blob: e71c40281cc7fd4844683ba42c2c4c14cc74aee9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/shadow.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "syzygy/common/align.h"
namespace agent {
namespace asan {
uint8 Shadow::shadow_[kShadowSize];
void Shadow::SetUp() {
// Poison the shadow memory.
Poison(shadow_, kShadowSize, kAsanMemoryMarker);
// Poison the first 64k of the memory as they're not addressable.
Poison(0, kAddressLowerBound, kInvalidAddressMarker);
void Shadow::TearDown() {
// Unpoison the shadow memory.
Unpoison(shadow_, kShadowSize);
// Unpoison the first 64k of the memory.
Unpoison(0, kAddressLowerBound);
void Shadow::Reset() {
::memset(shadow_, 0, kShadowSize);
void Shadow::Poison(const void* addr, size_t size, ShadowMarker shadow_val) {
uintptr_t index = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr);
uintptr_t start = index & 0x7;
DCHECK_EQ(0U, (index + size) & 0x7);
index >>= 3;
if (start)
shadow_[index++] = start;
size >>= 3;
DCHECK_GT(arraysize(shadow_), index + size);
::memset(shadow_ + index, shadow_val, size);
void Shadow::Unpoison(const void* addr, size_t size) {
uintptr_t index = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr);
DCHECK_EQ(0U, index & 0x7);
uint8 remainder = size & 0x7;
index >>= 3;
size >>= 3;
DCHECK_GT(arraysize(shadow_), index + size);
::memset(shadow_ + index, kHeapAddressableMarker, size);
if (remainder != 0)
shadow_[index + size] = remainder;
void Shadow::MarkAsFreed(const void* addr, size_t size) {
DCHECK_LE(kAddressLowerBound, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr));
DCHECK(common::IsAligned(addr, kShadowRatio));
size_t index = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr) / kShadowRatio;
size_t length = (size + kShadowRatio - 1) / kShadowRatio;
DCHECK_LE(index, kShadowSize);
DCHECK_LE(index + length, kShadowSize);
uint8* cursor = shadow_ + index;
uint8* cursor_end = cursor + length;
for (; cursor != cursor_end; ++cursor) {
// Preserve block beginnings/ends/redzones as they were originally.
if (ShadowMarkerHelper::IsActiveLeftRedzone(*cursor) ||
ShadowMarkerHelper::IsActiveRightRedzone(*cursor)) {
// Anything else gets marked as freed.
*cursor = kHeapFreedMarker;
bool Shadow::IsAccessible(const void* addr) {
uintptr_t index = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr);
uintptr_t start = index & 0x7;
index >>= 3;
DCHECK_GT(arraysize(shadow_), index);
uint8 shadow = shadow_[index];
if (shadow == 0)
return true;
if (ShadowMarkerHelper::IsRedzone(shadow))
return false;
return start < shadow;
bool Shadow::IsLeftRedzone(const void* address) {
return ShadowMarkerHelper::IsActiveLeftRedzone(
bool Shadow::IsRightRedzone(const void* address) {
uintptr_t index = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(address);
uintptr_t start = index & 0x7;
index >>= 3;
DCHECK_GT(arraysize(shadow_), index);
uint8 marker = shadow_[index];
// If the marker is for accessible memory then some addresses may be part
// of a right redzone, assuming that the *next* marker in the shadow is for
// a right redzone.
if (marker == 0)
return false;
if (marker <= kHeapPartiallyAddressableByte7) {
if (index == arraysize(shadow_))
return false;
if (!ShadowMarkerHelper::IsActiveRightRedzone(shadow_[index + 1]))
return false;
return start >= marker;
// Otherwise, check the marker directly.
return ShadowMarkerHelper::IsActiveRightRedzone(marker);
bool Shadow::IsBlockStartByte(const void* address) {
uintptr_t index = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(address);
uintptr_t start = index & 0x7;
index >>= 3;
DCHECK_GT(arraysize(shadow_), index);
uint8 marker = shadow_[index];
if (start != 0)
return false;
if (!ShadowMarkerHelper::IsActiveBlockStart(marker))
return false;
return true;
ShadowMarker Shadow::GetShadowMarkerForAddress(const void* addr) {
uintptr_t index = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr);
index >>= 3;
DCHECK_GT(arraysize(shadow_), index);
return static_cast<ShadowMarker>(shadow_[index]);
void Shadow::PoisonAllocatedBlock(const BlockInfo& info) {
COMPILE_ASSERT((sizeof(BlockHeader) % kShadowRatio) == 0, bad_header_size);
DCHECK(info.header->state == ALLOCATED_BLOCK);
// Translate the block address to an offset. Sanity check a whole bunch
// of things that we require to be true for the shadow to have 100%
// fidelity.
