blob: 09180e2a8b269cf2455949147f702047805a5609 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ZapTimestamps uses PEFile/ImageLayout/BlockGraph to represent a PE file in
// memory, and TypedBlock to navigate through the PE structures of the file.
// We don't use a full decomposition of the image, but rather only decompose
// the PE headers and structures. As such, ZapTimetamps can be seen as a
// lightweight decomposer. It would be better do this directly using the
// internal intermediate representation formats of PEFileParser, but this
// functionality would require some refactoring.
// Changes that are required to be made to the PE file are represented by an
// address space, mapping replacement data to file offsets. This address-space
// can then be simply 'stamped' on to the PE file to be modified.
// The matching PDB file is completely rewritten to guarantee that it is
// canonical (as long as the underlying PdbWriter doesn't change). We load all
// of the streams into memory, reach in and make local modifications, and
// rewrite the entire file to disk.
#include "syzygy/zap_timestamp/zap_timestamp.h"
#include "base/at_exit.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/md5.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/typed_block.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_byte_stream.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_constants.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_reader.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_util.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_writer.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/find.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/pdb_info.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/pe_data.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/pe_file_parser.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/pe_file_writer.h"
namespace zap_timestamp {
namespace {
using block_graph::BlockGraph;
using block_graph::ConstTypedBlock;
using core::FileOffsetAddress;
using core::RelativeAddress;
using pdb::PdbByteStream;
using pdb::PdbFile;
using pdb::PdbReader;
using pdb::PdbStream;
using pdb::PdbWriter;
using pdb::WritablePdbStream;
using pe::ImageLayout;
using pe::PEFile;
using pe::PEFileParser;
typedef ConstTypedBlock<IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY> ImageDebugDirectory;
typedef ConstTypedBlock<IMAGE_DOS_HEADER> DosHeader;
typedef ConstTypedBlock<IMAGE_NT_HEADERS> NtHeaders;
typedef ConstTypedBlock<pe::CvInfoPdb70> CvInfoPdb;
typedef ZapTimestamp::PatchAddressSpace PatchAddressSpace;
typedef ZapTimestamp::PatchData PatchData;
const char kUsageFormatStr[] =
"Usage: %ls <PE files>\n"
" A tool that normalizes the GUID and timestamps associated with a given\n"
" PE/PDB file pair. The PDB files matching each given PE file will be\n"
" tracked down automatically.\n";
void PrintUsage(FILE* out,
const base::FilePath& program,
const base::StringPiece& message) {
if (!message.empty()) {
::fwrite(, 1, message.length(), out);
::fprintf(out, "\n\n");
::fprintf(out, kUsageFormatStr, program.BaseName().value().c_str());
// An intermediate reference type used to track references generated by
// PEFileParser.
struct IntermediateReference {
BlockGraph::ReferenceType type;
BlockGraph::Size size;
RelativeAddress address;
// A map of intermediate references. This tracks references created by the
// PEFileParser.
typedef std::map<RelativeAddress, IntermediateReference>
// Adds a reference to the given intermediate reference map. Used as a callback
// to PEFileParser.
bool AddReference(IntermediateReferenceMap* references,
RelativeAddress source,
BlockGraph::ReferenceType type,
BlockGraph::Size size,
RelativeAddress destination) {
DCHECK(references != NULL);
IntermediateReference ref = { type, size, destination };
return references->insert(std::make_pair(source, ref)).second;
// Returns the block and offset into the block associated with the given
// address and size. Sets block pointer to NULL and offset to 0 if no block
// was found for the address and size. Returns true if a block is found, false
// otherwise.
bool LookupBlockOffset(const ImageLayout& image_layout,
RelativeAddress address,
size_t size,
BlockGraph::Block** block,
BlockGraph::Offset* offset) {
DCHECK(block != NULL);
DCHECK(offset != NULL);
*block = image_layout.blocks.GetContainingBlock(address, size);
if (*block == NULL) {
*offset = 0;
return false;
*offset = address - (*block)->addr();
return true;
// Performs a decomposition of the given PE file, only parsing out the PE
// data blocks and references between them.
