blob: e242192ca2b99d11d58942e55b2d97ac12a04ce5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Implements a simple sharded quarantine.
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/page_allocator.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/quarantines/size_limited_quarantine.h"
namespace agent {
namespace asan {
namespace quarantines {
// A simple sharded quarantine. This distributes objects among a configurable
// number of shards using a lightweight threadsafe hashing mechanism. Each
// shard has its own lock, greatly reducing lock contention for the quarantine.
// @tparam ObjectType The type of object being stored in the cache.
// @tparam SizeFunctorType A functor for extracting the size associated with
// an object.
// @tparam HashFunctorType A functor for calculating a hash value associated
// with an object. This does need to be deterministic. A single instance
// of this will be maintained per instance, so it can use internal state;
// however, it must be thread-safe. This should implement the method:
// size_t operator()(const ObjectType& o) const;
// @tparam ShardingFactor The sharding factor. Must be greater than 1.
template<typename ObjectType,
typename SizeFunctorType,
typename HashFunctorType,
size_t ShardingFactor>
class ShardedQuarantine
: public SizeLimitedQuarantineImpl<ObjectType, SizeFunctorType> {
typedef HashFunctorType HashFunctor;
static const size_t kShardingFactor = ShardingFactor;
// Constructor. The hash functor must have a default constructor.
// Constructor with explicit hash functor. The hash functor must have
// a copy constructor.
explicit ShardedQuarantine(const HashFunctor& hash_functor);
// Virtual destructor.
virtual ~ShardedQuarantine() { }
// @name SizeLimitedQuarantineImpl implementation.
// @{
virtual bool PushImpl(const Object& object);
virtual void PopImpl(Object* object);
virtual void EmptyImpl(ObjectVector* objects);
// @}
// The internal type used for storing objects. This augments them with a
// 'next' pointer for chaining them together in the cache. These live in
// a simple page-allocator.
struct Node {
Object object;
Node* next;
// A simple page allocator that can only allocate individual nodes, and
// does no bookkeeping. This has its own synchronization primitives.
// Typical quarantine sizes are 16MB, which is about 120K allocations
// given Chrome's typical allocation size. This in turn translates to
// about 1MB of Node data. Typical 16 way sharding means about 65KB.
// All of this to justify a 32KB page size to balance fragmentation and
// number of pages.
typedef TypedPageAllocator<Node, 1, 32 * 1024, false> NodeCache;
// Linked lists containing quarantined objects. Each shard is under the
// corresponding locks_ entry. Objects are inserted at the tail, and
// removed from the head.
Node* heads_[kShardingFactor];
Node* tails_[kShardingFactor];
// Storage for nodes, one per shard. Each is under its own internal lock.
NodeCache node_caches_[kShardingFactor];
// Locks, one per linked list.
base::Lock locks_[kShardingFactor];
// The hash functor that will be used to assign objects to shards.
HashFunctor hash_functor_;
} // namespace quarantines
} // namespace asan
} // namespace agent
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/quarantines/sharded_quarantine_impl.h"