blob: a8b90c7a799908649a769d5f1dcbbfc23208a499 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Wrapper for running a unittest under Application Verifier."""
import logging
import optparse
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import verifier
_THIRD_PARTY = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
'..', '..', 'third_party'))
import colorama
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__))
# A list of per-test Application Verifier checks to not run.
'agent_common_unittests.exe': [
# We have a test that deliberately causes an exception which is caught and
# handled by the code under test. However, AV propogates this exception and
# launches a modal dialog window, which causes the test to timeout.
# A list of per-test Application Verifier exceptions.
'basic_block_entry_unittests.exe': [
# This leak occurs due to a leaky global variable in ScopedHandle.
('Error', 'Leak', 2304, '.*::BasicBlockEntryTest::UnloadDll'),
# This leak occurs due to a leaky global lock in ScopedHandle.
('Error', 'Locks', 513, '.*::BasicBlockEntryTest::UnloadDll'),
# This is a known (semi-intentional) leak of the TLS index and the last
# active thread's TLS data on module unload.
('Error', 'TLS', 848, '.*::BasicBlockEntryTest::UnloadDll'),
'coverage_unittests.exe': [
# This leak occurs due to a leaky global variable in ScopedHandle.
('Error', 'Leak', 2304, '.*::CoverageClientTest::UnloadDll'),
# This leak occurs only in Debug, which leaks a thread local variable
# used to check thread restrictions.
('Error', 'TLS', 848, '.*::CoverageClientTest::UnloadDll'),
'instrument_unittests.exe': [
# The ASAN runtime ends up freeing a heap while holding it's critical
# section.
('Error', 'Locks', 513, '.*::PELibUnitTest::CheckTestDll'),
# This leak occurs due to a leaky global lock in ScopedHandle.
('Error', 'Locks', 514, '.*::PELibUnitTest::CheckTestDll'),
# This leak occurs only in Debug, which leaks a thread local variable
# used to check thread restrictions.
('Error', 'TLS', 848, '.*::PELibUnitTest::CheckTestDll'),
'parse_unittests.exe': [
# This leak occurs due to a leaky global variable in ScopedHandle.
('Error', 'Leak', 2304, '.*::ParseEngineRpcTest::UnloadCallTraceDll'),
# This leak occurs only in Debug, which leaks a thread local variable
# used to check thread restrictions.
('Error', 'TLS', 848, '.*::ParseEngineRpcTest::UnloadCallTraceDll'),
'profile_unittests.exe': [
# This leak occurs due to a leaky global variable in ScopedHandle.
('Error', 'Leak', 2304, '.*::ProfilerTest::UnloadDll'),
('Error', 'Leak', 2305, '.*::ProfilerTest::UnloadDll'),
# This leak occurs due to a leaky global lock in ScopedHandle.
('Error', 'Locks', 513, 'agent::profiler::.*::ProfilerTest::UnloadDll'),
# This leak occurs only in Debug, which leaks a thread local variable
# used to check thread restrictions.
('Error', 'TLS', 848, 'agent::profiler::.*::ProfilerTest::UnloadDll'),
# A list of unittests that should not be run under the application verifier at
# all.
# These can't be run under AppVerifier because we end up double hooking the
# operating system heap function, leading to nonsense.
class Error(Exception):
"""Base class used for exceptions thrown in this module."""
def Colorize(text):
"""Colorizes the given app verifier output with ANSI color codes."""
fore = colorama.Fore
style = colorama.Style
def _ColorizeLine(line):
line = re.sub('^(Error.*:)(.*)',
style.BRIGHT + fore.RED + '\\1' + fore.YELLOW + '\\2' +
line = re.sub('^(Warning:)(.*)',
style.BRIGHT + fore.YELLOW + '\\1' + style.RESET_ALL + '\\2',
return line
return '\n'.join([_ColorizeLine(line) for line in text.split('\n')])
def FilterExceptions(image_name, errors):
"""Filter out the Application Verifier errors that have exceptions."""
