blob: 15f46ac9b43ac47d420d6f54899c36bd252c0e8a [file] [log] [blame]
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'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.ui.e.about_tracing', function() {
* Communicates with content/browser/
* @constructor
function TracingControllerClient() { }
TracingControllerClient.prototype = {
beginMonitoring: function(monitoringOptions) { },
endMonitoring: function() { },
captureMonitoring: function() { },
getMonitoringStatus: function() { },
getCategories: function() { },
beginRecording: function(recordingOptions) { },
beginGetBufferPercentFull: function() { },
endRecording: function() { },
defaultTraceName: function() { }
return {
TracingControllerClient: TracingControllerClient