blob: 07eb600a88d4be6a785dbf21fe23fec40442ea8d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <windows.h> // NOLINT
#include <dbghelp.h>
#include <vector>
#include "syzygy/core/address.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_reader.h"
namespace pdb {
// Builds an anonymous intialized OMAP object.
// @param rva the relative address this entry maps.
// @param rvaTo the relative address that @p rva is mapped to.
OMAP CreateOmap(ULONG rva, ULONG rvaTo);
// A comparison functor, for comparing two OMAP entries based on 'rva'.
// @param omap1 the first omap object to compare.
// @param omap2 the second omap object to comapre.
// @returns true if omap1.rva < omap2.rva, false otherwise.
bool OmapLess(const OMAP& omap1, const OMAP& omap2);
// Determines if the given OMAP vector is valid. That is, for every i in
// [1, omaps.size() - 1], OmapLess(omaps[i - 1], omaps[i]) is true.
// @param omaps the vector of OMAPs to validate.
// @returns true if omaps is valid, false otherwise.
bool OmapVectorIsValid(const std::vector<OMAP>& omaps);
// Maps an address through the given OMAP information.
// @param omaps the vector of OMAPs to apply.
// @param address the address to map.
// @returns the mapped address.
// @pre OmapIsValid(omaps) is true.
core::RelativeAddress TranslateAddressViaOmap(const std::vector<OMAP>& omaps,
core::RelativeAddress address);
// Reads OMAP tables from a PdbFile. The destination vectors may be NULL if
// they are not required to be read. Even if neither stream is read they will be
// checked for existence.
// @param pdb_reader the PdbReader to read from.
// @param omap_to the vector to populate with OMAPTO entries. May be NULL.
// @param omap_from the vector to populate with OMAPFROM entries. May be NULL.
// @returns true if the PDB file contains OMAP data and if the OMAP entries have
// been successfully read, false otherwise.
bool ReadOmapsFromPdbFile(const PdbFile& pdb_file,
std::vector<OMAP>* omap_to,
std::vector<OMAP>* omap_from);
// Reads OMAP tables from a PDB file. The destination vectors may be NULL if
// they are not required to be read. Even if neither stream is read they will be
// checked for existence.
// @param pdb_path the path of the PDB file from which to read OMAP data.
// @param omap_to the vector to populate with OMAPTO entries. May be NULL.
// @param omap_from the vector to populate with OMAPFROM entries. May be NULL.
// @returns true if the PDB file contains OMAP data and if the OMAP entries have
// been successfully read, false otherwise.
bool ReadOmapsFromPdbFile(const base::FilePath& pdb_path,
std::vector<OMAP>* omap_to,
std::vector<OMAP>* omap_from);
} // namespace pdb
#endif // SYZYGY_PDB_OMAP_H_