exceptions = _EXCEPTIONS.get(image_name, [])
def _HasNoException(error):
# Iterate over all the exceptions.
for (severity, layer, stopcode, regexp) in exceptions:
# And see if they match, first by type.
if (error.severity == severity and
error.layer == layer and
error.stopcode == stopcode):
# And then by regexpr match to the trace symbols.
for trace in error.trace:
if trace.symbol and re.match(regexp, trace.symbol):
return False
return True
filtered_errors = filter(_HasNoException, errors)
error_count = len(filtered_errors)
filtered_count = len(errors) - error_count
if error_count:
suffix = '' if error_count == 1 else 's'
'Error: Encountered %d AppVerifier exception%s for %s.' %
(error_count, suffix, image_name))
if filtered_count:
suffix1 = '' if filtered_count == 1 else 's'
suffix2 = '' if len(exceptions) == 1 else 's'
'Warning: Filtered %d AppVerifier exception%s for %s using %d rule%s.' %
(filtered_count, suffix1, image_name, len(exceptions), suffix2))
return (error_count, filtered_errors)
def _RunUnderAppVerifier(command):
runner = verifier.AppverifierTestRunner(False)
image_path = os.path.abspath(command[0])
image_name = os.path.basename(image_path)
disabled_checks = _DISABLED_CHECKS.get(image_name, [])
if not os.path.isfile(image_path):
raise Error('Path not found: %s' % image_path)
# Set up the verifier configuration.
runner.SetImageDefaults(image_name, disabled_checks=disabled_checks)
# Run the executable. We disable exception catching as it interferes with
# Application Verifier.
command = [image_path] + command[1:] + ['--gtest_catch_exceptions=0']'Running %s.', command)
popen = subprocess.Popen(command)
(dummy_stdout, dummy_stderr) = popen.communicate()
# Process the AppVerifier logs, filtering exceptions.
app_verifier_errors = runner.ProcessLogs(image_name)
(error_count, app_verifier_errors) = FilterExceptions(
image_name, app_verifier_errors)
# Generate warnings for error categories that were disabled.
for check in disabled_checks:
'Warning: Disabled AppVerifier %s checks.' % check)
# Output all warnings and errors.
for error in app_verifier_errors:
msg = Colorize(str(error) + '\n')
# Clear the verifier settings for the image.
if popen.returncode:
_LOGGER.error('%s failed with return code %d.', image_name,
if error_count:
suffix = '' if error_count == 1 else 's'
_LOGGER.error('%s failed AppVerifier test with %d exception%s.',
image_name, error_count, suffix)
if popen.returncode:
return popen.returncode
return error_count
def _RunNormally(command):
# We reset the image settings so that AppVerifier isn't left incidentally
# configured.
runner = verifier.AppverifierTestRunner(False)
image_path = os.path.abspath(command[0])
image_name = os.path.basename(image_path)
image_path = os.path.abspath(command[0])
command = [image_path] + command[1:]'Running %s outside of AppVerifier.' % command)
popen = subprocess.Popen(command)
(dummy_stdout, dummy_stderr) = popen.communicate()
# To be consistent with _RunUnderAppVerifier we output warnings at the end.
'Warning: AppVerifier was disabled for this test.\n'))
return popen.returncode
_USAGE = '%prog [options] APPLICATION -- [application options]'
def _IsBlacklisted(command):
image_base = os.path.basename(command[0])
if image_base in _BLACK_LIST:'Executable is blacklisted: %s.' % image_base)
return True
return False
def _ParseArgs():
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=_USAGE)
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose',
action='store_true', default=False,
help='Enable verbose logging.')
parser.add_option('--on-waterfall', dest='on_waterfall',
action='store_true', default=False,
help='Indicate that we are running on the waterfall.')
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not len(args):
parser.error('You must specify an application.')
if opts.verbose:
return (opts, args)
def Main():
(opts, args) = _ParseArgs()
if _IsBlacklisted(args):
return_code = _RunNormally(args)
return_code = _RunUnderAppVerifier(args)
if return_code and opts.on_waterfall:
command = [args[0]] + ['--'] + args[1:]
command = 'python build\\ %s' % ' '.join(command)
sys.stderr.write('To reproduce this error locally run the following '
'command from the Syzygy root directory:\n')
sys.stderr.write(command + '\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':