bool MiniDecompose(const PEFile& pe_file,
ImageLayout* image_layout,
BlockGraph::Block** dos_header_block) {
DCHECK(image_layout != NULL);
DCHECK(dos_header_block != NULL);
IntermediateReferenceMap references;
PEFileParser::AddReferenceCallback add_reference = base::Bind(
&AddReference, base::Unretained(&references));
PEFileParser pe_file_parser(pe_file, &image_layout->blocks, add_reference);
PEFileParser::PEHeader pe_header;
if (!pe_file_parser.ParseImage(&pe_header)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse PE file: " << pe_file.path().value();
return false;
if (!pe::CopyHeaderToImageLayout(pe_header.nt_headers, image_layout)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to copy NT headers to image layout.";
return false;
// Finalize the intermediate references. We only finalize those that are
// within the closed set of blocks.
IntermediateReferenceMap::const_iterator ref_it = references.begin();
for (; ref_it != references.end(); ++ref_it) {
BlockGraph::Block* src_block = NULL;
BlockGraph::Offset src_offset = 0;
if (!LookupBlockOffset(*image_layout, ref_it->first, ref_it->second.size,
&src_block, &src_offset)) {
BlockGraph::Block* dst_block = NULL;
BlockGraph::Offset dst_offset = 0;
if (!LookupBlockOffset(*image_layout, ref_it->second.address, 1,
&dst_block, &dst_offset)) {
// Make the final reference.
BlockGraph::Reference ref(ref_it->second.type, ref_it->second.size,
dst_block, dst_offset, dst_offset);
CHECK(src_block->SetReference(src_offset, ref));
*dos_header_block = pe_header.dos_header;
return true;
// Marks the range of data at @p rel_addr and of size @p size as needing to be
// changed. It will be replaced with the data in @p data, and marked with the
// description @p name (for debugging purposes). The change is recorded in the
// provided PatchAddressSpace @p file_addr_space in terms of file offsets.
// This performs the necessary address space translations via @p pe_file and
// ensures that the change does not conflict with any other required changes.
bool MarkData(const PEFile& pe_file,
RelativeAddress rel_addr,
size_t size,
const uint8* data,
const base::StringPiece& name,
PatchAddressSpace* file_addr_space) {
FileOffsetAddress file_addr;
if (!pe_file.Translate(rel_addr, &file_addr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to translate " << rel_addr << " to file offset.";
return false;
if (!file_addr_space->Insert(PatchAddressSpace::Range(file_addr, size),
PatchData(data, name))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to insert file range at " << file_addr
<< " of length " << size << ".";
return false;
return true;
// Given a data directory of type T containing a member variable named
// TimeDateStamp, this will mark the timestamp for changing to the value
// provided in @p timestamp_data. The change will be recorded in the provided
// PatchAddressSpace @p file_addr_space.
template<typename T>
bool MarkDataDirectoryTimestamps(const PEFile& pe_file,
NtHeaders& nt_headers,
size_t data_dir_index,
const char* data_dir_name,
const uint8* timestamp_data,
PatchAddressSpace* file_addr_space) {
DCHECK(timestamp_data != NULL);
DCHECK(file_addr_space != NULL);
// It is not an error if the debug directory doesn't exist.
const IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY& data_dir_info =
if (!nt_headers.HasReference(data_dir_info.VirtualAddress)) {
DCHECK_EQ(0u, data_dir_info.VirtualAddress);
LOG(INFO) << "PE file contains no data directory " << data_dir_index << ".";
return true;
ConstTypedBlock<T> data_dir;
if (!nt_headers.Dereference(data_dir_info.VirtualAddress, &data_dir)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to dereference data directory " << data_dir_index
<< ".";
return false;
FileOffsetAddress data_dir_addr;
if (!pe_file.Translate(data_dir.block()->addr(), &data_dir_addr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to locate data directory " << data_dir_index << ".";
return false;
if (data_dir->TimeDateStamp == 0)
return true;
FileOffsetAddress timestamp_addr = data_dir_addr +
std::string name = base::StringPrintf("%s Timestamp", data_dir_name);
if (!file_addr_space->Insert(PatchAddressSpace::Range(timestamp_addr,
PatchData(timestamp_data, name))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to mark timestamp of data directory "
<< data_dir_index << ".";
return false;
return true;
bool Md5Consume(size_t bytes, FILE* file, base::MD5Context* context) {
char buffer[4096] = { 0 };
size_t cur = 0;
while (cur < bytes) {
size_t bytes_to_read = std::min(bytes - cur, sizeof(buffer));
size_t bytes_read = ::fread(buffer, 1, bytes_to_read, file);
if (bytes_read != bytes_to_read) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error reading from file (got " << bytes_read
<< ", expected " << bytes_to_read << ").";
return false;
base::MD5Update(context, base::StringPiece(buffer, bytes_read));
cur += bytes_read;
DCHECK_EQ(cur, bytes);
return true;
bool UpdateFileInPlace(const base::FilePath& path,
const PatchAddressSpace& updates) {
LOG(INFO) << "Patching file: " << path.value();
base::ScopedFILE file(base::OpenFile(path, "rb+"));
if (file.get() == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to open file for updating: " << path.value();
return false;
PatchAddressSpace::const_iterator it = updates.begin();
for (; it != updates.end(); ++it) {
// No data? Then nothing to update. This happens for the PE checksum, which
// has a NULL data pointer. We update it later on in another pass.
if (it-> == NULL)
LOG(INFO) << " Patching " << it-> << ", " << it->first.size()
<< " bytes at " << it->first.start();
// Seek to the position to be updated.
if (::fseek(file.get(), it->first.start().value(), SEEK_SET) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek to " << it->first.start() << " of file: "
<< path.value();
return false;
// Write the updated data.
size_t bytes_written = ::fwrite(it->, 1, it->first.size(),
if (bytes_written != it->first.size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write " << it->first.size() << " bytes to "
<< "position " << it->first.start() << " of file: "
<< path.value();
LOG(INFO) << "Finished patching file: " << path.value();
return true;
// Ensures that the stream with the given ID is writable, returning a scoped
// pointer to it.
scoped_refptr<PdbStream> GetWritablePdbStream(size_t index,
PdbFile* pdb_file) {
DCHECK(pdb_file != NULL);
DCHECK_GT(pdb_file->StreamCount(), index);
scoped_refptr<PdbStream> reader = pdb_file->GetStream(index);
// Try and get the writer. If it's not available, then replace the stream
// with a byte stream, which is in-place writable.
scoped_refptr<WritablePdbStream> writer = reader->GetWritablePdbStream();
if (writer.get() == NULL) {
scoped_refptr<PdbByteStream> byte_stream(new PdbByteStream());
pdb_file->ReplaceStream(index, byte_stream);
reader = byte_stream;
return reader;
void OutputSummaryStats(base::FilePath& path) {
base::ScopedFILE file(base::OpenFile(path, "rb"));
if (file.get() == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to open file for reading: " << path.value();
::fseek(file.get(), 0, SEEK_END);
size_t file_size = ::ftell(file.get());
::fseek(file.get(), 0, SEEK_SET);
base::MD5Context md5_context;
if (!Md5Consume(file_size, file.get(), &md5_context))
base::MD5Digest md5_digest;
base::MD5Final(&md5_digest, &md5_context);
std::string md5_string = base::MD5DigestToBase16(md5_digest);
LOG(INFO) << "Path: " << path.value();
LOG(INFO) << " Size : " << file_size;
LOG(INFO) << " Digest: " << md5_string;
bool NormalizeDbiStream(DWORD pdb_age_data,
PdbByteStream* dbi_stream) {
DCHECK(dbi_stream != NULL);
LOG(INFO) << "Updating PDB DBI stream.";
uint8* dbi_data = dbi_stream->data();
if (dbi_stream->length() < sizeof(pdb::DbiHeader)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "DBI stream too short.";
return false;
pdb::DbiHeader* dbi_header = reinterpret_cast<pdb::DbiHeader*>(dbi_data);
// Update the age in the DbiHeader as well. This needs to match pdb_age
// in the PDB header.
