blob: 81b9bf8918948a78394d8b678172d0b967533c68 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SANDBOX_IMPL_H__
#define SANDBOX_IMPL_H__
#include <asm/ldt.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <linux/prctl.h>
#include <linux/unistd.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/ptrace.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define NOINTR_SYS(x) \
({ typeof(x) i__; while ((i__ = (x)) < 0 && sys.my_errno == EINTR); i__;})
#if defined(__NR_ipc)
# ifndef SHMAT
# define SHMAT 21
# endif
# ifndef SHMDT
# define SHMDT 22
# endif
# ifndef SHMGET
# define SHMGET 23
# endif
# ifndef SHMCTL
# define SHMCTL 24
# endif
#include "system_call_table.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "sandbox.h"
#include "securemem.h"
#include "tls.h"
#ifndef INTERNAL
#define INTERNAL __attribute__((visibility("internal")))
namespace playground {
class Sandbox {
// TODO(markus): restrict access to our private file handles
enum { kMaxThreads = 100 };
// There are a lot of reasons why the Seccomp sandbox might not be available.
// This could be because the kernel does not support Seccomp mode, or it
// could be because we fail to successfully rewrite all system call entry
// points.
// "proc_fd" should be a file descriptor for "/proc", or -1 if not provided
// by the caller.
static int supportsSeccompSandbox(int proc_fd)
// The sandbox needs to be able to access "/proc/self/maps". If this file
// is not accessible when "startSandbox()" gets called, the caller can
// provide an already opened file descriptor by calling "setProcSelfMaps()".
// The sandbox becomes the newer owner of this file descriptor and will
// eventually close it when "startSandbox()" executes.
static void setProcSelfMaps(int proc_self_maps)
// This is the main public entry point. It finds all system calls that
// need rewriting, sets up the resources needed by the sandbox, and
// enters Seccomp mode.
static void startSandbox() asm("StartSeccompSandbox");
// TODO(mseaborn): Consider re-instating this declaration.
// private:
struct RequestHeader {
unsigned int sysnum;
long long cookie;
} __attribute__((packed));
// This forwards a system call to the trusted process.
static long forwardSyscall(int sysnum, struct RequestHeader* request,
int size);
// Clone() is special as it has a wrapper in syscall_entrypoint.c. The wrapper
// adds one extra argument (the pointer to the saved registers) and then
// calls playground$sandbox__clone().
// arg4 and arg5 are given non-specific names because their meanings
// are reversed between i386 and x86-64.
static long sandbox_clone(int flags, char* stack, int* pid, void* arg4,
void* arg5) asm("playground$sandbox_clone") INTERNAL;
static long sandbox__clone(int flags, char* stack, int* pid, void* arg4,
void* arg5, void* wrapper_sp)
asm("playground$sandbox__clone") INTERNAL;
// Entry points for sandboxed code that is attempting to make system calls
static long sandbox_access(const char*, int);
static long sandbox_exit(int status);
static long sandbox_getpid();
#if defined(__NR_getsockopt)
static long sandbox_getsockopt(int, int, int, void*, socklen_t*);
static long sandbox_gettid();
static long sandbox_ioctl(int d, int req, void* arg);
#if defined(__NR_ipc)
static long sandbox_ipc(unsigned, int, int, int, void*, long);
static long sandbox_lstat(const char* path, void* buf);
#if defined(__NR_lstat64)
static long sandbox_lstat64(const char *path, void* b);
static long sandbox_madvise(void*, size_t, int);
static void *sandbox_mmap(void* start, size_t length, int prot, int flags,
int fd, off_t offset);
static long sandbox_mprotect(const void*, size_t, int);
static long sandbox_munmap(void* start, size_t length);
static long sandbox_open(const char*, int, mode_t);
static long sandbox_prctl(int, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long,
unsigned long);
#if defined(__NR_recvfrom)
static ssize_t sandbox_recvfrom(int, void*, size_t, int, void*, socklen_t*);
static ssize_t sandbox_recvmsg(int, struct msghdr*, int);
#if defined(__NR_rt_sigaction)
static long sandbox_rt_sigaction(int, const void*, void*, size_t);
#if defined(__NR_rt_sigprocmask)
static long sandbox_rt_sigprocmask(int how, const void*, void*, size_t);
#if defined(__NR_sendmsg)
static size_t sandbox_sendmsg(int, const struct msghdr*, int);
