blob: b4ec6383073833aba0fb437baae44f485162814a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "syzygy/common/buffer_writer.h"
namespace pdb {
// Forward declaration.
class WritablePdbStream;
// This class represents a PDB stream. It has a stream-like interface that
// allows invoking successive reads through the stream and seeking.
class PdbStream : public base::RefCounted<PdbStream> {
explicit PdbStream(size_t length);
// Reads @p count chunks of size sizeof(ItemType) into the destination buffer.
// The caller is responsible for ensuring that the destination buffer has
// enough space to receive the data. Returns the number of items successfully
// read via @p items_read.
// @tparam ItemType the type of item to coerce the data to.
// @param dest the destination array.
// @param count the number of elements to read.
// @param items_read pointer to receive the number of items successfully read.
// @returns true on success.
template <typename ItemType>
bool Read(ItemType* dest, size_t count, size_t* items_read);
// Reads @p count chunks of size sizeof(ItemType) into the destination buffer.
// The caller is responsible for ensuring that the destination buffer has
// enough space to receive the data.
// @tparam ItemType the type of item to coerce the data to.
// @param dest the destination array.
// @param count the number of elements to read.
// @returns true on success.
template <typename ItemType>
bool Read(ItemType* dest, size_t count);
// Reads @p count elements of size sizeof(ItemType) into the provided
// vector of elements. Resizes @p dest to the number of elements that were
// successfully read.
// @tparam ItemType the type of item to coerce the data to.
// @param dest the destination vector.
// @param count the number of elements to read.
// @returns true if @p dest was populated with @p count elements, false
// otherwise. The number of elements actually read is indicated by the
// length of @p dest.
template <typename ItemType>
bool Read(std::vector<ItemType>* dest, size_t count);
// Fills the provided vector with elements read from this stream. The bytes
// remaining in the stream must be an even multiple of sizeof(ItemType).
// Resizes @p dest to the number of elements read.
// @tparam ItemType the type of item to coerce the data to.
// @param dest the destination vector.
// @returns true if the remaining bytes in the stream were read into the
// provided vector, false otherwise. The number of elements actually read
// is indicated by the length of @p dest.
template <typename ItemType>
bool Read(std::vector<ItemType>* dest);
// Reads @p count bytes of data into the destination buffer. The caller is
// responsible for ensuring that the destination buffer has enough space to
// receive the data. @p bytes_read will hold the number of bytes read. If
// there was insufficient data but some bytes were read, returns false and
// returns the number of bytes read via @p bytes_read.
// @param dest the buffer to receive the data.
// @param count the number of bytes to read.
// @param bytes_read pointer that will receive the number of bytes read.
// @returns true if all @p count bytes are read, false otherwise.
virtual bool ReadBytes(void* dest, size_t count, size_t* bytes_read) = 0;
// Returns a pointer to a WritablePdbStream if the underlying object supports
// this interface. If this returns non-NULL, it is up to the user to ensure
// thread safety; each writer should be used exclusively of any other writer,
// and no reader should be used while a writer is in use. Each of the reader
// and writer maintains its own cursor, but their view of the data (and its
// length) will remain in sync.
// NOTE: This function should act as a factory, with each call returning a
// heap allocated reference counted writer. However, since each
// WritablePdbStream is currently implemented using a BufferWriter, and
// the BufferWriter maintains its own state internally rather than a
// shared state, its possible that one writer causing a resize could
// invalidate the internal data pointer held by another writer. As a
// workaround, there is only a single writer allowed to be allocated
// right now.
// TODO(chrisha): Clean this up to return an interface, which can be wrapped
// in some common stream-writer functionality, reusing BufferWriter.
// @returns a pointer to a WritablePdbStream.
virtual scoped_refptr<WritablePdbStream> GetWritablePdbStream() {
return scoped_refptr<WritablePdbStream>();
// Sets the current read position.
bool Seek(size_t pos);
// Gets the stream's length.
// @returns the total number of bytes in the stream.
size_t length() const { return length_; }
// Gets the stream's read position.
// @returns the number of bytes already read.
size_t pos() const { return pos_; }
// Gets the number of bytes left to read in the stream.
// @returns the number of bytes left.
size_t bytes_left() const { return length_ - pos_; }
friend base::RefCounted<PdbStream>;
// Protected to enforce use of ref-counted pointers at compile time.
virtual ~PdbStream();
// Sets the stream's length.
void set_length(size_t length) { length_ = length; }
// The length of the stream.
size_t length_;
// The read position within the stream.
size_t pos_;
// Represents a writable PDB stream.
// TODO(chrisha): For now, this inherits from common::BufferWriter, but a far
// cleaner approach would be to hoist a basic WritableStreamInterface, and
// make BufferWriter accept a pointer to said interface. The same thing
// could be done to the common::BufferParser/BufferReader and PdbStream
// hierarchy.
class WritablePdbStream : public base::RefCounted<WritablePdbStream>,
public common::BufferWriter {
// Constructor.
WritablePdbStream() : common::BufferWriter(NULL, 0) { }
friend base::RefCounted<WritablePdbStream>;
// Destructor. Protected to enforce use of ref-counted pointers at compile
// time.
virtual ~WritablePdbStream() { }
// Forwarded from common::BufferWriter.
virtual uint8* GrowBuffer(size_t size) = 0;
template <typename ItemType>
bool PdbStream::Read(ItemType* dest, size_t count, size_t* items_read) {
DCHECK(dest != NULL);
DCHECK(items_read != NULL);
size_t byte_size = sizeof(ItemType) * count;
if (byte_size > bytes_left())
return false;
size_t bytes_read = 0;
bool result = ReadBytes(dest, byte_size, &bytes_read);
*items_read = bytes_read / sizeof(ItemType);
return result && *items_read == count;
template <typename ItemType>
bool PdbStream::Read(ItemType* dest, size_t count) {
DCHECK(dest != NULL);
size_t items_read = 0;
return Read(dest, count, &items_read) && items_read == count;
template <typename ItemType>
bool PdbStream::Read(std::vector<ItemType>* dest, size_t count) {
DCHECK(dest != NULL);
if (sizeof(ItemType) * count > bytes_left())
return false;
if (count == 0)
return true;
size_t items_read = 0;
bool result = Read(&dest->at(0), count, &items_read);
return result;
template <typename ItemType>
bool PdbStream::Read(std::vector<ItemType>* dest) {
DCHECK(dest != NULL);
if ((bytes_left() % sizeof(ItemType)) != 0)
return false;
return Read(dest, bytes_left() / sizeof(ItemType));
} // namespace pdb