dbi_header->age = pdb_age_data;
dbi_data += sizeof(*dbi_header);
// Ensure that the module information is addressable.
if (dbi_stream->length() < dbi_header->gp_modi_size) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid DBI header gp_modi_size.";
return false;
// Run over the module information.
// TODO(chrisha): Use BufferWriter to do this. We need to update it to handle
// type casts and bounds checking.
uint8* module_info_end = dbi_data + dbi_header->gp_modi_size;
while (dbi_data < module_info_end) {
pdb::DbiModuleInfoBase* module_info =
module_info->offsets = 0;
dbi_data += sizeof(*module_info);
// Skip two NULL terminated strings after the module info.
while (*dbi_data != 0) ++dbi_data;
while (*dbi_data != 0) ++dbi_data;
// Skip until we're at a multiple of 4 position.
size_t offset = dbi_data - dbi_stream->data();
offset = ((offset + 3) / 4) * 4;
dbi_data = dbi_stream->data() + offset;
// Ensure that the section contributions are addressable.
size_t section_contrib_end_pos = dbi_header->gp_modi_size + sizeof(uint32) +
if (dbi_stream->length() < section_contrib_end_pos) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid DBI header gp_modi_size.";
return false;
// Run over the section contributions.
dbi_data += sizeof(uint32); // Skip the signature.
uint8* section_contrib_end = dbi_data + dbi_header->section_contribution_size;
while (dbi_data < section_contrib_end) {
pdb::DbiSectionContrib* section_contrib =
section_contrib->pad1 = 0;
section_contrib->pad2 = 0;
dbi_data += sizeof(*section_contrib);
return true;
bool NormalizeSymbolRecordStream(PdbByteStream* stream) {
DCHECK(stream != NULL);
uint8* data = stream->data();
uint8* data_end = data + stream->length();
while (data < data_end) {
// Get the size of the symbol record and skip past it.
uint16* size = reinterpret_cast<uint16*>(data);
data += sizeof(*size);
// The size of the symbol record, plus its uint16 length, must be a multiple
// of 4. Each symbol record consists of the length followed by a symbol
// type (also a short), so the size needs to be at least of length 2.
// See for a discussion
// of the format of this stream.
DCHECK_LE(2u, *size);
DCHECK_EQ(0u, ((*size + sizeof(*size)) % 4));
// Up to the last 3 bytes are padding, as the record gets rounded up to
// a multiple of 4 in size.
static const size_t kMaxPadding = 3;
uint8* end = data + *size;
uint8* tail = end - kMaxPadding;
// Skip past the symbol record.
data = end;
// Find the null terminator for the record.
for (; tail + 1 < end && *tail != 0; ++tail) {
// Intentionally empty.
// Pad out the rest of the record with nulls (these are usually full of
// junk bytes).
for (; tail < end; ++tail)
*tail = 0;
return true;
} // namespace
: image_layout_(&block_graph_),
dos_header_block_(NULL) {
// The timestamp can't just be set to zero as that represents a special
// value in the PE file. We set it to some arbitrary fixed date in the past.
