blob: 5c1346f2dc225ce9423da759fde9c3bdb48b8d49 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Provides an assembler that assembles to basic block instruction lists.
#include "syzygy/block_graph/basic_block.h"
#include "syzygy/core/assembler.h"
namespace block_graph {
using core::ValueSize;
// Forward declarations.
class BasicBlockAssembler;
class Operand;
// Declares a BasicBlockReference-like class that has no type or size
// information. The size information is stored in the Operand or Value housing
// the untyped reference, and the type is inferred from the instruction being
// assembled.
class UntypedReference {
typedef BlockGraph::Block Block;
typedef BlockGraph::Offset Offset;
// Default constructor.
: basic_block_(NULL), block_(NULL), offset_(0), base_(0) {
// Copy constructor.
// @param other The reference to be copied.
UntypedReference(const UntypedReference& other)
: basic_block_(other.basic_block_), block_(other.block_),
offset_(other.offset_), base_(other.base_) {
// Constructor from a basic block reference.
// @param bb_ref The basic block reference to be copied.
explicit UntypedReference(const BasicBlockReference& bb_ref)
: basic_block_(bb_ref.basic_block()), block_(bb_ref.block()),
offset_(bb_ref.offset()), base_(bb_ref.base()) {
DCHECK(block_ != NULL || basic_block_ != NULL);
// Constructs a reference to a basic block.
// @param basic_block The basic block to be referred to.
explicit UntypedReference(BasicBlock* basic_block)
: basic_block_(basic_block), block_(NULL), offset_(0), base_(0) {
DCHECK(basic_block != NULL);
// Constructs a reference to a block.
// @param block The block to be referred to.
// @param offset The offset from the start of the block actually being
// pointed to.
// @param base The offset from the start of the block semantically being
// referred to.
UntypedReference(Block* block, Offset offset, Offset base)
: basic_block_(NULL), block_(block), offset_(offset), base_(base) {
DCHECK(block != NULL);
// @name Accessors.
// @{
BasicBlock* basic_block() const { return basic_block_; }
Block* block() const { return block_; }
Offset offset() const { return offset_; }
Offset base() const { return base_; }
// @}
// @returns true if this reference is valid.
bool IsValid() const { return block_ != NULL || basic_block_ != NULL; }
// Returns the type of the object being referred to.
BasicBlockReference::ReferredType referred_type() const {
if (block_ != NULL)
return BasicBlockReference::REFERRED_TYPE_BLOCK;
if (basic_block_ != NULL)
return BasicBlockReference::REFERRED_TYPE_BASIC_BLOCK;
return BasicBlockReference::REFERRED_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
// Comparison operator.
// @returns true if this reference is the same as the @p other.
bool operator==(const UntypedReference& other) const {
return basic_block_ == other.basic_block_ &&
block_ == other.block_ &&
offset_ == other.offset_ &&
base_ == other.base_;
BasicBlock* basic_block_;
Block* block_;
Offset offset_;
Offset base_;
class Value {
typedef BlockGraph::Block Block;
typedef BlockGraph::Offset Offset;
typedef core::ValueImpl ValueImpl;
typedef core::ValueSize ValueSize;
// Default construction.
// Constructs an 8- or 32-bit value, depending on the minimum number of bits
// required to represent the Value. If the value can be encoded using 8-bits
// to have the same representation under sign extension, then an 8-bit Value
// will be created; otherwise, a 32-bit absolute Value will be created.
// @param value The value to be stored.
explicit Value(uint32 value);
// Constructs an absolute value having a specific bit width.
// @param value The value to be stored.
// @param size The size of the value.
Value(uint32 value, ValueSize size);
// Constructs a 32-bit direct reference to the basic block @p bb.
// @param bb The basic block to be referred to.
// @note This is fine even for jmps (which may be encoded using 8-bit
// references) as the BB layout algorithm will use the shortest jmp
// possible.
explicit Value(BasicBlock* bb);
// Constructs a 32-bit direct reference to @p block at the given @p offset.
// @param block The block to be referred to.
// @param offset The offset to be referred to, both semantically and
// literally. The base and offset of the reference will be set to this.
// @note This is fine even for jmps (which may be encoded using 8-bit
// references) as the BB layout algorithm will use the shortest jmp
// possible.
Value(Block* block, Offset offset);
// Constructs a 32-bit reference to @p block at the given @p offset and
// @p base.
// @param block The block to be referred to.
// @param offset The offset to be literally referred to.
// @param base The offset to be semantically referred to. This must be
// within the data of @p block.