static ssize_t sandbox_sendto(int, const void*, size_t, int, const void*,
#if defined(__NR_shmat)
static void* sandbox_shmat(int, const void*, int);
static long sandbox_shmctl(int, int, void*);
static long sandbox_shmdt(const void*);
static long sandbox_shmget(int, size_t, int);
#if defined(__NR_setsockopt)
static long sandbox_setsockopt(int, int, int, const void*, socklen_t);
#if defined(__NR_sigaction)
static long sandbox_sigaction(int, const void*, void*);
#if defined(__NR_signal)
static void* sandbox_signal(int, const void*);
#if defined(__NR_sigprocmask)
static long sandbox_sigprocmask(int how, const void*, void*);
#if defined(__NR_socketcall)
static long sandbox_socketcall(int call, void* args);
static long sandbox_stat(const char* path, void* buf);
#if defined(__NR_stat64)
static long sandbox_stat64(const char *path, void* b);
// Functions for system calls that need to be handled in the trusted process
static bool process_access(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_clone(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_exit(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
#if defined(__NR_getsockopt)
static bool process_getsockopt(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_ioctl(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
#if defined(__NR_ipc)
static bool process_ipc(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_madvise(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_mmap(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_mprotect(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_munmap(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_open(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_prctl(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
#if defined(__NR_recvfrom)
static bool process_recvfrom(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_recvmsg(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_sendmsg(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_sendto(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_setsockopt(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
#if defined(__NR_shmat)
static bool process_shmat(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_shmctl(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_shmdt(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_shmget(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_sigaction(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
#if defined(__NR_socketcall)
static bool process_socketcall(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
static bool process_stat(const SyscallRequestInfo* info);
friend class Debug;
friend class Library;
friend class Maps;
friend class Mutex;
friend class SecureMem;
friend class TLS;
// Define our own inline system calls. These calls will not be rewritten
// to point to the sandboxed wrapper functions. They thus allow us to
// make actual system calls (e.g. in the sandbox initialization code, and
// in the trusted process)
class SysCalls {
#define SYS_ERRNO my_errno
#define SYS_INLINE inline
#define SYS_PREFIX -1
#include "linux_syscall_support.h"
SysCalls() : my_errno(0) { }
int my_errno;
#ifdef __NR_mmap2
#define MMAP mmap2
#define __NR_MMAP __NR_mmap2
#define MMAP mmap
#define __NR_MMAP __NR_mmap
// Print an error message and terminate the program. Used for fatal errors.
static void die(const char *msg = 0) __attribute__((noreturn)) {
SysCalls sys;
if (msg) {
sys.write(2, msg, strlen(msg));
sys.write(2, "\n", 1);
for (;;) {
// Wrapper around "read()" that can deal with partial and interrupted reads
// and that does not modify the global errno variable.
static ssize_t read(SysCalls& sys, int fd, void* buf, size_t len) {
if (static_cast<ssize_t>(len) < 0) {
sys.my_errno = EINVAL;
return -1;
size_t offset = 0;
while (offset < len) {
ssize_t partial =
NOINTR_SYS(, reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf) + offset,
len - offset));
if (partial < 0) {
return partial;
} else if (!partial) {
offset += partial;
return offset;
// Wrapper around "write()" that can deal with interrupted writes and that
// does not modify the global errno variable.
static ssize_t write(SysCalls& sys, int fd, const void* buf, size_t len){
return NOINTR_SYS(sys.write(fd, buf, len));
// Sends a file handle to another process.
