blob: 9219a5ee958a9b1209c6dbf287b7988eb573b586 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<title>CSS Test: page properties: page context background image</title>
<link rel="author" title="Tom Clancy" href=""/>
<link rel="help" href=""/>
<meta name="flags" content="paged" />
<meta name="assert" content="The page context's background image is positioned and anchored within the page's padding box."/>
<style type="text/css">
@page {
background: url(../green-solid-tile.jpg) 0 0 repeat;
margin: 1in;
padding: 1in;
@top-left-corner {
content: "";
background: aqua;
@top-left {
content: "";
background: aqua;
@top-center {
content: "";
background: aqua;
@top-right {
content: "";
background: aqua;
@top-right-corner {
content: "";
background: aqua;
@left-top {
content: "";
background: aqua;
@left-middle {
content: "";
background: aqua;
@left-bottom {
content: "";
background: aqua;
@right-top {
content: "";
background: aqua;
@right-middle {
content: "";
background: aqua;
@right-bottom {
content: "";
background: aqua;
@bottom-left-corner {
content: "";
background: aqua;
@bottom-left {
content: "";
background: aqua;
@bottom-center {
content: "";
background: aqua;
@bottom-right {
content: "";
background: aqua;
@bottom-right-corner {
content: "";
background: aqua;
body {
height: 100%;
background: white;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
<p>When printed, this content should be surrounded by a 1 inch green border inside a 1 inch blue border.</p>