Value(Block* block, Offset offset, Offset base);
// Full constructor.
// @param value The value to be stored.
// @param size The size of the value.
// @param ref The untyped reference backing this value. The reference must
// be valid.
Value(uint32 value, ValueSize size, const UntypedReference& ref);
// Copy constructor.
// @param other The value to be copied.
Value(const Value& other);
// Destructor.
// Assignment operator.
const Value& operator=(const Value& other);
// @name Accessors.
// @{
uint32 value() const { return value_.value(); }
ValueSize size() const { return value_.size(); }
const UntypedReference& reference() const { return reference_; }
// @}
// Comparison operator.
bool operator==(const Value& rhs) const;
// Private constructor for Operand.
Value(const UntypedReference& ref, const core::ValueImpl& value);
friend class BasicBlockAssembler;
friend class Operand;
UntypedReference reference_;
ValueImpl value_;
// Displacements and immediates behave near-identically, but are semantically
// slightly different.
typedef Value Immediate;
typedef Value Displacement;
// An operand implies indirection to memory through one of the myriad
// modes supported by IA32.
class Operand {
// A register-indirect mode.
explicit Operand(const core::Register32& base);
// A register-indirect with displacement mode.
Operand(const core::Register32& base, const Displacement& displ);
// A displacement-only mode.
explicit Operand(const Displacement& displ);
// The full [base + index * scale + displ32] mode.
// @note esp cannot be used as an index register.
Operand(const core::Register32& base,
const core::Register32& index,
core::ScaleFactor scale,
const Displacement& displ);
// The full [base + index * scale] mode.
// @note esp cannot be used as an index register.
Operand(const core::Register32& base,
const core::Register32& index,
core::ScaleFactor scale);
// The [index * scale + displ32] mode.
// @note esp cannot be used as an index register.
Operand(const core::Register32& index,
core::ScaleFactor scale,
const Displacement& displ);
// Copy constructor.
Operand(const Operand& o);
// Destructor.
// Assignment operator.
const Operand& operator=(const Operand& other);
// @name Accessors.
// @{
const core::RegisterId base() const { return operand_.base(); }
const core::RegisterId index() const { return operand_.index(); }
core::ScaleFactor scale() const { return operand_.scale(); }
Displacement displacement() const {
return Displacement(reference_, operand_.displacement());
// @}
friend class BasicBlockAssembler;
UntypedReference reference_;
core::OperandImpl operand_;
class BasicBlockAssembler {
typedef BlockGraph::Block::SourceRange SourceRange;
typedef BasicBlock::Instructions Instructions;
typedef core::Register8 Register8;
typedef core::Register16 Register16;
typedef core::Register32 Register32;
typedef core::ConditionCode ConditionCode;
// Constructs a basic block assembler that inserts new instructions
// into @p *list at @p where.
BasicBlockAssembler(const Instructions::iterator& where,
Instructions *list);
// Constructs a basic block assembler that inserts new instructions into
// @p *list at @p where, assuming a starting address of @p location.
BasicBlockAssembler(uint32 location,
const Instructions::iterator& where,
Instructions *list);
// @returns The source range injected into created instructions.
SourceRange source_range() const { return serializer_.source_range(); }
// Set the SourceRange injected repeatedly into each instruction created via
// the assembler. This should be used with care because it causes the OMAP
// information to no longer be 1:1 mapping, and may confuse some debuggers.
// @param source_range The source range set to each created instructions.
void set_source_range(const SourceRange& source_range) {
// Emits one or more NOP instructions, their total length being @p size
// bytes.
// @param size The number of bytes of NOPs to generate.
// @note For a generated NOP sequence of optimal performance it is best to
// call nop once rather than successively (ie: the NOP sequence generated
// by nop(x) nop(y) may perform worse than that generated by nop(x + y).
void nop(size_t size);
// @name Call instructions.
// @{
void call(const Immediate& dst);
void call(const Operand& dst);
// @}
// @name Jmp instructions.
// @{
void jmp(const Immediate& dst);
void jmp(const Operand& dst);
// @}
// @name Conditional branch instruction.
// @{
void j(ConditionCode code, const Immediate& dst);
// @}
// @name Manipulation of flags.
// @{
void pushfd();
void popfd();
void lahf();
void sahf();
void set(ConditionCode code, const Register32& dst);
// @}
// @name Arithmetic operations.