// N.B. has an assembly version of this function that
// is safe to use without a call stack. If the wire-format is changed,
/// make sure to update the assembly code.
static bool sendFd(int transport, int fd0, int fd1, const void* buf,
size_t len);
// If getFd() fails, it will set the first valid fd slot (e.g. fd0) to
// -errno.
static bool getFd(int transport, int* fd0, int* fd1, void* buf,
size_t* len);
// Data structures used to forward system calls to the trusted process.
struct Accept {
int sockfd;
void* addr;
socklen_t* addrlen;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct Accept4 {
int sockfd;
void* addr;
socklen_t* addrlen;
int flags;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct Access {
size_t path_length;
int mode;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct Bind {
int sockfd;
void* addr;
socklen_t addrlen;
} __attribute__((packed));
#if defined(__x86_64__)
struct CloneStackFrame {
void* r15;
void* r14;
void* r13;
void* r12;
void* r11;
void* r10;
void* r9;
void* r8;
void* rdi;
void* rsi;
void* rdx;
void* rcx;
void* rbx;
void* deadbeef_marker;
void* rbp;
void* fake_ret;
void* ret;
} __attribute__((packed));
#elif defined(__i386__)
struct CloneStackFrame {
void* edi;
void* esi;
void* edx;
void* ecx;
void* ebx;
void* deadbeef_marker;
void* ebp;
void* fake_ret;
void* ret;
} __attribute__((packed));
#error Unsupported target platform
struct Clone {
int flags;
char* stack;
int* pid;
void* arg4; // ctid on x86-64; tls on i386
void* arg5; // tls on x86-64; ctid on i386
} __attribute__((packed));
struct Connect {
int sockfd;
void* addr;
socklen_t addrlen;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct GetSockName {
int sockfd;
void* name;
socklen_t* namelen;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct GetPeerName {
int sockfd;
void* name;
socklen_t* namelen;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct GetSockOpt {
int sockfd;
int level;
int optname;
void* optval;
socklen_t* optlen;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct IOCtl {
int d;
int req;
void *arg;
} __attribute__((packed));
#if defined(__NR_ipc)
struct IPC {
unsigned call;
int first;
int second;
int third;
void* ptr;
long fifth;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct Listen {
int sockfd;
int backlog;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct MAdvise {
const void* start;
size_t len;
int advice;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct MMap {
void* start;
size_t length;
int prot;
int flags;
int fd;
off_t offset;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct MProtect {
const void* addr;
size_t len;
int prot;
struct MUnmap {
void* start;
size_t length;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct Open {
size_t path_length;
int flags;
mode_t mode;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct Prctl {
int option;
unsigned long arg2;
unsigned long arg3;
unsigned long arg4;
unsigned long arg5;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct Recv {
int sockfd;
void* buf;
size_t len;
int flags;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct RecvFrom {
int sockfd;
void* buf;
size_t len;
int flags;
void* from;
socklen_t *fromlen;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct RecvMsg {
int sockfd;
struct msghdr* msg;
int flags;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct Send {
int sockfd;
const void* buf;
size_t len;
int flags;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct SendMsg {
int sockfd;
const struct msghdr* msg;
int flags;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct SendTo {
int sockfd;
const void* buf;
size_t len;
int flags;
const void* to;
socklen_t tolen;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct SetSockOpt {
int sockfd;
int level;
int optname;
const void* optval;
socklen_t optlen;
} __attribute__((packed));
#if defined(__NR_shmat)
struct ShmAt {
int shmid;
const void* shmaddr;
int shmflg;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct ShmCtl {
int shmid;
int cmd;
void *buf;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct ShmDt {
const void *shmaddr;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct ShmGet {
int key;
size_t size;
int shmflg;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct ShutDown {
int sockfd;
int how;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct SigAction {
int signum;
const SysCalls::kernel_sigaction* action;
const SysCalls::kernel_sigaction* old_action;
size_t sigsetsize;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct Socket {
int domain;
int type;
int protocol;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct SocketPair {
int domain;
int type;
int protocol;
int* pair;
} __attribute__((packed));
#if defined(__NR_socketcall)
struct SocketCall {
int call;
void* arg_ptr;
union {
Socket socket;
Bind bind;
Connect connect;
Listen listen;
Accept accept;
GetSockName getsockname;
GetPeerName getpeername;
SocketPair socketpair;
Send send;
Recv recv;
SendTo sendto;
RecvFrom recvfrom;
ShutDown shutdown;
SetSockOpt setsockopt;
GetSockOpt getsockopt;
SendMsg sendmsg;
RecvMsg recvmsg;
Accept4 accept4;
} args;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct Stat {
size_t path_length;
void* buf;
} __attribute__((packed));
// Thread local data available from each sandboxed thread.
