dist (rmdir /S /Q dist)
goto :eof
if "%1" == "install" (
if %PYTHON%==C:\Python24\python.exe (
%PYTHON% build -c mingw32 install
) else if %PYTHON%==C:\Python25\python.exe (
%PYTHON% build -c mingw32 install
) else (
%PYTHON% build install
goto :eof
if "%1" == "uninstall" (
rmdir /S /Q %PYTHON%\Lib\site-packages\pyftpdlib*
goto :eof
if "%1" == "test" (
call :install
goto :eof
if "%1" == "test-contrib" (
call :install
%PYTHON% test\
goto :eof
goto :help
echo last command returned an error; exiting
exit /b %errorlevel%