uintptr_t index = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(info.block);
DCHECK(common::IsAligned(index, kShadowRatio));
DCHECK(common::IsAligned(info.header_padding_size, kShadowRatio));
DCHECK(common::IsAligned(info.block_size, kShadowRatio));
index /= kShadowRatio;
// Determine the distribution of bytes in the shadow.
size_t left_redzone_bytes = (info.body - info.block) / kShadowRatio;
size_t body_bytes = (info.body_size + kShadowRatio - 1) / kShadowRatio;
size_t block_bytes = info.block_size / kShadowRatio;
size_t right_redzone_bytes = block_bytes - left_redzone_bytes - body_bytes;
// Determine the marker byte for the header. This encodes the length of the
// body of the allocation modulo the shadow ratio, so that the exact length
// can be inferred from inspecting the shadow memory.
uint8 body_size_mod = info.body_size % kShadowRatio;
uint8 header_marker = ShadowMarkerHelper::BuildBlockStart(
true, info.header->is_nested, body_size_mod);
// Determine the marker byte for the trailer.
uint8 trailer_marker = ShadowMarkerHelper::BuildBlockEnd(
true, info.header->is_nested);
// Poison the header and left padding.
uint8* cursor = shadow_ + index;
::memset(cursor, header_marker, 1);
::memset(cursor + 1, kHeapLeftPaddingMarker, left_redzone_bytes - 1);
cursor += left_redzone_bytes;
cursor += body_bytes;
// Poison the right padding and the trailer.
if (body_size_mod > 0)
cursor[-1] = body_size_mod;
::memset(cursor, kHeapRightPaddingMarker, right_redzone_bytes - 1);
::memset(cursor + right_redzone_bytes - 1, trailer_marker, 1);
bool Shadow::BlockIsNested(const BlockInfo& info) {
uint8 marker = GetShadowMarkerForAddress(info.block);
return ShadowMarkerHelper::IsNestedBlockStart(marker);
bool Shadow::BlockInfoFromShadow(const void* addr, BlockInfo* info) {
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<void*>(NULL), addr);
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<BlockInfo*>(NULL), info);
if (!BlockInfoFromShadowImpl(0, addr, info))
return false;
return true;
bool Shadow::ParentBlockInfoFromShadow(const BlockInfo& nested,
BlockInfo* info) {
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<BlockInfo*>(NULL), info);
if (!BlockIsNested(nested))
return false;
if (!BlockInfoFromShadowImpl(1, nested.block, info))
return false;
return true;
void Shadow::CloneShadowRange(const void* src_pointer,
void* dst_pointer,
size_t size) {
DCHECK_EQ(0U, size & 0x7);
uintptr_t src_index = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(src_pointer);
DCHECK_EQ(0U, src_index & 0x7);
src_index >>= 3;
uintptr_t dst_index = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(dst_pointer);
DCHECK_EQ(0U, dst_index & 0x7);
dst_index >>= 3;
size_t size_shadow = size >> 3;
memcpy(shadow_ + dst_index, shadow_ + src_index, size_shadow);
void Shadow::AppendShadowByteText(const char *prefix,
uintptr_t index,
std::string* output,
size_t bug_index) {
output, "%s0x%08x:", prefix, reinterpret_cast<void*>(index << 3));
char separator = ' ';
for (uint32 i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (index + i == bug_index)
separator = '[';
uint8 shadow_value = shadow_[index + i];
output, "%c%x%x", separator, shadow_value >> 4, shadow_value & 15);
if (separator == '[')
separator = ']';
else if (separator == ']')
separator = ' ';
if (separator == ']')
base::StringAppendF(output, "]");
base::StringAppendF(output, "\n");
void Shadow::AppendShadowArrayText(const void* addr, std::string* output) {
uintptr_t index = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr);
index >>= 3;
size_t index_start = index;
index_start &= ~0x7;