// @{
void test(const Register8& dst, const Register8& src);
void test(const Register8& dst, const Immediate& src);
void test(const Register32& dst, const Register32& src);
void test(const Register32& dst, const Operand& src);
void test(const Operand& dst, const Register32& src);
void test(const Register32& dst, const Immediate& src);
void test(const Operand& dst, const Immediate& src);
void cmp(const Register8& dst, const Register8& src);
void cmp(const Register8& dst, const Immediate& src);
void cmp(const Register32& dst, const Register32& src);
void cmp(const Register32& dst, const Operand& src);
void cmp(const Operand& dst, const Register32& src);
void cmp(const Register32& dst, const Immediate& src);
void cmp(const Operand& dst, const Immediate& src);
void add(const Register8& dst, const Register8& src);
void add(const Register8& dst, const Immediate& src);
void add(const Register32& dst, const Register32& src);
void add(const Register32& dst, const Operand& src);
void add(const Operand& dst, const Register32& src);
void add(const Register32& dst, const Immediate& src);
void add(const Operand& dst, const Immediate& src);
void sub(const Register8& dst, const Register8& src);
void sub(const Register8& dst, const Immediate& src);
void sub(const Register32& dst, const Register32& src);
void sub(const Register32& dst, const Operand& src);
void sub(const Operand& dst, const Register32& src);
void sub(const Register32& dst, const Immediate& src);
void sub(const Operand& dst, const Immediate& src);
// @}
// @name Shifting operations.
// @{
void shl(const Register32& dst, const Immediate& src);
void shr(const Register32& dst, const Immediate& src);
// @}
// @name Byte mov varieties.
// @{
void mov_b(const Operand& dst, const Immediate& src);
void movzx_b(const Register32& dst, const Operand& src);
// @}
// @name Double-word mov varieties.
// @{
void mov(const Register32& dst, const Register32& src);
void mov(const Register32& dst, const Operand& src);
void mov(const Operand& dst, const Register32& src);
void mov(const Register32& dst, const Immediate& src);
void mov(const Operand& dst, const Immediate& src);
void mov_fs(const Register32& dst, const Operand& src);
void mov_fs(const Operand& dst, const Register32& src);
// @}
// @name Load effective address.
void lea(const Register32& dst, const Operand& src);
// @name Stack manipulation.
// @{
void push(const Register32& src);
void push(const Immediate& src);
void push(const Operand& src);
void pop(const Register32& dst);
void pop(const Operand& dst);
// @}
// @name Ret instructions.
// @{
void ret();
void ret(uint16 n);
// @}
// Exchange contents of two registers.
// @param dst The destination register.
// @param src The source register.
// @note Exchanges involving eax generate shorter byte code.
void xchg(const Register32& dst, const Register32& src);
void xchg(const Register16& dst, const Register16& src);
void xchg(const Register8& dst, const Register8& src);
typedef BlockGraph::ReferenceType ReferenceType;
class BasicBlockSerializer
: public core::AssemblerImpl::InstructionSerializer {
BasicBlockSerializer(const Instructions::iterator& where,
Instructions* list);
virtual void AppendInstruction(uint32 location,
const uint8* bytes,
size_t num_bytes,
const size_t *ref_locations,
const void* const* refs,
size_t num_refs) OVERRIDE;
SourceRange source_range() const { return source_range_; }
void set_source_range(const SourceRange& source_range) {
source_range_ = source_range;
// Pushes back a reference type to be associated with a untyped reference.
// @param type The type of the reference.
// @param size The size of the reference, as a ValueSize.
void PushReferenceInfo(ReferenceType type, core::ValueSize size);
struct ReferenceInfo {
BlockGraph::ReferenceType type;
size_t size; // In bytes.
Instructions::iterator where_;
Instructions* list_;
// Source range set to instructions appended by this serializer.
SourceRange source_range_;
// The reference types and sizes associated with references in the
// instructions parameters. These are provided to the serializer out of
// band (not via Operand/Immediate/Value) by the implementations of the
// various instructions. They allow the corresponding UntypedReferences to
// be completed.
ReferenceInfo ref_infos_[2];
size_t num_ref_infos_;
// @name Utility functions for pushing/validating reference info.
// @{
void PushMandatoryReferenceInfo(ReferenceType type, const Immediate& imm);
void PushOptionalReferenceInfo(ReferenceType type, const Immediate& imm);
void PushOptionalReferenceInfo(ReferenceType type, const Operand& op);
void CheckReferenceSize(core::ValueSize size, const Immediate& imm) const;
void CheckReferenceSize(core::ValueSize size, const Operand& op) const;
// @}
BasicBlockSerializer serializer_;
core::AssemblerImpl asm_;
} // namespace block_graph