blob: 96352fe96319e7f17c02090cfae5dcff6b0dc1a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Declares a PDB file, which is an in-memory representation of a PDB file.
// A PDB file consists of a collection of numbered PDB streams. The streams
// themselves obey certain formats and conventions but these are not enforced
// by this naive representation.
#include <vector>
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_stream.h"
namespace pdb {
// A simple representation of a PDB file as a collection of numbered streams.
// This object owns all of the streams referred to by it and maintains
// responsibility for cleaning them up on destruction.
class PdbFile {
// Clears all streams. After calling this the PdbFile is in the same state as
// after construction.
void Clear();
// Accesses the nth stream.
// @param index the index of the nth stream.
// @returns a pointer to the stream, NULL if it does not exist.
scoped_refptr<PdbStream> GetStream(uint32 index) const;
// Adds a new stream to this PDB file, returning the index of the newly
// generated stream.
// @param pdb_stream a pointer to a heap allocated stream object This may be
// NULL, indicating that the nth stream exists but is empty.
// @returns the index of the added stream.
size_t AppendStream(PdbStream* pdb_stream);
// Sets the nth stream. Overwrites an existing stream if there is one.
// @param index the index of the stream. This must be >= 0, and must be
// a stream index that already exists.
// @param pdb_stream a pointer to the heap allocated stream to be placed at
// the given position. This may be NULL, which is equivalent to erasing
// the given stream.
void ReplaceStream(uint32 index, PdbStream* pdb_stream);
// Sets the nth stream. Overwrites an existing stream if there is one.
// @param index the index of the stream.
// @param pdb_stream a pointer to the heap allocated stream to be placed at
// the given position. This may be NULL, which is equivalent to erasing
// the given stream.
void SetStream(uint32 index, PdbStream* pdb_stream);
// Returns the number of streams in the PDB file. There are streams with
// IDs 0 through StreamCount() - 1.
// @returns the number of streams in the PDB file.
size_t StreamCount() const { return streams_.size(); }
// The streams are implicitly numbered simply by their position in this
// vector.
std::vector<scoped_refptr<PdbStream>> streams_;
} // namespace pdb