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// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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// limitations under the License.
// Declares a data structure that can be used to impose an order on a block
// graph. This is an 'elastic' data structure in that its intent is to make
// reordering blocks cheap and efficient. It is to be used as an intermediate
// representation prior to image-format-specific layout generation.
// The structure maintains all sections in a list, and for each section
// maintains a list of blocks within that section. Utility functions are
// provided that allow for sections and blocks to be moved individually, or for
// all sections/all blocks in a section to be sorted wholesale.
// In general, it is intended to be used as follows:
// OrderedBlockGraph ordered(some_block_graph);
// // Ensure that .rsrc and .reloc are the last two sections.
// ordered.PlaceAtTail(some_block_graph->FindSection(".rsrc"));
// ordered.PlaceAtTail(some_block_graph->FindSection(".reloc"));
// // Make sure that .text comes first.
// ordered.PlaceAtHead(some_block_graph->FindSection(".text"));
// // Sort the text blocks according to some functor.
// ordered.Sort(some_block_graph->FindSection(".text"),
// some_sort_functor);
// ... etc ...
// // Dump the contents of the ordered block-graph.
// OrderedBlockGraph::SectionList::const_iterator section_it =
// ordered.begin();
// for (; section_it != ordered.end(); ++section_it) {
// const BlockGraph::Section* section = *section_it;
// ... do something with section ...
// OrderedBlockGraph::BlockList::const_iterator block_it =
// ordered.begin(section);
// for (; block_it != ordered.end(section); ++block_it) {
// const BlockGraph::Block* block = *block_it;
// ... do something with block ...
// }
// }
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include "syzygy/block_graph/block_graph.h"
namespace block_graph {
// An ordered block-graph is a thin layer on top of a BlockGraph that imposes
// a complete ordering on it. A few notes on working with OrderedBlockGraphs:
// - A BlockGraph is only intended to be used by a single OrderedBlockGraph at a
// time as the OrderedBlockGraph makes changes to the underlying BlockGraph to
// ensure consistency.
// - It is invalid to add or delete blocks from a BlockGraph while it is being
// referenced by an OrderedBlockGraph. This can cause NULL dereferences.
class OrderedBlockGraph {
class OrderedSection;
// For convenience.
typedef BlockGraph::Block Block;
typedef BlockGraph::Section Section;
// The type of the ordered list of blocks that is maintained for each section.
typedef std::list<Block*> BlockList;
// The type of the ordered list of sections that is maintained for the whole
// block graph.
typedef std::list<OrderedSection*> SectionList;
// Constructs an OrderedBlockGraph over the provided BlockGraph. The sections
// are initially ordered by increasing ID, with a special section (not ordered
// in the list of sections) housing all of the blocks that are not associated
// a particular section (section_id == kInvalidSectionId). Within each section
// the blocks are initially ordered by increasing block ID.
// @param block_graph the BlockGraph to be ordered. This must outlive the
// OrderedBlockGraph.
explicit OrderedBlockGraph(BlockGraph* block_graph);
// @{
// Accesses the BlockGraph that we are ordering.
// @returns a pointer to underlying BlockGraph.
BlockGraph* block_graph() { return block_graph_; }
const BlockGraph* block_graph() const { return block_graph_; }
// @}
// @returns the ordered list of sections. May be used for traversing the
// order.
const SectionList& ordered_sections() const { return ordered_sections_; }
// Looks up an ordered section.
// @param section the section to lookup. This may be NULL to get a list of the
// blocks that are not in any explicit section.
// @returns the ordered section for the given section.
const OrderedSection& ordered_section(const Section* section) const;
// @{
// Iterator access for SectionList.
SectionList::const_iterator begin() const {
return ordered_sections_.begin();
SectionList::const_iterator end() const { return ordered_sections_.end(); }
// @}
// @{
// Iterator access for BlockLists.
// @param section the section to whose BlockList is to be returned. This may
// be NULL to iterate over those blocks not in any explicit section.
BlockList::const_iterator begin(const Section* section) const;
BlockList::const_iterator end(const Section* section) const;
// @}
// Moves the given section to the head of the list of sections.
// @param section the section to be moved to the head.
void PlaceAtHead(const Section* section);
// Moves the given section to the tail of the list of sections.
// @param section the section to be moved to the tail.
void PlaceAtTail(const Section* section);
// Moves a section immediately before another section.
// @param anchored_section the section to be used as a reference.