for (int i = -4; i <= 4; i++) {
const char * const prefix = (i == 0) ? "=>" : " ";
AppendShadowByteText(prefix, (index_start + i * 8), output, index);
void Shadow::AppendShadowMemoryText(const void* addr, std::string* output) {
base::StringAppendF(output, "Shadow bytes around the buggy address:\n");
AppendShadowArrayText(addr, output);
base::StringAppendF(output, "Shadow byte legend (one shadow byte represents "
"8 application bytes):\n");
base::StringAppendF(output, " Addressable: 00\n");
base::StringAppendF(output, " Partially addressable: 01 - 07\n");
base::StringAppendF(output, " Block start redzone: %02x - %02x\n",
kHeapBlockStartMarker0, kHeapBlockStartMarker7);
base::StringAppendF(output, " Nested block start: %02x - %02x\n",
base::StringAppendF(output, " ASan memory byte: %02x\n",
base::StringAppendF(output, " Invalid address: %02x\n",
base::StringAppendF(output, " User redzone: %02x\n",
base::StringAppendF(output, " Block end redzone: %02x\n",
base::StringAppendF(output, " Nested block end: %02x\n",
base::StringAppendF(output, " Heap left redzone: %02x\n",
base::StringAppendF(output, " Heap right redzone: %02x\n",
base::StringAppendF(output, " ASan reserved byte: %02x\n",
base::StringAppendF(output, " Freed heap region: %02x\n",
size_t Shadow::GetAllocSize(const uint8* mem) {
BlockInfo block_info = {};
if (!Shadow::BlockInfoFromShadow(mem, &block_info))
return 0;
return block_info.block_size;
bool Shadow::ScanLeftForBracketingBlockStart(
size_t initial_nesting_depth, size_t cursor, size_t* location) {
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<size_t*>(NULL), location);
static const size_t kLowerBound = kAddressLowerBound / kShadowRatio;
size_t left = cursor;
int nesting_depth = static_cast<int>(initial_nesting_depth);
if (ShadowMarkerHelper::IsBlockEnd(shadow_[left]))
while (true) {
if (ShadowMarkerHelper::IsBlockStart(shadow_[left])) {
if (nesting_depth == 0) {
*location = left;
return true;
// If this is not a nested block then there's no hope of finding a
// block containing the original cursor.
if (!ShadowMarkerHelper::IsNestedBlockStart(shadow_[left]))
return false;
} else if (ShadowMarkerHelper::IsBlockEnd(shadow_[left])) {
// If we encounter the end of a non-nested block there's no way for
// a block to bracket us.
if (nesting_depth > 0 &&
!ShadowMarkerHelper::IsNestedBlockEnd(shadow_[left])) {
return false;
if (left <= kLowerBound)
return false;
bool Shadow::ScanRightForBracketingBlockEnd(
size_t initial_nesting_depth, size_t cursor, size_t* location) {
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<size_t*>(NULL), location);
size_t right = cursor;
int nesting_depth = static_cast<int>(initial_nesting_depth);
if (ShadowMarkerHelper::IsBlockStart(shadow_[right]))
while (true) {
if (ShadowMarkerHelper::IsBlockEnd(shadow_[right])) {
if (nesting_depth == 0) {
*location = right;
return true;
if (!ShadowMarkerHelper::IsNestedBlockEnd(shadow_[right]))
return false;
} else if (ShadowMarkerHelper::IsBlockStart(shadow_[right])) {
// If we encounter the beginning of a non-nested block then there's
// clearly no way for any block to bracket us.
if (nesting_depth > 0 &&
!ShadowMarkerHelper::IsNestedBlockStart(shadow_[right])) {
return false;
if (right + 1 == kShadowSize)
return false;
bool Shadow::BlockInfoFromShadowImpl(
size_t initial_nesting_depth, const void* addr, BlockInfo* info) {
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<void*>(NULL), addr);
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<BlockInfo*>(NULL), info);
// Convert the address to an offset in the shadow memory.
