blob: 711cdf404a32d6a34e02c8b9fa38b6fe3229d6a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Declares the interface that all heap implementations must implement.
// This is a vastly simplified interface as the instrumentation layer
// provides more advanced features (validation, iteration, etc).
// This also declares the interface for an instrumented heap. An instrumented
// heap has explicit knowledge of the fact that it is laying out blocks
// with redzones, as due to heap implementation details it may need to grow
// the redzones of the block being allocated.
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/block.h"
namespace agent {
namespace asan {
// An extremely simple heap interface. More advanced heap features are
// provided by the instrumentation layer which is overlaid on top of a
// raw heap. This is the API for a heap that performs actual memory
// management of simple contiguous chunks of memory. Instrumented heaps
// (for allocating Blocks, with redzones, etc) are allocated and laid out
// by BlockHeap implementations.
class HeapInterface {
// A bitset of features supported by this heap.
enum HeapFeatures {
// If this is set then the heap reports reserved memory via the
// MemoryNotifierInterface. This implies that allocations will come
// from regions of memory that have been previously redzoned, and
// guides the heap manager in maintaining consistent shadow memory.
kHeapReportsReservations = 1 << 0,
// If this bit is set then the heap is able to determine if a given
// address is part of an active allocation owned by the heap, via the
// 'IsAllocated' function.
kHeapSupportsIsAllocated = 1 << 1,
// If this bit is set then the heap supports returning allocation sizes.
kHeapSupportsGetAllocationSize = 1 << 2,
// If this bit is set then the results returned by GetAllocationSize are
// approximate, and reflect the size of the block of memory returned for
// the allocation, not the actual initially requested amount. Can only be
// set in conjunction with kHeapSupportsGetAllocationSize.
kHeapGetAllocationSizeIsUpperBound = 1 << 3,
// Virtual destructor.
virtual ~HeapInterface() { }
// @returns the heap features.
virtual uint32 GetHeapFeatures() const = 0;
// Allocates memory from the heap. It is valid to request an allocation
// of size zero, in which case any return address is valid. If @p bytes
// is non-zero and the request fails this should return NULL. The allocation
// must have an alignment of at least kShadowRatio.
// @param bytes The size of the requested allocation, in bytes.
// @returns a valid pointer on success, or NULL on failure.
virtual void* Allocate(size_t bytes) = 0;
// Frees an allocation, returning the memory to the underlying heap. It is
// invalid to attempt to free memory not previously allocated by this heap,
// or double free previously freed memory.
// @param alloc The address of the allocation.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool Free(void* alloc) = 0;
// Determines if the heap owns the given allocation.
// @param alloc An address.
// @returns true if @p alloc is an address previously returned by a call
// to 'Allocate', and not yet returned via 'Free'.
// @note This will always return false unless the heap has the
// kHeapSupportsIsAllocated feature.
virtual bool IsAllocated(void* alloc) = 0;
// Returns the size of the given allocation.
// @param alloc An address previously returned by Allocate.
// @returns the size of the allocation.
// @note This will always return zero unless the heap has the
// kHeapSupportsGetAllocationSize feature.
virtual size_t GetAllocationSize(void* alloc) = 0;
// Locks the heap. All other calls to the heap will be blocked until
// a corresponding call to Unlock.
virtual void Lock() = 0;
// Unlocks the heap.
virtual void Unlock() = 0;
// Declares the interface that a block-allocating heap must implement. The API
// reflects the fact that the heap implementation is aware that it is
// allocating Block objects with redzones, and allows for the implementation to
// potentially grow the redzones of the requested block. This is an extension
// of HeapInterface.
class BlockHeapInterface : public HeapInterface {
// Virtual destructor.
virtual ~BlockHeapInterface() { }
// Allocates a block from the heap. If this heap is unable to satisfy the
// allocation then it can simply return NULL and not initialize the block
// layout.
// @param size The size of the body of the allocation. Can be 0.
// @param min_left_redzone_size The minimum size of the left redzone.
// @param min_right_redzone_size The minimum size of the right redzone.
// @param layout The layout structure to be populated.
// @returns a pointer to the allocation upon success, otherwise NULL.
virtual void* AllocateBlock(size_t size,
size_t min_left_redzone_size,
size_t min_right_redzone_size,
BlockLayout* layout) = 0;
// Frees the block at the given address.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool FreeBlock(const BlockInfo& block_info) = 0;
} // namespace asan
} // namespace agent