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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<title>CSS Test: lang attribute selector - att |= val</title>
<link rel="author" title="Richard Ishida" href=""/>
<link rel="author" title="Eira Monstad, Opera Software ASA" href=""/>
<link rel="help" href=""/>
<meta name="flags" content="nonHTML"/>
<meta name="assert" content="lang attribute selector with 'att |= val' in XHTML should be case sensitive, and match hyphen-separated list"/>
<style type="text/css"><![CDATA[
div[title |= "es"] { color:white;background-color:green; }
p[title |= "es"] { color:white;background-color:green; }
div[title |= "en-GB"] { color:white;background-color:green; }
p[title |= "fr"] { color:white;background-color:green; }
em[title |= "de"] { color:white;background-color:green; }
div[lang=" no"] { color:white;background-color:green; }
<div title="es">This line should be green</div>
<div title="es-MX">This line should be green</div>
<div title="en-GB">This line should be green</div>
<div title="en-GB-scouse">This line should be green</div>
<p title="es">This line should be green <em>and this should be green too</em></p>
<div lang="no">This line should NOT be green</div>
<div title="ES">This line should NOT be green</div>
<div title="MX-es">This line should NOT be green</div>
<div title="en-US">This line should NOT be green</div>
<div title="en">This line should NOT be green</div>
<div title="fr">This line should NOT be green<p>This line should NOT be green</p></div>
<p title="de">This line should NOT be green <em>and this should not be green either</em></p>