// This is Y2K: Jan 1, 2000, 0:00:00 GMT.
timestamp_data_ = 946684800;
// Initialize the age to 1.
pdb_age_data_ = 1;
bool ZapTimestamp::Init(const base::FilePath& pe_path) {
if (!Init(pe_path, base::FilePath()))
return false;
return true;
bool ZapTimestamp::Init(const base::FilePath& pe_path,
const base::FilePath& pdb_path) {
pe_path_ = pe_path;
pdb_path_ = pdb_path;
if (!ValidatePeAndPdbFiles())
return false;
if (!DecomposePeFile())
return false;
if (!MarkPeFileRanges())
return false;
if (!CalculatePdbGuid())
return false;
if (!LoadAndUpdatePdbFile())
return false;
return true;
bool ZapTimestamp::Zap(bool modify_pe, bool modify_pdb) {
if (modify_pe) {
if (!WritePeFile())
return false;
if (modify_pdb) {
if (!WritePdbFile())
return false;
return true;
bool ZapTimestamp::ValidatePeAndPdbFiles() {
LOG(INFO) << "Analyzing PE file: " << pe_path_.value();
if (!base::PathExists(pe_path_) ||
base::DirectoryExists(pe_path_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "PE file not found: " << pe_path_.value();
return false;
if (!pe_file_.Init(pe_path_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read PE file: " << pe_path_.value();
return false;
if (pdb_path_.empty()) {
// Find the matching PDB file.
if (!pe::FindPdbForModule(pe_path_, &pdb_path_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error while searching for PDB file.";
return false;
if (pdb_path_.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "PDB file not found for PE file: " << pe_path_.value();
return false;
} else {
if (!base::PathExists(pdb_path_) ||
base::DirectoryExists(pdb_path_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "PDB file not found: " << pdb_path_.value();
// Ensure that the PDB and the PE file are consistent with each other.
if (!pe::PeAndPdbAreMatched(pe_path_, pdb_path_))
return false; // This logs verbosely.
LOG(INFO) << "Found matching PDB file: " << pdb_path_.value();
return true;
bool ZapTimestamp::DecomposePeFile() {
// Decompose the image. This is a very high level decomposition only
// chunking out the PE structures and references from/to PE blocks.
BlockGraph::Block* dos_header_block = NULL;
if (!MiniDecompose(pe_file_, &image_layout_, &dos_header_block_))
return false;
return true;
bool ZapTimestamp::MarkPeFileRanges() {
DCHECK(dos_header_block_ != NULL);
LOG(INFO) << "Finding PE fields that need updating.";
DosHeader dos_header;
if (!dos_header.Init(0, dos_header_block_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to cast IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.";
return false;
NtHeaders nt_headers;
if (!dos_header.Dereference(dos_header->e_lfanew, &nt_headers)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to dereference IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.";
return false;
// Mark the export data directory timestamp.
if (!MarkDataDirectoryTimestamps<IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY>(
pe_file_, nt_headers, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT,
"Export Directory",
reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(&timestamp_data_),
&pe_file_addr_space_)) {
// This logs verbosely on failure.
return false;
// Mark the resource data directory timestamp.
if (!MarkDataDirectoryTimestamps<IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY>(
"Resource Directory",
reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(&timestamp_data_),
&pe_file_addr_space_)) {
// This logs verbosely on failure.
return false;
// Find the debug directory.
const IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY& debug_dir_info =
if (!nt_headers.HasReference(debug_dir_info.VirtualAddress)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "PE file contains no debug directory.";
return false;
ImageDebugDirectory debug_dir;
if (!nt_headers.Dereference(debug_dir_info.VirtualAddress, &debug_dir)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to dereference IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY.";
return false;
RelativeAddress rel_addr;
// Within that, find the codeview debug entry. We also update every other
// debug timestamp.
CvInfoPdb cv_info_pdb;
for (size_t i = 0; i < debug_dir.ElementCount(); ++i) {
rel_addr = debug_dir.block()->addr() +
std::string name = base::StringPrintf("Debug Directory %d Timestamp", i);
if (!MarkData(pe_file_, rel_addr, sizeof(timestamp_data_),
reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(&timestamp_data_), name,
&pe_file_addr_space_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to mark TimeDateStamp of debug directory " << i
<< ".";
return false;
if (debug_dir[i].Type == IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW) {
if (cv_info_pdb.block() != NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found multiple CodeView debug directories.";
return false;
if (!debug_dir.Dereference(debug_dir[i].PointerToRawData, &cv_info_pdb)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to dereference CodeView debug directory.";
return false;
// We should have found a code view debug directory pointing to the PDB file.