// @param moved_section the section to be moved.
// @pre anchored_section != moved_section.
void PlaceBefore(const Section* anchored_section,
const Section* moved_section);
// Moves a section immediately after another section.
// @param anchored_section the section to be used as a reference.
// @param moved_section the section to be moved.
// @pre anchored_section != moved_section.
void PlaceAfter(const Section* anchored_section,
const Section* moved_section);
// Allows for a direct sorting of all sections using a provided comparison
// functor. The comparison functor must have a function with the following
// signature:
// bool operator()(const BlockGraph::Section*,
// const BlockGraph::Section*) const;
// @param section_compare_functor the compare functor to use.
template<typename SectionCompareFunctor>
void Sort(SectionCompareFunctor section_compare_functor);
// Moves the given block to the head of the given section. If the block does
// not belong to that section it will have its section_id updated.
// @param section the section into which the block should be placed. May be
// NULL, indicating that the block lies outside of all known sections.
// @param block the block to be moved.
void PlaceAtHead(const Section* section, Block* block);
// Moves the given block to the tail of the given section. If the block does
// not belong to that section it will have its section_id updated.
// @param section the section into which the block should be placed. May be
// NULL, indicating that the block lies outside of all known sections.
// @param block the block to be moved.
void PlaceAtTail(const Section* section, Block* block);
// Moves @p moved_block so that it lies immediately before @p anchored_block.
// If @p moved_block does not belong to the same section it will have its
// section attribute updated.
// @param anchored_block the block to be used as a reference point.
// @param moved_block the block to be moved.
// @pre anchored_block != moved_block.
void PlaceBefore(const Block* anchored_block, Block* moved_block);
// Moves @p moved_block so that it lies immediately after @p anchored_block.
// If @p moved_block does not belong to the same section it will have its
// section attribute updated.
// @param anchored_block the block to be used as a reference point.
// @param moved_block the block to be moved.
// @pre anchored_block != moved_block.
void PlaceAfter(const Block* anchored_block, Block* moved_block);
// Allows for a direct sorting of the blocks in a section using the provided
// comparison functor. The comparison functor must have a function with the
// following signature:
// bool operator()(const BlockGraph::Block*,
// const BlockGraph::Block*) const;
// @param block_compare_functor the compare functor to use.
template<typename BlockCompareFunctor>
void Sort(const Section* section, BlockCompareFunctor block_compare_functor);
// Forward declarations.
struct SectionInfo;
struct BlockInfo;
struct CompareSectionInfo;
struct CompareBlockInfo;
// @{
// @returns the SectionInfo representing the given Section*.
const SectionInfo* GetSectionInfo(const Section* section) const;
SectionInfo* GetSectionInfo(const Section* section);
// @}
// @{
// @returns the BlockInfo representing the given Block*.
const BlockInfo* GetBlockInfo(const Block* block) const;
BlockInfo* GetBlockInfo(const Block* block);
// @}
// Rebuilds the section iterator index.
void RebuildSectionIndex();
// The block graph on which we impose an order.
BlockGraph* block_graph_;
// Stores the ordered list of sections.
SectionList ordered_sections_;
// Stores the ordered sections themselves. This is sorted based on the
// underlying Section* so that we can quickly map from a Section* to the
// OrderedSection and its entry in the SectionList.
std::vector<SectionInfo> section_infos_;
// Stores a full set of iterators pointing to all of the blocks in the various
// OrderedSection BlockLists. This is allocated once and reused. The entries
// are sorted based on the block pointers referred to by the iterators. In
// this way we can do a fast lookup from Block* to the BlockList containing
// it, as well as the iterator to it.
std::vector<BlockInfo> block_infos_;
// The ordered block graph consists of an ordered list of sections. Each
// section is itself an ordered list of blocks. This object is exposed to the
// user, hence the private data members. OrderedBlockGraph is made a friend
// so as to be able to manage it directly.
class OrderedBlockGraph::OrderedSection {
// @returns the section represented by this ordered section.
Section* section() const { return section_; }
// @returns the id associated with this section.
BlockGraph::SectionId id() const;
// @returns the ordered list of blocks belonging to this section.
const BlockList& ordered_blocks() const { return ordered_blocks_; }
friend OrderedBlockGraph;
// The section itself.
Section* section_;
// The blocks belonging to this section, in order.
BlockList ordered_blocks_;
} // namespace block_graph
#include "syzygy/block_graph/ordered_block_graph_internal.h"