blob: 893790418aee9f0d39b86c64aabe84b054c7264d [file] [log] [blame]
<html xmlns="">
<title>CSS Test: URLs in style attributes (with xml:base and &lt;base&gt;)</title>
<base href="support/support/"/>
<link rel="author" title="Elika J. Etemad" href=""/>
<link rel="reviewer" title="Arron Eicholz" href=""/>
<link rel="match" href="reference/ref-green-on-green2.xht" xml:base="../../"/>
<link rel="help" href=""/>
<link rel="help" href=""/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
<meta name="flags" content="image nonHTML" />
<meta name="assert" content="In the presence of xml:base URL manipulation, URLs in style attributes are relative to the base of the element."/>
<style type="text/css"><![CDATA[
p { background: red; color: green; }
img { background: red; color: white; vertical-align: middle; }
<p style="background-image: url(swatch-lime.png)" xml:base="../">
This sentence must be green on a green background.
<img src="support/swatch-lime.png" alt="[Your UA does not support xml:base. This test is therefore Not Applicable.]"/>
<p xml:base="../" style="background-image: url(swatch-lime.png)">
This sentence must be green on a green background.
<img src="support/swatch-lime.png" alt="[Your UA does not support xml:base. This test is therefore Not Applicable.]"/>