if (cv_info_pdb.block() == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find CodeView debug directory.";
return false;
// Get the file offset of the PDB age and mark it.
rel_addr = cv_info_pdb.block()->addr() +
if (!MarkData(pe_file_, rel_addr, sizeof(pdb_age_data_),
reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(&pdb_age_data_),
"PDB Age", &pe_file_addr_space_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to mark PDB age.";
return false;
// Get the file offset of the PDB guid and mark it.
rel_addr = cv_info_pdb.block()->addr() +
if (!MarkData(pe_file_, rel_addr, sizeof(pdb_guid_data_),
reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(&pdb_guid_data_),
"PDB GUID", &pe_file_addr_space_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to mark PDB GUID.";
return false;
// Get the file offset of the PE checksum and mark it.
rel_addr = nt_headers.block()->addr() +
if (!MarkData(pe_file_, rel_addr, sizeof(DWORD), NULL,
"PE Checksum", &pe_file_addr_space_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to mark PE checksum.";
return false;
// Get the file offset of the PE timestamp and mark it.
rel_addr = nt_headers.block()->addr() +
if (!MarkData(pe_file_, rel_addr, sizeof(timestamp_data_),
reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(&timestamp_data_), "PE Timestamp",
&pe_file_addr_space_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to mark PE timestamp.";
return false;
return true;
bool ZapTimestamp::CalculatePdbGuid() {
LOG(INFO) << "Calculating PDB GUID from PE file contents.";
base::ScopedFILE pe_file(base::OpenFile(pe_path_, "rb"));
if (pe_file.get() == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open PE file for reading: " << pe_path_.value();
return false;
// Get the length of the entire file.
if (::fseek(pe_file.get(), 0, SEEK_END) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to fseek to end of file.";
return false;
FileOffsetAddress end(::ftell(pe_file.get()));
// Seek back to the beginning.
if (::fseek(pe_file.get(), 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to fseek to beginning of file.";
return false;
// Initialize the MD5 structure.
base::MD5Context md5_context = { 0 };
// We seek through the bits of the file that will be changed, and skip those.
// The rest of the file (the static parts) are fed through an MD5 hash and
// used to generated a unique and stable GUID.
FileOffsetAddress cur(0);
PatchAddressSpace::const_iterator range_it = pe_file_addr_space_.begin();
for (; range_it != pe_file_addr_space_.end(); ++range_it) {
// Consume any data before this range.
if (cur < range_it->first.start()) {
size_t bytes_to_hash = range_it->first.start() - cur;
if (!Md5Consume(bytes_to_hash, pe_file.get(), &md5_context))
return false; // This logs verbosely for us.
if (::fseek(pe_file.get(), range_it->first.size(), SEEK_CUR)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to fseek past marked range.";
cur = range_it->first.end();
// Consume any left-over data.
if (cur < end) {
if (!Md5Consume(end - cur, pe_file.get(), &md5_context))
return false; // This logs verbosely for us.
DCHECK_EQ(end.value(), static_cast<uint32>(::ftell(pe_file.get())));
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(base::MD5Digest) == sizeof(pdb_guid_data_),
LOG(INFO) << "Final GUID is " << base::MD5DigestToBase16(
*reinterpret_cast<base::MD5Digest*>(&pdb_guid_data_)) << ".";
return true;
bool ZapTimestamp::LoadAndUpdatePdbFile() {
DCHECK(pdb_file_.get() == NULL);
pdb_file_.reset(new PdbFile());
PdbReader pdb_reader;
if (!pdb_reader.Read(pdb_path_, pdb_file_.get())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read PDB file: " << pdb_path_.value();
return false;
// We turf the old directory stream as a fresh PDB does not have one. It's
// also meaningless after we rewrite a PDB as the old blocks it refers to
// will no longer exist.
pdb_file_->ReplaceStream(pdb::kPdbOldDirectoryStream, NULL);
scoped_refptr<PdbStream> header_reader =
GetWritablePdbStream(pdb::kPdbHeaderInfoStream, pdb_file_.get());
if (header_reader.get() == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No header info stream in PDB file: " << pdb_path_.value();
return false;
scoped_refptr<WritablePdbStream> header_writer =
DCHECK(header_writer.get() != NULL);
// Update the timestamp, the age and the signature.