static long long cookie() { return TLS::getTLSValue<long long>(TLS_COOKIE); }
static int tid() { return TLS::getTLSValue<int>(TLS_TID); }
static int threadFdPub() { return TLS::getTLSValue<int>(TLS_THREAD_FD); }
static int processFdPub() { return processFdPub_; }
static kernel_sigset_t* signalMask() { return &getSecureMem()->signalMask; }
// The SEGV handler knows how to handle RDTSC instructions
static void setupSignalHandlers();
static void (*segv())(int signo, SysCalls::siginfo *context, void *unused);
// If no specific handler has been registered for a system call, call this
// function which asks the trusted thread to perform the call. This is used
// for system calls that are not restricted.
static void* defaultSystemCallHandler(int syscallNum, void* arg0,
void* arg1, void* arg2, void* arg3,
void* arg4, void* arg5)
asm("playground$defaultSystemCallHandler") INTERNAL;
// Return the current secure memory structure for this thread.
static SecureMem::Args* getSecureMem();
// Return a secure memory structure that can be used by a newly created
// thread.
static SecureMem::Args* getNewSecureMem();
// This functions runs in the trusted process at startup and finds all the
// memory mappings that existed when the sandbox was first enabled. Going
// forward, all these mappings are off-limits for operations such as
// mmap(), munmap(), and mprotect().
static int initializeProtectedMap(int fd);
// Returns whether the given memory range is protected and may not be
// modified by the sandboxed process.
static bool isRegionProtected(void* addr, size_t size);
// Helper functions that allows the trusted process to get access to
// "/proc/self/maps" in the sandbox.
static void snapshotMemoryMappings(int processFd, int proc_self_maps);
// Main loop for the trusted process.
static void trustedProcess(int parentMapsFd, int processFdPub,
int sandboxFd, int cloneFd,
SecureMem::Args* secureArena)
// Fork()s of the trusted process.
static SecureMem::Args* createTrustedProcess(int processFdPub, int sandboxFd,
int cloneFdPub, int cloneFd);
// Creates the trusted thread for the initial thread, then enables
// Seccomp mode.
static void createTrustedThread(SecureMem::Args* secureMem);
static int proc_self_maps_;
static enum SandboxStatus {
} status_;
static int pid_;
static int processFdPub_;
static int cloneFdPub_ asm("playground$cloneFdPub") INTERNAL;
#ifdef __i386__
struct SocketCallArgInfo;
static const struct SocketCallArgInfo socketCallArgInfo[];
// We always have to intercept SIGSEGV. If the application wants to set its
// own SEGV handler, we forward to it whenever necessary.
static SysCalls::kernel_sigaction sa_segv_ asm("playground$sa_segv")INTERNAL;
// Available in trusted process, only
typedef std::map<void *, long> ProtectedMap;
static ProtectedMap protectedMap_;
static std::vector<SecureMem::Args*> secureMemPool_;
void CreateReferenceTrustedThread(SecureMem::Args* secureMem);
// If this struct is extended to contain parameters that are read by
// the trusted thread, we will have to mprotect() it to be read-only when
// starting the sandbox. However, currently it is read only by the
// trusted process, and the sandboxed process cannot change the values
// that the fork()'d trusted process sees.
struct SandboxPolicy {
bool allow_file_namespace; // Allow filename-based system calls.
bool unrestricted_sysv_mem; // Do not place restrictions on SysV shared mem
extern struct SandboxPolicy g_policy;
typedef void (*CreateTrustedThreadFunc)(SecureMem::Args* secureMem);
extern CreateTrustedThreadFunc g_create_trusted_thread;
} // namespace
using playground::Sandbox;
#endif // SANDBOX_IMPL_H__