size_t left = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(addr) / kShadowRatio;
size_t right = left;
if (!ScanLeftForBracketingBlockStart(initial_nesting_depth, left, &left))
return false;
if (!ScanRightForBracketingBlockEnd(initial_nesting_depth, right, &right))
return false;
// Set up the block, header and trailer pointers.
info->block = reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(left * kShadowRatio);
info->block_size = (right - left) * kShadowRatio;
info->header = reinterpret_cast<BlockHeader*>(info->block);
info->header_padding = info->block + sizeof(BlockHeader);
info->trailer = reinterpret_cast<BlockTrailer*>(
info->block + info->block_size) - 1;
// Get the length of the body modulo the shadow ratio.
size_t body_size_mod = ShadowMarkerHelper::GetBlockStartData(shadow_[left]);
bool is_nested = ShadowMarkerHelper::IsNestedBlockStart(shadow_[left]);
// Find the beginning of the body (end of the left redzone).
while (left < right && shadow_[left] == kHeapLeftPaddingMarker)
// Find the beginning of the right redzone (end of the body).
while (right > left && shadow_[right - 1] == kHeapRightPaddingMarker)
// Fill out the body and padding sizes.
info->body = reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(left * kShadowRatio);
info->body_size = (right - left) * kShadowRatio;
if (body_size_mod > 0) {
DCHECK_LE(8u, info->body_size);
info->body_size = info->body_size - kShadowRatio + body_size_mod;
info->header_padding_size = info->body - info->header_padding;
info->trailer_padding = info->body + info->body_size;
info->trailer_padding_size =
reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(info->trailer) - info->trailer_padding;
// Fill out page information.
// Check if the block is nested.
info->header->is_nested = is_nested;
info->is_nested = is_nested;
return true;
bool recursive, const void* lower_bound, const void* upper_bound)
: recursive_(recursive), lower_bound_(0), upper_bound_(0), cursor_(0),
nesting_depth_(0) {
DCHECK_LE(Shadow::kAddressLowerBound, reinterpret_cast<size_t>(lower_bound));
DCHECK_GE(Shadow::kAddressUpperBound, reinterpret_cast<size_t>(upper_bound));
DCHECK_LE(lower_bound, upper_bound);
lower_bound_ = common::AlignDown(reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(lower_bound),
upper_bound_ = common::AlignUp(reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(upper_bound),
void ShadowWalker::Reset() {
// Walk to the beginning of the first non-nested block, or to the end
// of the range, whichever comes first.
nesting_depth_ = -1;
for (cursor_ = lower_bound_; cursor_ != upper_bound_;
cursor_ += kShadowRatio) {
uint8 marker = Shadow::GetShadowMarkerForAddress(cursor_);
if (ShadowMarkerHelper::IsBlockStart(marker) &&
!ShadowMarkerHelper::IsNestedBlockStart(marker)) {
bool ShadowWalker::Next(BlockInfo* info) {
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<BlockInfo*>(NULL), info);
// Iterate until a reportable block is encountered, or the slab is exhausted.
for (; cursor_ != upper_bound_; cursor_ += kShadowRatio) {
uint8 marker = Shadow::GetShadowMarkerForAddress(cursor_);
// Update the nesting depth when block end markers are encountered.
if (ShadowMarkerHelper::IsBlockEnd(marker)) {
DCHECK_LE(0, nesting_depth_);
// Look for a block start marker.
if (ShadowMarkerHelper::IsBlockStart(marker)) {
// Update the nesting depth when block start bytes are encountered.
// Non-nested blocks should only be encountered at depth 0.
bool is_nested = ShadowMarkerHelper::IsNestedBlockStart(marker);
DCHECK(is_nested || nesting_depth_ == 0);
// Determine if the block is to be reported.
if (!is_nested || recursive_) {
// This can only fail if the shadow memory is malformed.
CHECK(Shadow::BlockInfoFromShadow(cursor_, info));
// In a recursive descent we have to process body contents.
if (recursive_) {
cursor_ += kShadowRatio;
} else {
// Otherwise we can skip the body of the block we just reported.
// We skip directly to the end marker (but not past it so that depth
// bookkeeping works properly).
cursor_ += info->block_size - kShadowRatio;
return true;
return false;
} // namespace asan
} // namespace agent