LOG(INFO) << "Updating PDB header.";
header_writer->set_pos(offsetof(pdb::PdbInfoHeader70, timestamp));
// Normalize the DBI stream in place.
scoped_refptr<PdbByteStream> dbi_stream(new PdbByteStream());
pdb_file_->ReplaceStream(pdb::kDbiStream, dbi_stream);
if (!NormalizeDbiStream(pdb_age_data_, dbi_stream)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to normalize DBI stream.";
return false;
uint8* dbi_data = dbi_stream->data();
pdb::DbiHeader* dbi_header = reinterpret_cast<pdb::DbiHeader*>(dbi_data);
// Normalize the symbol record stream in place.
scoped_refptr<PdbByteStream> symrec_stream(new PdbByteStream());
pdb_file_->ReplaceStream(dbi_header->symbol_record_stream, symrec_stream);
if (!NormalizeSymbolRecordStream(symrec_stream)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to normalize symbol record stream.";
return false;
// Normalize the public symbol info stream. There's a DWORD of padding at
// offset 24 that we want to zero.
scoped_refptr<PdbStream> pubsym_reader = GetWritablePdbStream(
dbi_header->public_symbol_info_stream, pdb_file_.get());
scoped_refptr<WritablePdbStream> pubsym_writer =
DCHECK(pubsym_writer.get() != NULL);
return true;
bool ZapTimestamp::WritePeFile() {
if (!UpdateFileInPlace(pe_path_, pe_file_addr_space_))
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Updating checksum for PE file: " << pe_path_.value();
if (!pe::PEFileWriter::UpdateFileChecksum(pe_path_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to update checksum for PE file: " << pe_path_.value();
return false;
return true;
bool ZapTimestamp::WritePdbFile() {
// We actually completely rewrite the PDB file to a temporary location, and
// then move it over top of the existing one. This is because pdb_file_
// actually has an open file handle to the original PDB.
// We create a temporary directory alongside the file to be modified so as
// not to cross volume boundaries.
base::FilePath pdb_dir = pdb_path_.DirName();
base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir;
if (!temp_dir.CreateUniqueTempDirUnderPath(pdb_dir)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create temporary directory in \""
<< pdb_dir.value() << "\".";
return false;
// Generate the path to the rewritten PDB.
base::FilePath temp_path = temp_dir.path().Append(pdb_path_.BaseName());
PdbWriter pdb_writer;
LOG(INFO) << "Creating temporary PDB file: " << temp_path.value();
if (!pdb_writer.Write(temp_path, *pdb_file_.get())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write new PDB: " << temp_path.value();
return false;
// Free up the PDB file. This will close the open file handle to the original
// PDB file.
// Copy over top of the original file.
LOG(INFO) << "Temporary PDB file replacing old PDB: "
<< pdb_path_.value();
base::File::Error error;
if (!base::ReplaceFileW(temp_path, pdb_path_, &error)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to replace PDB file.";
return false;
return true;
bool ZapTimestampApp::ParseCommandLine(const CommandLine* command_line) {
DCHECK(command_line != NULL);
CommandLine::StringVector args = command_line->GetArgs();
if (args.empty()) {
PrintUsage(out(), command_line->GetProgram(),
"You must provide at least one PE file.");
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
base::FilePath path(args[i]);
return true;
int ZapTimestampApp::Run() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_modules_.size(); ++i) {
ZapTimestamp zap;
if (!zap.Init(input_modules_[i]) || !zap.Zap(true, true))
return 1;
return 0;
} // namespace zap_timestamp